Other Ways to Participate

Mar 10, 2007 13:19

Want to help out, but you're not a writer?

Maybe you beta-read, or you make fan art.

A lot of writers have people to make fic banners and beta read for them, but some don't... or maybe their regular person is participating in this exchange and they can't ask them.

If you're interested in making fic banners or beta reading fics for this exchange, comment here to let me know. I'll post a list of people willing to do so when I send out assignments and authors will be able to contact you. There's no guarantee that anyone will do so, but if people are interested, I'd like to make the option available.

Please copy the below form into a comment and fill it in. Comments will be screened.

Email Address:

I am willing to (beta read or make banners or both):
I prefer to be contacted via (lj comment, email, etc.):
How long you need authors to give you:

I won't include your email address in the post unless that is how you prefer to be contacted.

There is no sign up deadline, but the initial list will be published around March 31, 2007. I will, however, edit it if more people are interested and as people reach the number of requests they can fill.

Please do not sign up here if you are participating in the exchange.
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