4th Wall~~!

Oct 01, 2011 10:16

[ Video or Apartment Action]

[ There had been a time right after the curse when Eagle just did not want to see anyone, but that time was over. He was a little too strong to hide from the world for very long. Besides it seemed as if guests had already found their way into the apartment anyway. ]

I am afraid on this occasion I wasn’t really prepared ( Read more... )

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Comments 201

Action drinks_the_tea October 2 2011, 08:11:01 UTC
[Did someone say tea? There's a knock at the door, and should Eagle open it he might not notice this visitor at first. The tiny butler would be below his line of vision altogether, is quite quiet, and comes complete with his own teacup.]


Action eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 19:37:56 UTC
[Hm? There is no one there? Looking up and down the hallway … until finally glancing at the floor. Ah! There you are! ]

It looks like you have come prepared for tea?
That is a teacup isn’t it?


Action drinks_the_tea October 2 2011, 21:37:58 UTC
[is silent the entire time that Eagle is looking around. When he's addressed is when Tanaka finally replies]

Hoh hoh hoh.

[Nods slightly]


Action eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 22:17:49 UTC
[Like that Santa person! ]

Please come in then. Take a seat where ever you would like.

[Stands aside to allow this small man to do just that. ]


Action emo_git_usurper October 2 2011, 08:12:25 UTC
[This wasn't the first time the blond had found himself here in this wretched city and it probably wouldn't be the last.. with his luck. Despite his annoyance there was something that perked him up a little. A familiar, and good looking, face. Deciding better of giving himself away on the communicator he decided it would be best to meet in person. He waited until someone else knocked on the door, in case Eagle was checking the peep hole in order to shove that sap out of the way when the door opened.]


Action eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 19:48:25 UTC
[Oh no you don’t! Eagle is more than well enough acquainted with you so that when he tries to force his way in Eagle tries to close the door before he can succeed. Especially with an injured Lantis inside.]


Action emo_git_usurper October 2 2011, 21:39:32 UTC
[Stamps his foot and curses openly.]

You can't hide in there forever!


Action eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 22:25:38 UTC
[Leaning on the door to keep it closed. ]

If you knew how to behave yourself I wouldn’t have to keep you outside!


Video love_idol October 2 2011, 08:14:55 UTC
Where is this place?

[The girl mouthed to herself, clutching a pen in hand. Having dealt with the Dark Agency and the Dark Kingdom.. she was on her guard. They were the only ones capable of something like this weren't they?]

An.. illusion?

[She didn't seem to realize that a device was recording her every word, and action

ooc: Ignore the icon.. she hasn't transformed yet.]


Video eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 20:03:11 UTC
The City isn’t really an illusion.

[Eagle pauses until the girl’s attention can focus on the network device.

OOC: Ignores it like a pro. ]


Video love_idol October 2 2011, 21:42:35 UTC
[She blinked a couple of times, then looked down at the device. Looking between it and her pen, she quickly pocketed the pen and laughed a bit nervously.]

Really? Of course it isn't!

.. but... who are you? Where is this place?


Video eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 22:28:10 UTC
I should have said so earlier. My name is Eagle Vision and this is the City.

[She’s cute~ ]


Video 1/2 desires_a_dream October 2 2011, 08:17:24 UTC
[If he didn't get back to the circus soon-- Zirconia would notice his absence. Not to mention the others would too. He looked tentatively around the city narrowing his eyes at anyone who gave the costume a strange look. Hmph.. as if they knew anything about fashion. But something managed to catch his eye... after blinking a couple of times to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.. he stared at the man on that strange device. He might not be Tiger Eye's or Hawk's Eye's preference.. but this was right up Fisheye's alley! Trying to contain the almost girlish enthusiasm, he decided then and there to target this man... he must have a dream capable of holding Pegasus~!]


Video 2/2 desires_a_dream October 2 2011, 08:20:01 UTC
[Now in the proper disguise. One that made him look like a proper lady, he turned on the device to respond. Tilting his head to one side.]

Excuse me, sir? I would like to take you up on your generous offer.

[Looks from side to side]

I'm... not familiar with this place.. can you direct me to where you are?


Video eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 20:25:12 UTC
[Disguised as a lady to get Eagle’s attention… I wonder if that would work? *shifty eyes*

I would be glad to.

[Eagle smiles and nods at the lady’s question before sending her the requested directions.

Ok… so it worked… easily… ]

Is this your first time visiting the City?


Video desires_a_dream October 7 2011, 09:13:22 UTC
[Ah~ He couldn't resist my charms]

Yes, it is.

[Studies the directions and is making his way there]

It's so frightening finding yourself so far from home without any warning at all.

[Trying to get your sympathy here]


Video quiet_devotion October 2 2011, 08:25:12 UTC
[A faint frown crossed the new arrivals face. Not allowing himself to act openly bewildered or ill at ease, he surveyed the new surroundings. A decorative fountain, tall buildings racing skyward, a carousal. Just.. where was he? He could sense something sinister lurking here. Familiar in a way. More importantly, where was Yuuki?

Kaname happened to catch Eagle's message on the communicator, not sure when or how he'd acquired one of these things. It didn't take him too long to figure out how to use it. As politely as he could muster under the peculiar circumstances he replied to the man.]

Occasion? [Eagle said the word as if this was a usual occurrence] I'm afraid I'm at a loss to what you are referring to..

I would be grateful for any information you could provide.


Video eagleofautozam October 2 2011, 20:29:11 UTC
This is a… [Well, he couldn’t call it a curse. ] … magical trick of the City. Every so often the City brings in guests from other worlds. Don’t worry. After a day or two you will be sent back to your world.


Video quiet_devotion October 7 2011, 09:27:21 UTC
[Is a little hesitant to continue the conversation over a potentially open channel... hmm but it hasn't been a problem so far]

That is quite a story. [One that he's skeptical about] Whoever is behind this has a total disregard for what the consequences may be during one's absence...


Video eagleofautozam October 7 2011, 20:27:34 UTC
The deities. They do seem to be the ones behind all of this… however time should have frozen when you left. It does for most people.


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