Wow. That's quite the story. Thanks for posting the truth as you saw it. There have been other people out there who see something of a resurgence of the "Burned Fur" movement with lots of "Us vs Them" being bantered about. I think it's safe to say that the fandom is in flux and undergoing some serious growing pains. You know quite well that even the NM Furs have been fragmenting. *shrugs* I think it might just be a natural progression of things. Groups grow and get more diverse. People age and either get bored or pine for the "old days." It took a lot of mental strength for me to want to host another AlbuFURque this year. It's just getting old (and so am I). I hope you don't lose all your faith in the fandom. There still is a lot of good bits out there.
Yeah I will admit that there are still good bits out there. I will still be hanging out with furry friends, because I have a lot of them. It's just so frustrating to be a part of something that you have helped to build over years and years and to see it taken down and apart against your will by a handful of crazy bastards who put their egos and agendas way above normal levels. When did everything turn into some kind of political rally? And when did people lose the will to have a civil discussion with someone they disagreed with? I suppose there has always been this level of toxicity about, but it's just a lot more public now with Twitter and Facebook. The threat against someone's life or well-being just doesn't seem as real over the internet, so people just hurl them with reckless abandon.
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