FIC: The Male Vulcan in Mating Season

Feb 06, 2011 19:10

Title: The Male Vulcan in Mating Season
Fandom: Star Trek (XI)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Word count: 5849
Summary: Six places in which Spock tried to make it with Kirk, and the one time and place Kirk finally got the hint and decided to help out.
Warnings: PWP, Pon Farr, graphic sexual content (includes knotting), swearing, OOC-ness.
Notes: ( Read more... )

star trek, rating: nc-17, fanfiction, kirk/spock

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Comments 27

revengent February 7 2011, 06:09:11 UTC
Random acts of humping aside...

LOL! A great line there!

But this was so in character, especially for Kirk, with his smart, but still kind if herp-derpiness (I don't know how to explain it lol). But this was just enough funny, and then HAWT, and at the end, "mine"... *melts into puddle of goo*

Awesome job bb!


eagle_of_idiocy March 1 2011, 23:38:16 UTC
So, this reply is insanely late and for that I apologize. XD;;

But YAAAAY, I'm so stoked you enjoyed it. <3 *glomp* I had so much fun writing this so I'm glad all of my smut-filled ideas payed off!


amerasu1013 February 24 2011, 06:36:30 UTC
Oh God. So I loved this on the kink meme already, and I just re-read it. And... Oh God. This is just so awesome and hilarious and hot and FUCKING epic, I love it!!!
God, seriously. So so great and awesome!


eagle_of_idiocy March 1 2011, 23:40:22 UTC
Yeah, so this reply's totally late. :P But whatev. SORRY, OKAY? GEEZ. MY GOD.


Anywho, glad to see you still enjoyed it! I just reread it myself and had to stop at all the funny. XD Not to be my own fan or anything, but sometimes I just see something I wrote and go, "...Huh. I wrote this? Not bad." Hehe.

Thank you againnn. <3 <3 <3


nacht_kind March 1 2011, 19:28:25 UTC
Spectacular. I actually had to read it in stages, as the absurd hilarity was too much for one go. XD

And once Jim had been properly hit between the eyes with a clue bat? Scorchingly sexy. I really appreciate how you experiment with sex, from positions and locations to the particulars of Vulcan physiology. Growly!Spock is one of my favs, and so is Sassy!Jim. I think that's why I prefer him on the bottom, because he's just such a damn hedonist! Plus, the knot? Dirty as hell and full of possibilities, particularly with Pon Farr......


eagle_of_idiocy March 1 2011, 23:36:26 UTC
Your appropriate icon is appropriate. XD

Thanks a lot for your comments! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. I think one of the reasons I had so much fun writing this was just that: being able to play around with location and the positions and whatnot. It definitely gave me more variety to play with when writing. (And although I write both ways, I do appreciate bottom!Jim as well. He's got a special little place in my heart, lol. :P)

Adding the knot was a sort of last-minute decision on my part. I admit, I have a weakness for imagining Spock with one when he and Kirk are going at it, and I took a leap of faith when sticking it into the story (no pun intended, haha). I'm glad it was well-received! XD

And I'm certainly leaning towards writing another PWP or something involving a knotted Spock sometime soon... We'll see where that idea ends up going. ;3

Thanks again for your lovely comments! <3


leandralocke March 2 2011, 09:15:02 UTC
Oh. My. God.

This was CRACKTASTIC!!! :D Admittedly, the thought of Spock dry-humping Kirk in all sorts of public places sounds so ridiculous at first, but DAMN it was so much fun! And also totally hot. I sat here giggling like a school girl and towards the end I must have gone all eyes glazed over and smiling stupidly because... hrrrrrrrrr! Fuck me, that was hot!

One of my fav lines:
Well, that was just great. All the more humping for Spock to get away with.

I laughed out loud at this. And there were tons of others. The whole bit with Uhura... I could practically SEE her trying not to crack up and remain professional, feeling quite the same here while I'm reading this at WORK! Which gets especially inconvenient when phone calls disturb you and you have to muster your professional control, haha.

Awesome fic. Really, really funny and cute. And yes, like revengent said, Kirk' "herp-derpiness" is sooo adorable.
The dialogue in the last part was indeed very much in character and so typical of Spock. Really well done.

Credible crack. A+++


avictoriangirl March 2 2011, 13:38:22 UTC
Loved this to death! ♥


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