FIC: Heartbeats

Aug 04, 2010 23:48

Title: Heartbeats (of the series, What We Remember Forever)
Fandom: Star Trek (XI)
Rating: G
Characters: Kirk (de-aged), McCoy
Word count: 1478
Summary: When Jim joins him during a break from work, McCoy learns something about Spock.
Warnings: Extreme fluff with a cuddly Doctor Bones! <3


Heartbeats )

star trek, rating: g, fanfiction, series: what we remember forever

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Comments 10

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eagle_of_idiocy August 5 2010, 07:05:39 UTC
YOSH! Nice work, bb! XD

Hehe, yeah, I suppose I don't realize how much the cuteness affects people, simply because I'm the one writing it. BEND TO MY WILL, FLUFF-SLAVES. MUAHAHA. >:D

Lol, thanks!


easilymused1956 August 5 2010, 07:40:47 UTC
No one will ever be able to look at a reaged Kirk and not think of this adorably sweet and innocent child. Not even Uhura! Lalala

I love these stories so much. Thank you.



suddenlyswept August 5 2010, 13:08:30 UTC
oh this is just ADORABLE!!!!


db_mmxx August 6 2010, 12:29:25 UTC

Too much cuteness! Can't take it! Must avert eyes or risk squeeling to death.

I loved this chapter. Honestly, if fluff could kill...


ariadnechan August 7 2010, 08:49:08 UTC
As Bones said you can't die of cuteness but this fic make it very close!!!


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