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Comments 11

skippyscatt August 17 2007, 01:25:40 UTC
I'm sorry that things on the home front are getting worse. I also wish I could give you more than virtual hugs, because I know you need it. Just please remember, no matter how hard it seems to find it sometimes, make time for yourself to step back and regroup. Remember I'm here to listen if you need to vent even if it's just incoherant ranting.

Watch for a new review tonight and I will check out the changes to chapter 3 as well. And don't worry I'll give the boy the benefit of the doubt because I know he's not doing it intentionally. Wow was that vague enough? Then again not wanting to give spoilers for people who haven't read yet. If you figure that out though then we might be scary. ;p

I think I'm going to send an email your way. Read it when you have the time and want a smile. No reply necessary unless you have the time for it.

~Hugs the Llama and wishes she could do more.~


{hugs in return} e_sama August 18 2007, 02:58:11 UTC
Thanks for all the love, Cat. You really do help me a lot just by encouraging me and feeding my muses, of course. Reviews from you and others like you are like fine wine to a gourmet. They are what it is ALL about at times.

{hoping you enjoyed the muse-talk in the Author's Notes at the end of chapter 4, the llama adds}

And just so you know, it isn't often that I find myself feeling totally defeated by the challenges facing me right now. There are ups and downs, it was just that we'd waited a long time for that appointment and then she just refused to go through with it. After we'd already gotten to the doctor's office. {sigh} This, too, will ultimately be resolved, I'm confident of that, it just was poor timing.


Vegas weisshund August 17 2007, 11:14:06 UTC
What goes on in the Koneko, stays in the Koneko. ^_^


Re: Vegas e_sama August 18 2007, 02:44:28 UTC
Hehehe! Let's hope so! Otherwise Ken and Yohji are in real trouble, ne?


cindyg August 17 2007, 11:38:15 UTC

I'm so sorry about how things are going at home! I can so relate to the frustration of last-moment cancellations, having lived through a few of them myself. I'll keep on praying that somehow, things will work out for you and yours.

I hope the hurricane has the good sense to stay away from your part of the world - or if not, I hope it gets downgraded to a tropical storm, at least. ::glances up at the sky over her house at the unrelenting rain:: Myself, I have a church affair to be part of tomorrow, and it's in the part of town that goes underwater at the slightest provocation. ::crosses fingers for better weather::

As for the fic...::bounces at the thought of a brand-new chapter to read::...will cast my eyes over it and review asap.

Take care!



{huggles in return} e_sama August 18 2007, 02:50:38 UTC
Rain, relatives, and worse, that's what life is at times, ne?

The worst part of the cancellation on that appointment was that it was HER stubborness that caused the last minute rearrangement. Refusing to see a doctor doesn't make a medical condition go away, but there wasn't any point in pushing it when that happened. {dark sigh}

Ganbatte with your church function and know that I keep an eye on your part of the world every time it pops up on our Weather Channel.

{looking forward to your take on his first lemon in far too long, the llama quietly shuffles off, stage left}


coldwriter August 17 2007, 15:35:09 UTC
*was completely clueless about tropical storms and hurricanes prior to you mentioning this one* Yeah, it looks like crap out here too. Perhaps I should pay attention to the weather more.

I'm sorry about things over on the homefront. Do take care of yourself.

As far as fanfic goes, I did read your third chapter and am hungry to read the next! I also promise to review over there when I get chance (I haven't forgotten about that)!



Weather matters e_sama August 18 2007, 02:43:34 UTC
Darling Carter, I am going to use this opportunity to admit that I often check the radar for the Triangle hoping my kids are paying attention yet I often add you to my hopes for the same. Isn't that awful? I'm not your Dad, why should I be worried.... um, forgive me?

As for everything else, thank you. Just knowing important people like you care makes it easier to tolerate.

{looking forward to that review but knowing you're a busy person, the llama waits patiently and with gratitude for whatever you chose to share}


Re: Weather matters weisshund August 18 2007, 09:30:14 UTC
Cary also made the news yesterday since that was where musician Uncle Kracker, whose had some minor hits, was arrested for a sexual offense.


Re: Weather matters coldwriter August 18 2007, 13:01:50 UTC
That's very sweet of you, to be thinking of me. I know you're not my father but I really appreciate there's someone who worries for me on the net even though he doesn't need too ^_^. And for the record, I also think of you too whenever I hear of NC weather news and hope you are okay.




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