Apr 08, 2008 23:49

(a rose/10 mix)

" He can do anything, he can travel to a planet that won't be found for another thousand years. He can have lunch with Cleopatra. He saves lives everyday. He used to do it because it was the right thing to do - something that he still believes, but now he does it as a sort of penance. When he looks into the faces of young women he sees her face. When he sees a blonde head bobbing in a crowd somewhere he gets goosebumps.  He knows that he can save all the people he wants, but it isn't going to bring her back. He can do everything but stop time and bring her back. "

001 / videotape - radiohead
You are my center when I spin away / Out of control on videotape / On videotape
This is my way of saying goodbye / Because I can't do it face to face / So I'm talking to you before it's too late

002 / two - ryan adams
No good ever comes from a promise / I’ve got a really good heart / I just can’t catch a break / If i could, i would treat you / Like you wanted me to, honest /
But i’m fractured / From the fall / Ooh, and i wanna go home / I’m fractured, from the fall / And i wanna go home / It takes two when it used to take one

003 / hurricanes - the hush sound
You're standing in my doorway / Seven cities ago / The days are racing / But you come back too slow
You're the finest thing that I've done / The hurricane I'll never outrun / I could wait around for the dust to still / But I don't believe that it ever will

004 / silver coin - angus and julia stone
I had a dream that you were gone. / Woke up and you were gone
All the love has gone away / Cos I didnt have the heart or strength to say / I'll miss you when you're gone

005 / for no one - ryan adams
It's been a long and a sad goodbye / For hellos and handshakes, kisses and lies/ Ask me that you'd like to know me well/ Well you already have

ZIP FILE (sorry it does not have the artwork in it, I forgot....again!)

originally uploaded 4/8/08

tv: doctor who

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