Jul 16, 2007 23:30
Just found out that a neighbor of mine died yesterday of ovarian cancer. She was only 62. Yesterday I walked past her house, not even knowing she was sick, and wondered about her. I've always admired her life, and the relationship she had with her husband -- they radiated a strong and loving partnership, and even though they'd been together for thirty years, they still glowed in each other's presence. She died at home with him and her children by her side, probably not long after I passed by. Big sigh.
Had a lovely dinner with A. It ended up being just the two of us, which was unexpected and I was glad for, and we had another good talk about my whole marriage situation, which always helps to ground me in the knowledge that I will come through this time, one way or another. One of her patients, an eight-year old boy, asked her today what she loves about life, and so we talked about that -- things we love about life. Then I came home to hear about my neighbor's death. Tomorrow A. is off to Sicily to eat, speak, and breathe Italian for the next two weeks. Sometimes we go at least that long without seeing each other, but I like knowing at least that she's around, nearby, and I'll miss that reassuring feeling. Big sigh again.
Still got that sex, fantasy, rock & roll, and me thing rolling around in my head, and still haven't written it. By the time I do, it'll undoubtedly have morphed into something else entirely, but I do need to write it (or whatever it becomes in the process of writing), because just even thinking about sex, fantasy, rock & roll, and me is one of the things I love about life.
You are all hereby instructed to glow in another's presence today, or share something you love about life, or both. Get to it.