When I mentioned that Maclean's cover story a few weeks back - 'The Case Against Having Children' - one of you mentioned that it seemed kinda dumb, like people wouldn't really be shocked to discover that some people don't want kids. And I read dismissive things about the piece in one or two of your journals
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Comments 66
Funny, the article was just mentioned in childfree
And just what are they being so protective about anyways? The right to pay exorbitant amounts of money for medication and doctor visits? I don't get it. And it's not like they have shorter wait times. I was watching The Doctors yesterday and the average wait at emergency rooms in LA were 4-5 hours, with people sitting in the halls. Um, not much different for the price they're paying. I might as well sit in the emerg for free, thanks!
So I spent all those years of activism and worry for nothing? I mean I'm not going to breed so I shouldn't care? Have these people every talked to any activists? I know my work in feminism is not going to get results for me in my lifetime, but one day someone's daughters' daughters will be affected by it. Guess I should give that shit up right the fuck now.
And be mad about healthcare in the states. I am. Obama's plan sucks, but it's better then nothing. HR 676, the single payer bill in the House, is what *really* needs to get passed, but whatever those poor people just need to work harder.
As though Christians (or people of faith more broadly) have a monopoly on charity and good works. Like, if we're not worried about going to hell ourselves (or if we're not directly worried about our own children), we have no reason to live good lives and be good people. Ugh.
"Republicans were decrying the plan saying that if this passes our current healthcare system will be destroyed. Of course our currently healthcare system for most people in America is watching Gray's Anatomy while applying Head-On to their tumour."
Mo and Paula are awesome too, but Charlie's the best.
Soooo...I have nothing to say right now really, except "this this this!" to this entire post! Maybe I'll have something more interesting to say when I'm not so tired. ;)
(Though I too am getting really pissed about the healthcare debate in the US, it wasn't the focus of my comment. ^^)
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