I'm from a small town, and my opinion on this is, "Meh."
Although, there was one year when I was a kid when we went to see the fireworks and I was scared. My mom was like, "Don't worry, the people lighting the fireworks know what they're doing," and then they accidentally started a fire. HA.
Well, you know, there ain't a whole lot else here to look forward to! Like, I never much cared for the Rankin Family, but Jimmy Rankin's coming here on July 8, and somehow, I'm eager.
Comments 5
Although, there was one year when I was a kid when we went to see the fireworks and I was scared. My mom was like, "Don't worry, the people lighting the fireworks know what they're doing," and then they accidentally started a fire. HA.
And racism, too. Somehow.
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