Today was a good day.

Feb 02, 2009 22:19


I went and had lunch with Archives people. At first it felt a bit forced and weird, but pretty soon we settled back into our ways. I have missed them, but I needed to be away from them to realize that.

Then I went and visited fuzzyila in Verdun. I don't need to be away from her for a year and half to know that I'm going to miss her.

Then I went to Westmount and had milkshakes with Hiedi's old roommate Chris. Then her friends Sarah and Crystal showed up and we had seafoody pasta stuff for dinner together. It was nice, but I did feel like I was being judged. Not like I really blame them. If I'd shown Hiedi off to certain among you before she left, I hope you guys would've judged her. Chris is good people. Crystal, Sarah and their friend Doug seem like good people, too.

(Note from the evening: you can make any sentence sound sleazy by putting the word "ladies" at the end of it.)


Last night's halftime show prompted me to download a bunch of Springsteen. I do not regret the decision.

I may pop in for one more post at some point before I fly out on Wednesday, but this is quite likely the last you'll hear of me until sometime on the weekend.


archives, hiedi, fuzzyila, social life, moving

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