I know I'm a little behind the times on this one, but I love the story about the
schoolchildren in Baltimore inventing a new pronoun.
In short, kids in (I guess) certain parts of Baltimore have begun using "yo" to replace "he" and "she". I just heard an interview with the woman credited with really documenting the phenomenon, and she - yo -
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Comments 20
"Mental note: never ever send children to Baltimore schools."
"Josh is totally fucking with us, right?"
"Is this the onion? Or an Onion wanna-be?"
It is extremely sad to read letters written by civil war soldiers, largely with even high school education, and see how verbose they were compared to "peep yo!" Good god.
/fans self.
That said, I understand your point about how we're losing something as the generations go by, but people aren't saying different things, are they? Just finding different ways to say them. In the minds of these children, I'm thinking that they understand "Peep yo!" the same way we understand "Look at that guy!", so what's the harm?
Keep in mind you are talking to someone who relentlessly hounds her children to not say things like "aynglish" and "shut teh door" and "open/close the lights" and works with them on the difference of the th sound in such words as "cloth" and "clothes."
God. Honestly, stuff like this makes me glad I am solely responsible for my children's English education. Da FUCK. "Peep, yo!" good god.
Are you sure about that? I mean, I just refuse to believe that if there are linguists in the classroom observing them and interviewing them, that they don't know the difference. In the interview (I heard it on this program), the woman talked about how the kids were (for the benefit of the adults observing them, I presume) 'translating' their use of 'yo'. Like they know the other way to say it, they just choose to say it this way.
Also, what's wrong with 'shut the door'? Or are you patrolling netspeak with your kids and keeping them from using 'teh' instead of 'the'?
But, you just KNOW there's some whiners somewhere who are gonna be like, "Ohhh no the downfall of the English language blah blah blah". Dyyaaam. It's like, lighten the fuck up and experience evolution. There's nothing wrong with it. It's so neat to see! ^_^
What bothers me is this acting like wow it's some big new thing meriting a two freaking year study. No. It's a bunch of kids talking like kids do in one extremely small setting. No one is going to be using yo in 50 years for he/she. In fact, I wish we'd get over ourselves and just use them whenever and learn to be adults and comprehend when we're reading it as neutral and when we're not.
And what I think is missing from most of what I read about it is some kind of scale. Because if this is happening at one school, it's nothing. If it's happening at four or five (or more), it's something bigger.
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