art update

May 07, 2012 21:45

Because I haven't posted any pictures here lately.
commissioned works )

commission, art, cor, fma

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Comments 13

cornerofmadness May 7 2012, 20:43:47 UTC
While I'm sure drawing the tiger was very hard, I think it came out lovely. That is such an interesting character. The zombie action scene is great too.


dzioo May 8 2012, 09:03:44 UTC
thank you. it was indeed very hard, luckily I managed to find a bunch of beautiful tiger photos on google, whcih turned out to be very helpful. I'm glad you like the other picture as well


evil_little_dog May 7 2012, 21:58:53 UTC
That first illo is absolutely gorgeous. I can see how much work you put into it! The colors are so vibrant, and your tiger is well done.

The second one looks like a lot of work so far, but I can tell it's going to turn out nicely, too. I'd guess the woman ducking her head is Winry. :D I don't recognize anyone else, though.

As for your rant, that's very sad. Keep your chin up, though. Your art is fabulous, and it's possible that they're jealous and treating you that way because of that jealousy.


54th_avenue May 8 2012, 09:33:00 UTC
Don't like to butt in someone else's comment, but just had to.
As for the last part- just fyi- your "jealousy theory" is completely off, heck, there should be no theory what so ever, since no one's treating Dzioo differently or (god forbid) giving her the cold shoulder...


dzioo May 8 2012, 12:02:55 UTC
thank you so much ;_; it took me around 2 months to work on it. trees were pretty difficult as well, and the picture is supposed to be printed, so it's much bigger than most of my works. so I'm really happy you find it well done

it'll be, especially that there are a lot of characters. most of them will be just silhouettes, so maybe it won't require so much work. we'll see. and yes, that's Winry XD next to her is supposed to be Ed, with his hair slightly cut, and the guy in front is supposed to be Envy protecting client's OC^^;

I'll try to think positively and keep working. but it'd be nice to know what I'm doing wrong and what I'm doing right>< jealousy is out of the question. all of them are amazing artists, even working as proffessionals.


evil_little_dog May 8 2012, 23:55:44 UTC
You're welcome! It's a gorgeous piece. I have a couple of friends who'd probably like it as well (they're into big cats, and strong female characters).

I thought that might be Ed? I wasn't quite sure, though. :D I would've never guessed Envy. Is this an A.U. storyline, or did your client say, "This is what I want, have fun?" I'm so curious about that sort of thing!

Do keep thinking positively!

I've seen jealousy in all ages and all types of groups. I had to work professionally with a woman who was antagonistic toward me because of her jealousy over how I did my job/how the supervisors treated me, and I've seen how it affects groups, so it's one of my first things I think of. Doesn't matter what age someone is, they can still be jealous. Heck, I'm jealous of your artistic talent, but I get to see your gorgeous work, and that makes me happy, too.


rosederwuste May 8 2012, 02:55:36 UTC
You have all the reasons in the world to be proud of your drawings, dzioo. You are incredibly talented, and, even better, you master your style perfectly. Your characters look different, but not just because their hair color and hair style. (Which is the case of many artists, unfortunately.) The backgrounds you paint are superb, and I especially admire how good you are at perspective. (Something I have never mastered and will definitely never master, lol.) Also, don't worry; I've been following you for years (ever since the first Fullmetal Alchemist series, which was back in 2004, if I recall correctly?) and you have improved a lot! I assure you, there is no deterioration in your skills, only a lot of improvement ( ... )


dzioo May 8 2012, 18:10:32 UTC
thank you! you're seriously too kind for me ;_; I know I went through the phase of same-face-syndrome, so I'm trying to work on it right now. yes, I remember you! and I remember your cute drawings! it's such a shame you stopped drawing :/
you know, I haven't had a real formal training either. I finished architecture, true, but we had only 3 hours a week and they were expecting us to already know everything>< so it's not a matter of formal training, really. of course, it shows who has taken art training because they advance incredibly fast. I can't make you get back to drawing if it doesn't give you pleasure. I have to draw. it's like breathing to me. the worst kind of addictions><

once again, thank you very much for the incredible compliments you've given me ;_; I'll try not to let you down^^


rosederwuste May 9 2012, 04:45:07 UTC
You're welcome, and I do not think I'm too kind- you just deserve it, seriously! Yes, I believe we've all been through the same-face syndrome... The thing is, many artists stay stuck in it forever. You, on the other hand, are not part of them because as you said, your characters all are varied in facial structures and body built ( ... )


54th_avenue May 8 2012, 09:17:26 UTC
Wypowiem się tylko luźno a propos końcowego ranta (bo obie ilustracje są awesome ( ... )


dzioo May 8 2012, 18:19:20 UTC
..... a teraz mi strasznie glupio ze to przeczytalas... myslalam ze nikt z Was juz na LJ nie zaglada, wiec napisalam to zeby to z siebie wyrzucic, nie zeby ktos to zobaczyl, zwlaszcza z Was ;_;

wiem, zdaje sobie sprawe. to co napisalam, co aktualnie czuje, jest czyms bardzo egoistycznym i dziecinnym pewnie. ale jestem od wszystkich daleko. jedyny kontakt staly z wami zawsze mialam przez internet. wszystkie sie robimy coraz starsze wiec wiadomo, czasu na przyjemnosci coraz mniej. a nie mam tez zwyczaju napraszac sie ludziom. juz ostatnio o tym z Knypciem rozmawialam, ze mam z tym powazny problem. przepraszam, ze kazalam ci az tyle pisac w tak glupiej sprawie>< bylo mi po prostu bardzo smutno ostatnio, jestem troche samotna i niepotrzebnie wyrzucam z siebie glupoty. ale z drugiej strony nie chce ich w sobie dusic, bo kiedys wybuchne>< jeszcze raz przepraszam i dziekuje <333


54th_avenue May 8 2012, 18:49:27 UTC
Mufufu, mówiłam, że kiwi wszystko widzi.
Bąblu, TERAZ zaczynasz pisać głupoty- nikt mnie nie zmuszał do pisania niczego i a to, co napisałaś wcale nie było dziecinne, a tym bardziej egoistyczne. A nawet jeśli, to masz do tego pełne prawo. Dobrze, że to z siebie wyrzucasz, to bardzo zdrowe C: Skądś zresztą musimy wiedzieć, że Ci źle, co nie?

I pamiętaj, że nie jedyna na zadupiu siedzisz :B Też się rzadko teraz z kim widuję, ba, nawet do internetów coraz rzadziej zaglądam, więc jak mi się zatęskni to też wszystkim krzyczę i marudzę lol, to dopiero się nazywa upierdliwość.

No, a teraz głowa do góry, hug hug i do boju laska ♥ ♥ ♥
(i serio, kiedykolwiek potrzebujesz pogadać czy coś to wal <; )


ishte May 20 2012, 17:45:26 UTC
I especially love the first drawing. What I like about it is the feeling of sort of a mixed media, and layering. The tiger is so awesome, and he feels like he's made of water colors, soft and flowing. On Nina there are also some bits that have that appearance which ties her to the tiger, but then there are parts that are sharper, more like cel drawing with more blending. THe trees in the back ground have that nice hazy look, and then the trees in the foreground are SHARP and strong. They look prickly too actually. I love how this is all tied together by Nina. SHe's touching the tiger, she's got a hand on one of those trees in the foreground pulling the branch into the background. The steam of their breath as they move clouds over in front of them very nicely. Overall, this is a really nicely done piece and I think your client should be pleased ( ... )


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