Honesty is a good thing. *Nods* I'm the type of girl that could get on the bus for free, halfway through the ride realize she forgot to pay, then get up and apologize and pay while her friends call her an idiot. xD
Where'd you gte the name Dzioo anyhow? how do you pronounce it? D8 I just read it as d'-zee-wooh.
for me being honest is very important since I'm kinda naive and don't like being made a fool. when someone is honest with me and doesn't pretend to be someone else, I know I can trust them hahahaha I often rode a bus without a ticket but that was revenge on our transport company^^;
it came from my primary school, original form "dziunia" means a single young lady in one region. then it got shorter and u was replaced with oo. the way you pronounce it is similar to me, one of my friends reads it like this XDDDD originally it was supposed to be read close to juice, without the [s] sound
Comments 9
everytime i hear that title i just die to want to cosplay Kiddo~
oooohhh you should, your current hairstyle is JUST perfect^^ I wanna see ame as kidd *_*
Where'd you gte the name Dzioo anyhow? how do you pronounce it? D8 I just read it as d'-zee-wooh.
hahahaha I often rode a bus without a ticket but that was revenge on our transport company^^;
it came from my primary school, original form "dziunia" means a single young lady in one region. then it got shorter and u was replaced with oo. the way you pronounce it is similar to me, one of my friends reads it like this XDDDD originally it was supposed to be read close to juice, without the [s] sound
public transportation companies are getting greedy. >_>;
Aaaaaah... so does that mean I pronounce it "Joo?" o.o
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