LOOOOL no tu bedzie problem jako ze nigdy o nim nie myslalam^^;
1. his honesty, warm heart and good intentions^^ and that he's such a dork XDDD 2. his grandmother X_x other than that? nothing XDD 3. hmmm haruhi is pretty canon and rather cute^^ but Renge would be neat too XDDD banzai for crazy couples XDD 4. lool... and here's the problem^^; I have NO idea... somehow I'm thinking about Misato from EVA, if she were younger and less stressed XDD 5. that he'd end up as kyouya's buisness partner... and they'd be sucessfull.... like Woz and Jobs XDDD
Comments 3
btw, riziaczy stfoor wpadł się przywitać :3
1. his honesty, warm heart and good intentions^^ and that he's such a dork XDDD
2. his grandmother X_x other than that? nothing XDD
3. hmmm haruhi is pretty canon and rather cute^^ but Renge would be neat too XDDD banzai for crazy couples XDD
4. lool... and here's the problem^^; I have NO idea... somehow I'm thinking about Misato from EVA, if she were younger and less stressed XDD
5. that he'd end up as kyouya's buisness partner... and they'd be sucessfull.... like Woz and Jobs XDDD
a witam rizaka:3
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