
Feb 05, 2010 07:46

Every time I picked from her plate (which was every time she ate in my presence) my mother would tell the "story" of how when my birth mother was pregnant with me she always picked from her plate, too. So, I "got it honestly." I always loved that. It felt like my mother was saying she connected to me in the womb. So I would sit and smile to myself ( Read more... )

sankofa, random, her, food

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Comments 6

moneda February 5 2010, 15:32:40 UTC
I've mentioned in my LJ how I feel about touch, but more and more I've come to realize how much I don't like to be touched unless I'm cool with someone. Oh, and the silence thing, being comfortable during a pause in conversation.


blackestsheep February 5 2010, 18:27:40 UTC
I don't think i have any but, i'm receptive to them from those i care about, friends etc...


lovelylind February 5 2010, 22:20:48 UTC
Personally, I'm stingy with food, so I don't like when people pick from my plate. lol At least, not without asking. And... it'd probably depend on who is doing the picking. Otherwise, I'd be looking like (Oo)!!

I like sharing plates, though. I guess it's because it's understood that the food is not just for me.

I can't think of any peccadilloes right now, but I may get back to this...


richirch2 February 6 2010, 03:40:56 UTC
Mine is probably nicknames. Since I never went to a neighborhood school as a kid, there was always a distinction between my school friends and my neighborhood friends. My neighborhood friends would all refer to me by the nickname that my relatives called me. (And my neighborhood friends were in many cases like family.) My school friends would refer to me by my government name.

And somehow, as I got older, and kept in touch with people who became more than just school friends -- as well as met other friends who became close -- my close friends started to revert to the nickname (even those who had little interaction with/never met my family).


all I know is... idoto February 9 2010, 19:58:55 UTC
don't be surprised if you come back with a nub


Re: all I know is... dyvinesweetness February 10 2010, 03:17:53 UTC
Psshhh. You will have your plate picked and love it.


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