Morning poll

Dec 16, 2009 09:27

So the first question is based on what this guy I grew up with posted as his facebook status (and the responses he got before me). The second question I feel has been asked before by other folks, but I've since forgotten everyone's responses. And they might have changed by now anyway.

Answers are not viewable (in case anyone would care)

Poll Sex, Lies and potential videotape

sex, facebook, polls

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Comments 30

a_f_r_i_k_a_n_a December 16 2009, 14:45:16 UTC
1) depends... i definitely think you can lie through omission...but some people take it to the next level.
example: if i'm having a conversation with somebody about STDs...and they are talking about how dumb it is for people to have unprotected sex. and i don't feel the need to say "i know, but i've done it occasionally cuz it feels sooooo good." that's not lying. just because you are discussing something relevant to my life doesn't mean it's your business. so that's my only caveat with lying through omission.

it's a thin line though.

2) yes, if all 3 of us were cool, or if they were a couple and i was just a 3rd party...i could care about them, but only if that care was filtered through sexual attraction.


dyvinesweetness December 16 2009, 16:32:43 UTC
Yeah, when I said important info I really meant info that would or could be considered important for the other person to know. Your track record with protection is not important for the other person to know. Unless y'all are intending to become intimate. And even then you might not necessarily say it the *way* you said it. But I do think not giving your sexual protection history would/could be considered a lie of omission ( ... )


tangential a_f_r_i_k_a_n_a December 16 2009, 17:00:34 UTC
i feel you on the lie of omission thing. i do think people have varying opinions on whether or not something is your business ( ... )


Re: tangential dyvinesweetness December 16 2009, 19:40:56 UTC
That's an interesting perspective in the term Talented Tenth. And I definitely never heard it used like that. I worked with her, but still didn't know her that well. And frankly what I did know if her would fall right in line with a more bougie interpretation of the term. And the tone of the status update was one of pride and conceit. It seemed more like "yay me" then it did "this is just who I am and I am doing the best for the community because of my position." But eh, still don't know for certain.


idoto December 16 2009, 14:56:35 UTC
1) if omission is a lie then I've lied sooo much...and I can't have that so that means a lie is a lie

2) Only with people I don't care about. If you're my girl no one gets to see the goodness but me.


dyvinesweetness December 16 2009, 16:13:55 UTC
"if omission is a lie then I've lied sooo much...and I can't have that so that means a lie is a lie"

That's sound reasoning.


donthurrycurry December 16 2009, 15:01:38 UTC
#1. And they think they're slick :p

#2 No comment, public entry.


dyvinesweetness December 16 2009, 16:15:20 UTC
"And they think they're slick :p"

They think they're slick AND they think it's acceptable!! lol Strange.


dyvinesweetness December 16 2009, 16:04:08 UTC
Oh right, I meant to leave my perspective in the entry. Honestly, I didn't know grown people didn't know about lies of omission or somehow thought they were absolved of them. Like it threw me for a loop. He asked and like 4 people said it wasn't a lie. WTF?! I replied with mad links with the definitions of lies of omission. lol


forwhataim December 16 2009, 21:14:33 UTC
Oh and also to elaborate, when I told the ex that was a lie of omission, he was like, HUH? *SIGH* First I had to establish the definitions (and I think a lot of it has to do with intent--that's the keyword for dumbasses) It took a lot for me to get him to admit to and acknowledge lying (by omission) to me on multiple occasions.


dyvinesweetness December 16 2009, 21:36:48 UTC
I think stuff like that affects me in a very sharp way because there are just some things that make being older fun. The main one being *not* having to deal with childish shit like that. And when I'm caught off guard or somehow reminded that being older doesn't necessarily mean I'll be exempt from dealing with shit like that it makes me feel like "well what is fuckin point of being older?!"

Not to mention the level of sneakiness it takes to be someone that thinks like that. Like lying alone is bad enough, but lying by omission is really putting the onus of your lie on the other person. Because they will act so serious with that old "well if you had asked me, I'da told you" bullshit. So they really want to make it clear that their fuck up is in no way their fuck up. That's a lot! On top of the fact that my experience with those people says that even when you do confront/ask them, they don't readily dole out information. So they are just fucked up shitty liars to the nth degree.


i_dreamed_i_was December 16 2009, 17:02:51 UTC
I said "not my thing," but I'm not opposed to it in theory-- it doesn't gross me out or intimidate me or anything. It just throws a monkey wrench into the whole only-have-sex-with-the-person-you're-married-to thing, for me.


dyvinesweetness December 16 2009, 19:42:34 UTC


lovelylind December 17 2009, 00:22:07 UTC
That's basically my reasoning as well.


dyvinesweetness December 17 2009, 00:44:16 UTC
I wasn't aware that you were waiting until marriage.


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