Alone again, naturally

Dec 27, 2007 17:22

I realize from now on I have to lie to people. I don't think many people believe me when I say I'm fine being alone and don't care to celebrate certain holidays. I guess people take it as a cry for help? Which is kinda sweet, but also kinda obnoxious and clearly indicative that they don't know who the hell I am. 'Cause nothing about me is the "cry ( Read more... )

sankofa, fam

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Comments 3

I learned how to play well by myself as a pseudo-only kid valencia112 December 28 2007, 00:20:49 UTC
I always tell people that I feel like an only child because of the age gap between me and Mark.

Even though I'm not really alone I just like doing things without having to have people keep me company.

I have enjoyed being "alone" on X-mas (and in general).

The in general part is something I really want to comment on. In regards to relationships & friendships my mom is always hassling me because I don't have anyone that I can TRULY hang out with and for some reason it bothers her. I always tell her she doesn't know what it means to really be Valencia and how much a struggle it was to make friends in school especially ...yea I knew people, hanging out or even having a conversation{sometimes} with them was a whole nother story.

I need to make an appt to talk to you cause I'm crying happens when me & mama have this discussion also cause I get tired of having this conversation and she will not let it go.

Did any of this make sense?


blackestsheep December 28 2007, 18:00:48 UTC
we like two peas in a pod on that being alone thing... together on being alone is kinda funny...


idoto December 31 2007, 12:20:17 UTC
as an only child.......I hate being by myself. Don't get it twisted...I hate people too....but I really don't like being by myself. I would love to surround myself with people just to be around them. Not talkin' about anything serious. Enjoying the same pseudo interests. Just company.

I've spent most of my life a sense I still do...but if I don't have to be alone....I would choose to be around people.

So yeah I would take a pitty invite to thanksgiving...or a charity case christmas...but I would do the same on any other day not just a holiday.


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