Title: After the Battle: Day 2
Fandom: Marvel
Characters: JP=Bobby
Prompt: Charity
7_sins_virtuesRating: PG
Summary: Bobby is injured. Jean-Paul visits again.
Author's Note: This is again in my Bobby=JP AU, and the semi-sequel to
After the Battle.
After the Battle: Day 2 )
Comments 17
......The Do-NotDisturb sign amused me to no ends.
Well Hank's not going to give up an opportunity for mischief, especially if if involves embarassing Bobby >D
No, because that would be entirely out of character for Hank. : D
Butbut. YAY. Awesome fic. Very, very amusing. -giggle-
And I'm really glad that it amused you! That's my goal as a writer! To provide amusement and interest and, perhaps, a little insight into life =3
So adorable. Your smirky yet concerned JP and poorly and pouty Bobby are just so adorable. Another fic full of d'aaawww and giggles. *claps hands and jumps up and down, like the overexcited child she clearly is*
I really like the tangent about Emma having to allow the dragon in her classroom. I LOVE that you used 'moue' - just so right for the kind of face JP would pull.
Emma would like to note that she will one day get that little kiddy and his little dragon too. She just needs to wait for the next camping trip to the boonies...
Contractions...maybe because he is too much of a perfectionist? Not that contractions are wrong/lazy, but maybe they are less than exact (...go with me on this...) and JP prefers to be precise? Gah, I have no idea what I mean here...
Emma would like to note that she will one day get that little kiddy and his little dragon too. She just needs to wait for the next camping trip to the boonies...
"I'll get you my pretty, and your little dogdragon, too!" ? Oh noes *er, scrolls up page to check name*, Benjamin, run away! Run while you still can!
Benjamin's a cutie, honestly, and he's got some nice backstory to him! Plus, he's cooler than Dorothy because he's got a dragon, not a dog. That's got to count for something.
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