where oh where can my header be

Aug 07, 2008 03:10

completely random update due to the circumstance listed in the subject ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

purvama August 7 2008, 07:46:50 UTC
I'm looking forward to the fall, for one reason. :3 It's saddening you haven't fangirled proper but maybe that too will change in the fall?


dysfunkshunell1 August 23 2008, 02:04:34 UTC
I think my fangirl days are behind me but still have plenty of shows to watch. And Warrick to mourn. *sigh*

I've gotten all your text msgs btw. You'll have to send me one w/the proper email for you. I don't think you've been getting the ones I've sent.



purvama August 23 2008, 02:36:11 UTC
We're the odd couple. ❝One fangirls and one doesn't, who will the get along~?❞ XD And WARRICK, BB. ):

Oh good, good. And no, I have no been getting your e-mails. D: My addy remains; raharv@sbcglobal.net though. Though I think my e-mail hates me or you because it always fails to send e-mails to you so...I'll LJ PM you I suppose. :3 As you can see, I got this message just fine. ♥♥ Also, if you can/want to feel free to re-send the e-mails [via lj pm, I suppose] if you feel it's uber important or something. ♥


halfbloodme August 7 2008, 09:04:04 UTC


dysfunkshunell1 August 23 2008, 02:03:39 UTC


honeymink August 7 2008, 12:42:13 UTC
Is anyone a fangirl of real life?
I heard Richard T. Jones is on "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles". I haven't checked it out yet though. Never saw the movies.


dysfunkshunell1 August 23 2008, 02:01:50 UTC
NINA! *tackles* I've been terrible about updating and make no promises about getting better at it since life is kinda boring atm... But I'll try! Foremost, replying faster to replies. =P

LOVE the Terminator series. Helps that I watched all the movies just a little. The ensemble is completely different than the movies. I think you'd be fine to watch w/o ever having seen the films.

And RTJ is awesome as always, just doubtful u'll see the tender side of Bruce on it any time soon, lol. I'm happy to see him in an action role. More importantly, a series again. =)

Finally... Your icon is love. *sighs forlorn at memories of JA*


_slytherin_girl August 7 2008, 13:10:15 UTC
I think this is possibly the first time I've ever seen you post on here, at least in a very long time. I've been back into here a bit. I always go back to my flist eventually.

I should not be on here right now. Why? I only slept in by an hour and a half and now have to take a cab to work. I don't actually have to leave for another 20 minutes, but I'm not really moving either.

Good luck with your next 'visitor' *hugs*


dysfunkshunell1 August 23 2008, 02:04:15 UTC



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