The Sef Legacy 1.6 - PT DITFT Challenge

Mar 01, 2012 11:49

Last time nothing really shocking happened. It's was mostly Lerit being cute and trying to become friends with Bonaventura because Bonaventure is awesome and I want him in my legacy somewhere.

Let's move on.

Kes is a smart girl: A+

She’s also brings home friends all the time: this is Lil by absintea.

Yerban is smart as well: A+ (I make them study for it).

Idbas is a pleasure sim, but all he does is fish and garden. In the meantime, I let him have his wants to fill up his bar. They're easy to fulfill: juggling bottles...

...and jumping on the couch...

... doing his ninja moves while Lil wonders if having a parent like that would be cool or embarrassing (hint: cool when you’re a kid, embarrassing when you’re older - trust me, I know).

He also kept rolling the want to throw a sports party. I made sure there was food and the TV was on...

... but the guests turned it off and went dancing instead. The game called the party a snoozer, but when my living room would look like that, I'd say it's a damn good party.

Nitrik by mousemedic doesn't want to dance. He rather looks at the snow, looking very cute in the process.

Looks like Idbas is about to grab Candy's boobs... (Candy by engram_au)

...but he’s semi-decent and this happened instead.

Luckily, the both find it hilarious.

Resulting in suggestive dancing.


So off he went.

Bye Lerit! To the bin until you brother and sister can join you.

Random shot of Kes petting the penguin. He didn't pee on her.

More friends and more smustling. (Woe by katu_sims.)

Bonaventura by charterzard dropped by. Kes invited him in and started telling how smart she is.

Bonaventura is impressed.

I want him to be friends with all my sims...

...even though it's a bit creepy when he starts hugging little girls he just met.

Kes and Yerban wanted a dog. I got them one and his name turns out to be Ichabas, which fits nicely with this family and their odd names (except for Olive).

Ichabas pensively recalls the day…

…and decides his family needs more fail.

The kids usually want to take the wrong bed, but I try to interfere and direct them to their own room. Kes snuck in with Idbas when I wasn't looking, though. And Ichabas joined soon after. No room for Olive there. (Awww…)

She adores Ichabas just the same.

For some reason we suddenly had some lovely colored bugs in the house. O_O (Do they come with the dog or from a bug collection or something? I have no idea.)

Olive called the exterminator (first time ever in my game). I love the dead bug on the roof. *lol*

She's very pretty. Capable as well. The house was fine after that.

Ichabas is well-trained when it comes to not chewing on the furniture. No fail there.

Idbas keeps spraying the damn trees, but he just doesn't become a plantsim. :(

The kids grew up! Here's Kes, looking rather pooped even though she grew up well and happy. Fortune/knowledge.

And I adore Yerban's nerdy look. Knowledge/popularity. He grew up well, too.

Much time is spend on the bike because they're both into fitness as their OTH.

But sometimes Yerban plays games.

They also play red hands together a lot. I've never caught them fighting. They're BFF.

Olive takes good care of Ichabas.

FAIL! Olive was naked, waiting for Idbas and then Yerban jumped in bed to sleep when I wasn't looking. Idbas is more shocked by his wife's nakedness than his teen son sleeping soundly next to her.

We all know where this is going, right?

Yeah. But in her defense, the only reason she didn't make it was because she went for the wrong bed and I stopped her from getting in.

Ichabas 'sings' along a lot. I don't punish him for it. I think it's cute (but Idbas hates it - he keeps covering his ears when he's in the house).

Kina drops by. Idbas is happy to see her.

They finally become BF.

No time to talk, though. Idbas needs to get his golden badge.

It really takes forever. He doesn't even have silver yet.

Kes: So, aunt Kina, I heard you got knocked up. (Elm's the father, I play them in the house next door.)

Kes: No mom, she doesn't look fat. (Olive and Kina still aren't friends.)

Olive spends a lot of time next to Idbas, exchanging tips about nature. I bet she's got some rather interesting thoughts there... (I didn't know sims could do this.)

Kes: Mom says you're a gold digger.

Well, damn. It's about time.

More fail, but Kes takes care of it.

Yerban isn't around much. He spends a lot of time painting. This guy creeped in and gave him the location of the art studio (or whatever it's called).

I love how you can make everyone go hiking and also take the dog along. They all had the want, except for Yerban...

...and he spends his time alone smustling.

More fishing. We need gold, damnit. Gold! And plantsimism!

Yep, it's time.

A nice family farewell dinner. Kes does all the talking, like usual.

Olive autonomously got on and kept going until...

Yeah... she almost made it, though.

In order to keep track of all the different kind of fishies, I hang them all on the side of the house. When I suddenly heard a penguin somewhere, I went looking and found this little fellow trying to jump to get the fish. *lol* Didn't know this could happen either.

First noogie in the legacy. I'd been waiting for this and I wondered who would be top dog. It's Kes, apparently. She snuck up while Yerban was chatting.

They have a lot of fun together.

And there they go. Off to college.

Olive: Oh, how time goes by fast. They're not little kids anymore.


She got that right. Thank you for reading. Heir poll next. I hope you'll vote. :)

pixel trade challenge, ditft: sef

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