The Sef Legacy 1.5 - PT DITFT Challenge

Mar 01, 2012 11:48

We start this update with a lot-shot. It's starting to snow again.

I realized that Lerit is going away to college soon, and I wanted him to be friends with his siblings. He's playing chess with Yerban...

...and here's Kes.

Random shot of cute Lerit.

Random shot of walk-by kid Lhir (keoni_sims).

More randomness: smustle party with Woe (katu_sims), Clue (charterzard) and Fifi (freudroid).

Poor Olive went for a walk and came home chased by bees (this happens a lot).

Lerit decided to apply for scholarships...

...and he's awesome like that.

So then I wanted him to go out and make some friends, hoping to find...

Bonaventura! (charterzard). Yay! (In the background: Laurel by lesimhot and Perry by teckno102.)

Lerit shares my ideas...

...but Bonaventura didn't want anything to do with our little hero. :(
(Background: London joins the girls. She's secretly a relative of Lerit, bred by simchester.)

Lerit: But... but... you're so hot! Are you sure you don't want to become my spouse after I've been to college?

Bonaventura: Do I look gay to you, kid?!

Lerit: Well, yes, actually.

Bonaventura: I'M NOT!

Me: Well, now. No need to shout there. I'm sure I can hook you up somewhere in this legacy. Gonna use magic potion if I have to.


For some reason Bonaventura is showing his biceps to Lerit (mixed signals, anyone?!), but Lerit pulls the Ventrilo-Fart prank.

Lerit: It's him! Right here!
Bonaventura: Wait... what?!

Lerit: It's him! Dude totally farted!
Laurel: *giggles*
Bonaventura: *is mortified*

This is a face of a man's shame.

This is the face of a girl trying to hide her laugh.

This is the face of a boy who wants some attention.

Okay. So Lerit puts himself on Bonaventura's radar. That's all we need for now.

Bonaventura moves on to the women, trying to prove his manliness. (And that's Madden with his awesomely red hair by alfredaskew in the background.)

Lerit awkwardly admires Laurel...

...who accepts willingly. (And Bonaventura swaggers to the rock spa.)

Lerit: Score!

Laurel: *swoons*
Lerit: *plus*

Why is he grinning like that?!

Ah... he's checking out this. Subtle, Lerit.

After taking a dump, Lerit joins Bonaventura.
Bonaventura: *awkward*


Bonaventura: So... you like art?

Bonaventura: Theatre?

Bonaventura: Books, maybe?

Lerit: I'm going to college soon?
Bonaventura: *plus*

Yes, well, that was interesting, guys. *rolls eyes*

After Bonaventura left, Lerit tries to play chess, but he's freezing his butt, so...

... I made him walk to the park. (And who do we spot there? Yes, Bonaventura again!)

Me: But we're not stalking or anything. Nope. We're just hanging out here. Right, Lerit?
Lerit: Totally.

He's so cute...

Whee! :D

In the meantime, Mr. manly-man is playing pool with Kina (mine), Alma (huning) and JJ (chitown_gal).

Bonaventura: Check me out, laydeezzz...

Alma quickly impales him while he swoons over Kina. 0_o

He leaves at the crack of dawn, staring at Lerit....

...who doesn't notice anything. (Don't you like the light here?)


I wanted Lerit to go home, but then the awesome Ois (by maranatah) came along.

They met...

...and Lerit thinks Ois is hot as well. (Hi Laurel!)

Lerit: Hmm... yeah... he fits the picture alright.

Lerit: So... how long have you been on this planet? I was born here.
Laurel: *stares*

Ois: Dunno. Came here by bus one day. Don't have any memories before that.
Lerit: *plus*
Laurel: *stares*

Lerit: I'm glad the bus dropped you off here.
Ois: *plus*
Laurel: *stares*

Lerit: Yep. Perfect.

So Lerit came home, and I find Yerban showing off in the snow while Idbass cheers for his son.

And then Lerit goes off to jog. Dressed like that. *facepalm*

The busdriver creeps me out. [/random]

Hi Tempest! (tualiz) Please come back later when the kids are teens?

This is Lerit's homework-face. *lol*

I love how the kids wave at the creepy bus driver before they jump out.

Kes: Still no A?

She brings home a friend, Hersey by needlecream.

Yerban: How come I don't have an A either?

It's nice to know that Idbas and Olive are still very much in love, even though they're blocking the way so Yerban can't put his homework on his desk.

The kids didn't get enough attention in this update, so here they are, playing nicely.

Yerban's got his normal hair back.

Kes tells Lhir that her dad is an alien.

Kes: He came here in a spaceship!

Lhir knows about spaceships.
Kes: *plus*

Kes: We've made some nice friends today. We're awesome.

I made Olive study mechanics because everything broke in the house and there isn't enough money to replace stuff. She actually fixes things now. (She became fat, but her pants don't have a fat morph. I made her change clothes later.)

All the kids' OTH is fitness, so I bought them a bike.

Olive kept rolling the want to perform music for tips. I sent her to the lot with a piano, the same one with the rock spa (I don't have many community lots yet).

She sucks at playing Jazz according to JJ.

Zaren, however, likes it. (Zaren by courtney_shea), Biscottino by bondchick_nett and Espresso by voleste.)

What do we have here? A good witch!

I made Olive greet her.

They bonded over shoes.

Random shot of 2 cute men relaxing (Tiger by katu_sims and Biscottino.)

Winter is coming to an end. Olive and the good witch hug...

...and get a crush?! *mental note: check Olive's stats - is she bi?!*

Anyway, we leave this update with a lovely shot of the lot, surrounded by all the pretty light caused by the good witch, right before Olive went home. :)

Thank you for reading!

pixel trade challenge, ditft: sef

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