The Sef Legacy 1.3 - PT DITFT Challenge

Feb 27, 2012 19:29

Last time, Lerit grew became a really cute toddler. Kina and Elm moved out of the house because they were too caring and there was no fail except for 1 little fire caused by Idbas. Then my game crashed and I had to delete the neighborhood. Boo! After an entire Saturday downloading and installing all pixel_trade sims again, I SimPE’ed everyone until they got their stats back (as far as I knew those) and re-created Lerit in CAS.

We start with a lovely shot of Olive reading to Lerit.

Lerit is ambitious…

…so he has to work it.

Potty training face.

Idbas tries to teach him how to walk.

All work and no play makes Lerit a fussy toddler.

In the meantime, Idbas still works on his objectives.

Lerit rocks the potty eventually.

But he still can’t walk and certainly not use the stairs.

So he’s going to work on that as well with the help of smart milk…

… and there you go.

Olive’s suddenly in a hurry.

She makes it just in time.

How lovely.

Nursery rhyme.

Proud Daddy. <3

Aaaand we have a pop #1.

Lerit is exhausted.

Proud mommy.

Idbas plants all veggies and fruit he can.

And continues to be a good Daddy, playing autonomously with Lerit.

Whee! :D

Olive plays autonomously as well. It’s a well-functioning family so far.

Olive still being a good mommy.

Lerit is hungry.

Lerit is angry.

Lerit: But I’m cute now, y/y?

And the fun starts.

I’m glad I got rid of the triplets and quads hack in time. We only have 2 this time.

A boy, Olive’s skin and hair, Idbas’ eyes. His name is Yerban.

A girl, Idbas’ skin, eyes and hair. Her name is Kes. Olive is done. Yay!

Yerban naps here.

Kes here.

Idbas there.

Olive doesn’t care and farts in his face. *lol*

It was birthday time and I was afraid of another glitch, so no party this time.

Lerit grew up well and had all toddler skills.

He’s awesome, dealing with stuff while his parents are starting to freak out with the twins.

Proof. I never had a sim doing this, but that’s because I usually cheat and keep everyone nice and green. This time, however, I’m being a good girl so Olive suffers.

With Idbas being exhausted and Olive going mental, Lerit takes over the ‘farm’.

I thought I could get Olive’s motives up again, but that didn't go so well.


And then this happened. :(

Lerit continues to be awesome, Olive seems to be dying over there (all motives were deep red) and Idbas needs food or else he’s gonna pass out as well.

Let’s hope things will work out better next time. *wibbles*

- grow every kind of fruit and vegetable (trees & plants)
- get married and have kids. No premarital woohoo
- have a boy & a girl. Keep trying until you do (plantbabies from plantsims can count)
- earn gold gardening badge
- max enthusiasm in nature
- never have a “regular” job. Earn everything from the land. Digging up treasure is acceptable --> so far, so good.

Optional Objectives
-catch every type of fish --> I'm going to keep track from now on.
-earn gold fishing badge --> Bronze so far.
-become a plantsim --> what are the odds? We'll see.

Thank you for reading. :)

pixel trade challenge, ditft: sef

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