The Sef Legacy 3.3A - PT DITFT Challenge

Oct 25, 2012 19:22

Welcome to the adventures of Iris once again. It’s been a while due to real life stuff, but I’m determined to finish this legacy one way or another.

A recap: Iris is the 3rd generation heir. She’s living with her father Yerban and mother Clue, and she has to get all vacation memories. She’s been to Twikkii Island and Takemizu Village, so she’s going to Three Lakes this time. Ready? Let’s go.

This is the Sef’s house, remember? It’s still very empty inside because most money was spend on the exterior.

Snapshot of the first floor.

And the second. Lots of space for kids later on.

Say hello to Yerban being all serious on the computer.

And here are Clue and Iris all serious while dancing. (That’s Ramen in the background, checking out the girls.)

I got this message for Yerban and Clue and so I wanted to give them a party.

Everything was all set, but both of them were at work and they came home around 6.

So Yerban aged right after getting out of the car. There was no time to blow out the candles. *sighs* Crappy planning...

Here goes Clue. She made it inside, at least.

Everyone was dancing, ignoring the birthday couple. The reason why they’re all doing the Mountain dance is because I’d send my alien self-sim there to test some lots. (The yellow sim in black and white with the hat.) She learned the mountain dance there and then taught everyone who was at the party.

Anyway, there’s elder!Yerban. Hee!

And this is elder!Clue. Fierce in a cloud of green stink.

Yerban and Clue didn’t care about the others. They toasted in the hallway and were happy to age at the same time.

Iris’ LTW has changed after the computer crash. She now wants to become the head of the SCIA and the career was available eventually.

She went on her 3rd trip right after. More crappy planning. *g*

First stop: Axewood Campground to get the ‘Slept in a tent’ memento.

Then all the tours. Here’s #1.

Tour #2.

Tour #3. She got quite lucky.

Random locals and tourists fishing.

Something went wrong here. Tourist twins? They look exactly the same, but one is a bit more into kink, it seems.

Iris ate all the mountain meals, including flapjacks. Another memento earned.

Then I noticed these fish ‘swimming’ in the grass. The lot was acting weird, so I decided to move Iris to another place.

Oh, and there was a random penguin, too.

Three Lakes Cabins.

Hello Adolf!

And then she went to the Three Lakes Market to buy some souvernirs.

There you go.

Some shopping for a bit more comfortable clothes…

… because it was time to visit Lumber Mill Range.

She got fit right after.

A log rolling contest with a local.

He totally kicked her behind.

He was quite pleased with himself.

But then there was a rematch and she totally won. Good girl. (Although it’s time for a new bathing suit. This one is really ugly.)

Next stop: Smooth Rock Spa.

Orange Guy is there to massage again. She’s got 2 bolts with him.


More score! This fellow taught her the Chest Pound. She’s got all the Local Ways mementos now.

Examining the Tree Ring Display for yet another one.

By now Iris almost got all the mementos, but she still had to find a treasure. I made her dig around a bit.

That didn’t go so well.

But finally she got something that was missing as well…

… the secret location of Bigfoot!

She had the fear of meeting Bigfoot the entire time, so I made her go to bed first and get a good night’s rest.

And some quality time in the tub.

By the time she was ready to go, it was night again.

Meet Mr. Bigfoot. He’s doing the butt-dance.

He wasn’t happy with the interruption during his self-fondling session. 0_o Also, I instantly installed default replacement face after finding this guy.

Anyway, after a bit of a problematic start, Iris cracked a few jokes, chatted about interests, and sat around the campfire a bit.

Voila! Befriended Bigfoot.

And he wanted to come home as well. Woot! That’s another objective in the pocket. His name is Alec.

It was time to visit the last lot.

I put this wishing well there myself. I made her wish for money. She’s a Fortune sim after all.

The wish was granted. :D

So it was time to get back home.

Alec instantly went for the computer. He had a want to find a job in the Law career.

And there was one.

So… the first part is full.

But the second part still has a few mementos missing. One of them is about playing Mahjong, so I guess Iris has to back to the Far East for that one. She also still has to find a treasure, and then another holiday to get the frequent traveler memento (5 holidays). That’s for another update, though. :)

Thank you for reading. Stats and overview can be found HERE.

pixel trade challenge, ditft: sef

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