Title: Foreshadowing Characters and/or Pairings: Rose/Nine, Rose/Ten Rating: PG Warnings: None Summary: Theirs is a story told out of order. Betas: marlenanargle and beingfacetious. Word Count: 2,395
“Primitive. This from the man who flies his time machine with a rubber mallet and a closed fist.”
OMG!!! I can't even begin to tell you how much I LOVE this! From the quotation at the beginning (brilliant) through to the very last line - it's all just gorgeous and perfect! You nailed the characterization and the shifts between Nine and Ten, and between Rose at different ages. It's so sweet (but in a truly-sweet-and-not-saccharin kind of way), and so them.
I just love it! (Seriously, this comment took forever to write because I kept going back to read it again.) Thank you!
Lovely! I like the bouncing back and forth between Nine and Ten (and the little subtle cues to tell you which one we were seeing), the bouncing through time (which - wouldn't that be how a Time Lord tells a story?). Really got the feel for the characters, too.
Comments 12
I read this because it was written for a friend of mine.
And, I gotta say...
I'm really glad that I read it!
Excellent work! :)
OMG!!! I can't even begin to tell you how much I LOVE this! From the quotation at the beginning (brilliant) through to the very last line - it's all just gorgeous and perfect! You nailed the characterization and the shifts between Nine and Ten, and between Rose at different ages. It's so sweet (but in a truly-sweet-and-not-saccharin kind of way), and so them.
I just love it! (Seriously, this comment took forever to write because I kept going back to read it again.) Thank you!
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