Title: Eyes Open. (Six part story.)
Rating: PG13.
Pairing/Characters: Ten/Rose.
Spoilers: Parting of the Ways, Age of Steel.
Warnings: None.
Summary: Rose comes to terms with the events of Bad Wolf, but for all her influence on the Doctor’s appearance she learns that some things never change.
Challenge: May challenge: celebrating Mary the Blessed Virgin.
Rose tried to turn over in bed but found the duvet offered more resistance than normal. She stretched languidly and took in a big breath; her hand was numb and the air was full of old tea, honey other things that reminded her of the Doctor. It didn’t surprise her as she’d been dreaming about him and hadn’t yet woken up properly. Yawning she cracked an eyeball open to be greeted by the Doctor literal inches from her face. Her jaw abruptly shut and sent her head back into the pillow, her mind racing as to how he’d ended up here. Here being virtually on top of her, in her bed. No, her gaining consciousness pointed out, on her bed, fully clothed. Well, just a shirt and vest shrouding his torso. Maybe that was pornographic for this version of him, though his bottom half had always left her wondering his underwear presence. She realised she’d stopped breathing for fear of her morning breath waking him up. She tried not to laugh at the absurdity of this situation, and then sobered as she remembered the circumstance that had brought them here - the woken memory of Daleks on the Game Station.