Title: Missing Pieces
Author: Van Donovan /
vandonovanCharacters: The second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Victoria Waterfield.
Pairing(s): unrequited Jamie/Victoria (unrequited Two/Jamie if you squint)
Rating: PG, for language.
Word Count: approx. 8,867
Warnings: Spoilers for "Fury From the Deep."
Summary: Things aren't the way Jamie remembers.
Note: Set in "
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Comments 17
Great fic, Van! Well done. I'm still a little unsure about the whole 6B thing, and I certainly don't care for 6B Jamie, but it's a lovely fic, regardless.
I shall have to post mine this evening.
As for Season 6B, this sort of has to discount "The Two Doctors" which is ironically stupid because it's "The Two Doctors" that brought Season 6B to life in the first place, hahahaha. But I'm glad you like it. Poor Season 6B Jamie is just tempermental and confused--he gets better, I promise. This is just very early on, before he remembers everything properly, hahaha.
Am most eager to read yours. :D Yay for Victoria getting fic!
Lith said my fic was "in character" which is a good thing, as I was winging it. I was a little worried that I was too far to the "right" with Victoria. But then I do manage to turn her into a little slut, so it's all good. :D
This is a wonderful story and I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Anyway, thank you!
Awwwwwwww, the last paragraph. Love.
I love the serial Victoria left in, and while I don't entirely understand why she'd choose to stay THERE, I totally understand that she choose to leave. So, it was a lot of fun to go back and see how she's survived etc., after all that. And I can see some of these events leading into the episode "Downtime" if you've seen that at all.
Yeah, same here. Fury is awesome, but that just seemed so random. I mean, she could've just stayed in te TARDIS and not gone outside until she found somewhere more suitable to stay or I don't know. XD And nope, I haven't seen it... I'm still working my way through them all. @_@
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