Title: This Living Ship
acciochocolateCharacters: the Doctor, the TARDIS
Spoilers: none, unless one counts SJS and Rose with their girl-talk about the Doctor in School Reunion
Summary: "best ship in the universe"
Rating: PG
Note that the Doctor, the TARDIS, and the show Doctor Who all belong to the BBC. I'm just playing in the sandbox, that's all.
This Living Ship
the living ship
not made
not built
but flowered and flowed
from Gallifreyan minds and hearts and hands
this living ship
once one amongst many
now alone and friendless in the universe
except for those who travel within her
with her permission
and especially
her master
he who is
not always wise or compassionate
but who tries
for he truly cares
in the depths of the night
he talks to her
sometimes even
for all she's been through
spaceships and Cybermen
Daleks and companions
lost in pits
fallen off cliffs
left on a street corner
captured by those who
would do her harm
he strokes her
in the console room
or down a corridor
as he passes
(not really)
when he thinks
no one's looking
not unlike the caress
given to a favourite pet or person
oh but she's so much more than that
he doesn't look into her heart
(only the once, mind you)
he doesn't have to
he carries it with him
his home
his only true love
this living ship