Title: Eram quod es, eris quod sum
Rating/Warning: R (violence, language, sexiness, crack). Spoilers for everything.
Disclaimer: We don’t own any of these universes.
See profile for all fic info.Arc Summary: The House and Torchwood teams split up to travel with the Fourth and Tenth Doctor in search of Chula and a cure for Gwen.
Chapter 26+27:
Summary: We return to the Tenth Doctor's merry crew as they try to persuade Calypso to guide them to the Fountain of Youth.
Characters: Torchwood: Jack, Ianto. House: Cuddy, Chase, Cameron. Doctor Who: Ten. Pirates: Jack, Elizabeth, Will, Barbossa, Norrington, Calypso. Verbotene Liebe: Christian, Olivia, Olli, Gregor.
Cross-posted to
torch_wood Link to the latest chapter. Link to the start of the story. List of previous chapters.