Flesh and Stone...

May 15, 2010 02:14

I decided that, since i'm only working on two hours of sleep right now, that it would make TOTAL sense to take pictures of me in my FaS Amy outfit in my room, since my walls and quilt match... of course the three pictures that I like from it are incredibly silly, since I obviously fail at being sexy. Also, this is the first time wearing this outfit with my new tights and my new headband. I think they work well! (and, obviously I make such good decisions when sleeping 2 hours in the last 48 XD why hello there internet. here's me looking like an idiot! woo! [not much really that new, actually])

I guess the text behind the cut with the pictures could count as spoilers for the end of Flesh and Stone

Ohhh doctor... (and my nails are the wrong color. whoops)

my attempt at sexy (fail)

"Rejected" or "No Sex Nao?"


also, i probably should have cleaned my room before taking these pictures. oh well. This is the cleanest this room has been in a while.

Tomorrow or sunday I'm having a legit Vampires of Venice photoshoot (one that isn't taken with a self timer. woo) and Possibly, if I can convince my photographer to drive to the park up the hill, I'll do this costume in a woods as well.

amy pond

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