Susan Pic Spam + Sales Post

Jun 04, 2011 09:35

Hello all you lovelies!

1ucifer reminded me I can post here as well for sellings of things, and as I didn't want to post just a sales post (especially given how long it's been since I've posted, but I do still read!), I thought I would include some of the cute pics she took of me as Susan at Gallifrey this year.

First the selling out of the way:

I'm selling my Rose Tyler wig here on the marketplace
as well as my series 4 Rose Tyler jacket - NOT the official jacket, just the as close as I could get on a budget version.

Great that's done then, now the picspam!

Played with the filters a bit, so they're not exactly uniform in de-saturation.

So a few years back I bought this shirt on super clearance at Targets ($3!), bringing it home it wasn't quite as correct as I thought, but you can't really beat $3.

Sort of the "must" shot!

The main reason I decided to wear this despite some issues was my hair was long enough, we even teased it out but I brought the wrong spray and it sort of... deflated.

I'd say I'll try again next time but high waters + girly makeup + trying to be cute= never again

I felt like a latchkey kid with that hanging around my neck all day.

I have no idea who this One is, but WOW.
And again:
She was amaaaazing.
Costume, characterization, so good! And super nice too.
Thank you much for taking your photo with me!

I just wish I were shorter 8D;;;

Once again, any awesomeness here is due to 1ucifer's photography!

Somehow I just seem to make a better beardy man than a cute female companion....

pic spam, companion: susan foreman, doctor: one, companion: rose tyler

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