(no subject)

Aug 22, 2009 14:23

Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
by Coco (i_heart_cuddy)
rating R
pairing Miranda/Andy, Cassidy/Andy (unrequited)
disclaimer I do not own the Devil Wears Prada or the characters herein. I make no money off of this and I intend no infringement
summary When Cassidy came out of the closet she never imagined that her mother would be the competition.

warnings minor expressing sexuality, just talk though, nothing visible.

Chapter 1
In the year 2009 it had been three years since Andy had set foot in the Elias-Clarke building. She'd seen Miranda several times on the street and felt oddly happy to see her. However, she was not looking back, she loved her job at The Mirror and was not the least bit nostalgic about her old job.

She was even starting to date again. It had been slow going. She and Nate had a long distance relationship that was really only a very slow and elongated break-up. After a few months she'd had to deal with a confusing coming out. She couldn't believe that she'd never figured it out before, she'd prided herself on being very self-aware. Doug said he couldn't believe she hadn't set off his gaydar. It was actually Lily who made the initial observation: "who are you looking at?" she'd grinned, "you're checking out that woman, aren't you?" Lily later said that she wasn't surprised because all her friends were gay.

Doug volunteered to call Nate and tell him the good news.

It was March 31, 2009 and Lily, Doug and Andy went to their favorite gay bar. They'd been a few times before but Andy had always clung to Lily and had successfully deflected a lot of potential dance partners. That night as Andy watched the beautiful women like a scared rabbit she saw a flash of red hair.

She had to do a double take but as she stared out through the crowd she knew that her first impression was right. She was looking at one of the Priestly twins. It was really uncanny, Andy estimated that the twin was now about 15 but thanks to heavy make-up and early development she could easily pass for 18, perhaps even 20.

Andy let go of Lily and pushed her way through the crowd and up to the twin. She was stunned. She caught her attention and smiled, "hi, I don't know if you remember me."

The twin smiled slyly, "yeah, we danced on Tuesday, right? If I remember correctly there was talk of us going back to your place..."

"Uh, no..." Andy laughed uncomfortably, "I used to be your mother's assistant, my name is Andy Sachs."

The color drained from the twin's face. "You're not going to tell my mom are you?"

"Yeah, I'm going to bring it up during one of our nightly chats," Andy laughed and the twin felt a little more at ease, "I am going to escort you home though."

The twin sighed and looked defeated.

"Don't take this the wrong way but which one are you?"

"Cassidy." She sighed, "don't worry, mom's the only person who can tell us apart."

Andy and Cassidy stepped out into the cold air of the street and away from the hot, stuff, alcohol infused club. Andy could still smell alcohol, she furrowed her brow, "have you been drinking?"

Cassidy bit her lip, "it was just one Cosmo, someone bought it for me, it's no big deal."

"We're hitting Starbucks on the way." She looked sideways at Cassidy as she lead the way down the street. Cassidy looked up at Andy imploringly. "I'll even buy it for you. It's not a Cosmo, I know."

Cassidy laughed a little.

In the bright light of the 24 hour Starbucks a block away from the Priestly townhouse Cassidy began to look her age again. Andy sipped a decaf mocha as Cassidy took big gulps of her own halfcaf latte.

"What were you doing at an eighteen plus club?" Andy asked and when Cassidy rolled her eyes, Andy added, "I'm the responsible adult, you know I'd have to ask."

Cassidy sighed, fidgeting, "it's just, you know, high school girls aren't exactly that aware of themselves. Everyone else gets to date in high school, why shouldn't I?"

"When I was in high school there was one gay kid. That was in Cincinnati, it wasn't a small school. I know what you're talking about... and I think it is very wise and very adult of you to be so self aware about your sexuality... but statutory rape is still statutory rape, Cassidy."

"Rape is the insertion of an unwanted foreign object." Cassidy deadpanned, "women don't have unwanted foreign objects to insert."

Andy blushed deep red.

"Are you a lesbo v?"

"A... what?" Andy asked, blushing even more deeply.

"A lesbian virgin."

"That is absolutely not your business." Andy attempted to hide her face in her coffee.

"Hey, you got all up in my business first." Cassidy laughed, sitting back in her chair. "Come on, are you a v?"

"I can't say I feel comfortable talking about sex with a 15 year old." Andy admitted.

"Suit yourself." Cassidy sipped her coffee. "I've been told that I'm really good."

Andy's hands flew up to her ears, "don't tell me that, I don't want to hear that. Oh my god, Cassidy! Finish your coffee."

Cassidy downed the last of it, "I'm done."

The walk back to the townhouse was quiet as they huddled in their respective scarves and wool hats to keep warm. Andy stopped at the foot of the steps. "Want to come in?" Cassidy asked. "Say hello to my mom?"

Andy snorted, "yeah, no. Not happening."

"Not coming in? Why did you walk me all the way back?" Cassidy shivered a little in the cold.

"I just needed to make sure you got home for my own peace of mind." Andy admitted.

"That's... really sweet." Cassidy smiled, "maybe I could call you sometime? We could get dinner or whatever."

"You're jail bait, Cassidy." Andy shook her head. "Maybe in three years."

"I guess I'm going inside then." Cassidy stifled a smile and motioned to the door.

"Yup." Andy nodded, looking over to the door, "we can stand here all night, I'm waiting until you're inside that house and safe and warm."

Cassidy smiled, "goodnight, Andy."

"Goodnight Cassidy."

Cassidy stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the darkly stained entrance way. "Be still my heart."

In a horrifying, heart stopping moment she heard footsteps on the stairs. She hoped, in vain, that it was Caroline but she knew better. She knew the sound of approaching doom.

Doom walked slowly down the stairs.

Cassidy saw the white hair first and next the pursed lips and narrowed eyes of a very aggravated mother. Her arms were crossed across her chest and her foot tapped. "Cassidy Anne Priestly." She began and Cassidy knew she was really in for it. "What on earth were you thinking being out in New York City this late at night? That was reckless and stupid, I really would have expected better, Cassidy. If I wasn't so glad that you're safe and intact I'd kill you myself. Go up to bed."

"Mom, I-"

"Bed." Miranda snarled.

The redhead ran past her and into her room, closing the door loudly behind her. Miranda sighed and rubbed her tired eyes.

Tired eyes, yes, could that have explained what she'd seen out the window? Was it purely a fabrication of an exhausted mind that Andrea Sachs had been standing outside the townhouse with her daughter in tow?

Miranda retrieved her cell phone from her study and scrolled through the contacts. She stopped on Andy's number. She hovered over it, once again asking herself why she'd never removed her from the phone, why she'd never forgotten her as she had so many before.

[Come see me at 5. That's all.] Miranda texted Andy, using all the appropriate punctuation and capital letters.

pairing: andy/miranda, all: fiction, user: i_heart_cuddy, rating: r

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