(no subject)

Aug 14, 2009 23:55

The Proposal (6/9)
by Coco (i_heart_cuddy)
rating R
pairing Miranda/Andy
disclaimer I do not own the Devil Wears Prada or the characters herein. I make no money off of this and I intend no infringement. Also, I don't own The Proposal and I mean no infringement there either, I make no money from this.
summary Shamelessly borrowing the idea from The Proposal because of Ebert's comment that it was what DWP should have been (or something to that effect). Miranda's citizenship is in question and she latches onto Andy to save her, as usual.

The bar was dark and a little smoky but she figured it would do. She sat down at the bar. The bartender had a piercing through his nose and sported a mohawk. They gave each other judgmentally scrutinizing looks before he said, "what'll you have?"

"An appletini."

He sneered, "we don't serve anything that tastes like fruit."

"Fine, then a cosmo."

"We don't serve anything pink." He said with annoyance.

"Look, just give me alcohol! Give me the special!" Miranda snapped.

"Coming right up." The bartender walked off to mix her drink and Miranda picked up one of the coasters, the name of the bar was The Spider's Web and she imagined that Andy would have avoided this establishment if only because of the name. Her musings were interrupted by the bartender setting the drink down.

She didn't bother to even sarcastically thank him. She lifted the drink to her lips and sipped. It was better than she'd expected. Like the whole weekend, better than she'd expected. Every time she thought about how much... fun she'd been having with Andy and the twins she drank a little faster. She was halfway through her drink and already feeling the alcohol's effects.

When she reached the bottom she called for a second. Halfway through the second one she knew she was drunk. And she was okay with that. "What is this called?" She slurred holding the glass up.

"It's a Black Out." The bartender deadpanned.

"Well, then, here's to my blacking out." She held up her glass and then took a couple of big gulps. She let out a throaty giggle.

"You're not planning on driving are you?" The bartender asked as Miranda slammed the empty glass onto the coaster.

"No, no, no. Cab. Maybe another drink?"

"I think you've had enough." The bartender insisted, Miranda pouted but handed over a handful of cash for the drinks. "I'm going to call you a cab."

The cab ride seemed shorter to Miranda. She was laying in the backseat of the cab looking for the shapes in the stains on the ceiling. Before they reached the Sachs house Miranda had found a puppy dog, a boot and three moons. The cab driver was nervous not being able to see her in his rear view mirror but every now and then her hand would shoot up and point to the ceiling.

"Andy, we're never going to be able to beat you at this!" Caroline grumbled good naturedly as Andy beat her at DDR again.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, girls," Andy smiled, "this was my whole high school experience. If you do it for a while you'll get really good at it. You're awesome for beginners."

"Really?" They both beamed.

"Oh yeah!" Andy grinned, "when I started I was so horrible, you two have natural dancing talent. And excellent hand eye coordination. Or hand foot."

"Can we play a little more?"

"Absolutely." Andy dug out a handful of quarters and split them up evenly between them. Andy took a sip of her extra large blue raspberry slushie. "I'm going to sit over here for a bit. I'll watch you."

She threw cash at him, told him to keep the change and stood on the curb in an effort to control herself as the cab pulled away. She took one uneasy step forward and then another until she reached the front door. She pulled out the key that Andy had given her and attempted and failed to put it in the lock for two minutes before Richard opened the door.

He was holding a glass of bourbon and they sized each other up. "Where's Andy?" He closed the door behind her.

"At the arcade with my girls." Miranda reached for the couch, grasped the arm for balance and sank down onto it.

Richard laughed, "forget about getting them back." He hiccuped, "Andy spent her whole childhood at that arcade."

"Andrea's such a good person, you know?" Miranda looked serious. "You know, I just... I don't say it enough. I don't tell her enough. I appreciate her."

"She's a good kid." Richard nodded, teetering on his way to join Miranda on the couch. "I just feel like she's too young for you."

"Forget too young. She's too good, she's too... too... wonderful. I don't deserve her, you know? It's like... like... it's like... Beauty and the Beast. She's so... good and I'm monstr... mon... monst... mon-stru-ous."

"No, no, you're not a monster."

"I am! I am a little bit."

"Noooo." Richard insisted.

"She... she makes me want to be a good person. I... want to be the person... that she deserves." Miranda sighed, "I want... I just want her to be happy."

"Me too. That's all I want. I want her to be happy." He nodded, "and Miranda, you know, if you make her happy then that should be it for me, you know? I just... I'm glad that you make her happy. Can I hug you?"

"Right... now?" Miranda bit her lip.

He shook his head, "I'm just gonna do it, I'm just gonna hug you." He leaned forward and hugged Miranda tightly. She kept her arms pinned to her sides for a few moments before reaching up and putting her hands on his back. He pulled back and smiled, "that wassssnice. I'm glad that we hugged."

Miranda nodded, "it was okay."

"I have to..." he stood up and swayed, "I have to sleep now."

"Yup." Miranda stood too, using the coffee table and then transferring to the wall, "I'll... me too."

Miranda stripped out of her clothes clumsily. She climbed into Andy's bed and stared up at the ceiling. She frowned when there were no stains to find shapes in. She sighed and looked over the framed pictures on the side table.

Andy let herself and the girls in. The girls were leaning against each other out of exhaustion. Andy showed them to the guestroom which was off the kitchen. The girls climbed onto the bed and curled into twin balls, falling asleep almost instantly.

Andy felt like her bladder was going to explode and she stepped out of the guestroom intent on beelining to the bathroom. She was stopped by Richard sitting on the couch with a glass of bourbon.

"Dad?" She raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Oh Andy!" He smiled and stood up, "I wanted to tell you. Miranda's alright, you know?"

"You talked to Miranda?"

"Yeah, and word to the wise, she's a little... you know."

Andy waited for him to elaborate and shook her head, "no, I don't know. What was she a little?"

"A little drunk, you know. She was smashed, she was wasted."

Andy scrunched up her nose, "I think you're projecting, dad."

"She said how wonderful you are and how beautiful you are and... she loves you, Andy, she does."

"Dear god! She is drunk!" Andy exclaimed in alarm, "I have to go check on her!"

As she climbed the stairs her bladder protested but Andy needed to check on Miranda, she had no idea what she was like when she was drunk. After her near death experience she didn't want to take any more unnecessary chances.

Once Andy made it through the door she saw Miranda on the bed with her glasses on and reading a magazine from Andy's shelf. She looked up and saw Andy. She grinned and took her glasses off. "Andreeeeea." She purred.

"Miranda." Andy laughed a little, "alright, I see that you're not dead, so... you're not wearing a shirt. Or pants."

Miranda wrapped her arms around Andy's waist and pulled her tightly to her. "Andrea, let's get sticky." She whispered as she kissed Andy's neck.

Andy grinned, "well, hello Miranda," she pulled back and kissed her, "hold that thought, I have to pee so badly. I'll be right back! Right right back!"

"Hurry back." Miranda bit her lip on a grin.

Andy cursed the extra large slushie -- and the fact that she finished off Cassidy's -- as she raced to the bathroom. Miranda was drunk but people didn't do things they wouldn't do when they were sober, they just lost their inhibitions. At least that was the way she wanted to play it.

As she rounded the corner after the record breaking, fastest pee in the universe, she saw Miranda passed out on the bed, curled around her pillow in the middle of the bed.

Andy groaned. "Hello sexual frustration, my old friend."

The alarm clock blared at 6:30 and Andy rubbed her eyes, she stretched her back, she'd been wrapped around Miranda's unmovable body all night. Church with the family. She shook Miranda's shoulder. "Miranda?"

Miranda groaned and turned over, "whaaat?"

"Do you want to go to church with us this morning?"

"I'm hung over, stop talking." Miranda whispered and turned back away from Andy.

"Alright, well, I have to go." Andy pushed herself out of bed.

"Also." Miranda said.

Andy waited for her to continue but she seemed to fall back asleep. Andy sat back down on the bed and nudged Miranda, "also what?"

Miranda furrowed her brow at Andy. "What?"

"You said also and then you fell asleep. Also what?"

"Oh... I'm Jewish."

"Oh. Alright." Andy nodded, "what about the girls?"

"Jewish mother, Jewish children."


"Just leave them a note, they'll be fine. Just tell them I'm up here." Miranda pulled the comforter up around herself. "...Andrea, why am I in my underwear?"

Andy was turned toward her dresser and she blushed, "don't ask me, I got back last night and you'd already done it. You were pretty far gone."

Miranda groaned and Andy blew out a frustrated breath. "I didn't do anything embarrassing, did I? I sort of remember the cab ride home and I feel like I hugged your father."

"Do you remember anything else?" Andy waited but got no response. She finally turned around only to find Miranda fast asleep again. She sighed heavily. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say no."

pairing: andy/miranda, all: fiction, user: i_heart_cuddy, rating: r

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