FIC: You’ve got a choice so make it (1/?)

Aug 05, 2009 22:37

FIC: You’ve got a choice so make it   (1/?)

Author:  ink_rebel

Pairing: Mirandy

Warnings: Ok, so this ones going to be bit angsty. There will be Violence. Very bad language (my mother would be so disappointed!) Sickly sweet happy endings as always.

Summary: Sometimes we don’t know what we’re capable of till we have to choose. Not till you’ve walked the line of life and death will you know how strong you truly are and see what really matters.

Disclaimer:  Darling, if I owned them I’d be shouting it from the roof tops.

Chapter One

Miranda looked back at Nate her gaze of loathing and disgust, she wished with all her might she could wipe that smug grin off his face.

“Good introductions over, from that loving gaze you’re throwing my way I’m guessing you know who I am”.

Miranda clenched her jaw, for Emily sake she bit back the scathing remarking that was about to come out.

“You know I never realised you were such a slut. They never mention THAT in the papers, in fact I thought you’d be quite the frigid one.  Well, all those husbands had to cheat for one reason or another”. Nate spoke his eyes never leaving the window, over looking the lights of Paris, he was about to continue his verbal assault when he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Miranda was glad for the reprieve, biting her tongue was becoming more and more difficult. This jerk thinks he can treat people like this, and Andrea, her poor Andrea. What was happening to her where was she? Her thoughts cut off by raised voices by the door,

“Look, you asked me to help you out and I did, now I just want my money so I can go” Miranda recognised the speaker as the taller guy from earlier, the one carrying Andrea.

“You can’t just leave! Did you put Andy in her room?” Nate said his voice raised as he stabbed a finger into the other mans chest.

“Look I don’t want any trouble with you, I just want out. I didn’t realise you were going to get this heavy. Yeah she’s in her room down the hall, she don’t look to good mate, she needs a Doc” the man replied trying to pacify Nate.

Miranda noticed strangely for the first time the scruffiness of the mans clothes, but she didn’t have time to contemplate this before Nate was pushing the guy against the wall next to the door.

“Don’t tell me what my girlfriend needs! I decide if she needs a Doctor! I’ve changed my mind go get the stupid bitch; I want her to see the Ice Queen over their crack”. Nate threw the comment over his shoulder as he turned with heavy strides back towards his chair opposite Emily prone form.

“But- the other man started to say then shock his head and made his way out the room.

“So where were we, before are nice little chat was interrupted?

Oh yes, you being frigid, or not as I now know. You’re a bit of a slut; only difference is you’re a Dyke slut, who takes advantage of her employee’s fear of her! You had no right to seduce her; Andy was a normal, loving girlfriend before she started working for you! You changed her; she would have never fucked a woman before, and especially not an uptight bitch like you! You turned her in to a freakish slut!!” Nate raised his voice not quite to a shout, aggression coming off his in waves, he has moved from his armchair and was pacing the floor in front of Emily and Miranda, like a caged tiger.

Miranda snapped her head up to Nate’s form when she’d heard what he had said. Fucked, Andrea? She hadn’t! God did she want to but she hadn’t. She was a professional! She was angered further, not by his insulting use of vocabulary towards her but his actions towards Andrea, caused her to see red.

“You useless specimen of a human being, you know nothing. When I get out of here and believe me I will, I’m going to crush you so badly that not even your mother will be able to look at you and not cringe”. Miranda spat at Nate who looked momentarily taken aback at Miranda sudden vocal-ness.

“And just because of your stupidity and obviously lack of brain power I’ll spell it out for you nice and clearly.


She is my assistant, that’s all”. Miranda glared at him, waiting for his next move hoping he would lash out at her and not Emily.

“I-… I don’t believe you! She… called your name- When we were- when she-. I don’t believe you.” With that Nate seemed to snap back into his anger filled self. He grabbed Emily by the hair, yanking her up onto her knees,

“And you were doing so well with your silence, wasn’t she Emily?”

Moving Emily’s head to nod, like a puppet. His voice soothing caressing them, it made Miranda wish for a shower. He threw Emily to the floor by his feet, causing her to whimper loudly,

“Hey, don’t moan at me Em, it was your Goddess over there’s fault”, he said while rolling Emily over with his foot, till she was laying at Miranda’s feet.

Miranda desperately tried to show Emily her remorse and give her strength through her gaze. All of their attentions where pulled to a knocking on the door.

“Ah good, now the party can begin, I do hate to leave anyone out, I’m sure Andy will be the life and soul. Well once she comes round”, Nate’s laugh was robotic and sent chills down her spine.

As he walked to the door, Miranda leaned over to Emily as far as she could and whispered to her in soft reassuring tones, quiet enough for only her to hear. Miranda’s eyes snapped up to the doorway, where Nate’s voice sounded both angry and anxious.


pairing: andy/miranda, all: fiction, user: ink_rebel, rating: unspecified

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