Cupid Part 4

Mar 22, 2009 16:49

Title: Cupid
Author: inlove_n_inhate
Plot: A blessing from Ancient Greece meets modern day science and when stuff like that happens there's bound to be an explosion of massive proportions. Especially when Miranda Priestly is involved.
Disclaimer: Let’s face it if I owned them the subtext would have been the text.
Author’s Note: All mistakes are mine as this has not been beta read.
Thanks To: radak for the lovely banner. mirandyscrow for the prompt and for all of those who have been reading and reviewing. Always appreciate the feedback.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Part 4
‘I’m having a…’

-----March 15, 2007----

Miranda pinched the bridge of her nose. This was impossible, improbable and insane! None of this should be happening to her. Science itself could not be proved wrong! There were lines! There had to be lines in the world for it and those that inhabited it to function. Those lines were not only being toyed with, but used as the starting line of an Olympic triathlon! The tension that seemed to settle just about her eyes was just a little bother compared to the Greek?Roman?-she as a little behind on her mythologies-Gods and Goddess that were now toying with her life and screwing with the balance and the lines of nature!

“Mother…I want you to be…” She took a deep breath. “Are you certain?” She hoped not, because those lines were about to be erased from history, in her book, if her mother was correct.

“If the woman carrying the child is unaware of the gift she has been given and is not in the vicinity of the child’s other parent…” Which, in her daughter’s case-for the first time in the family’s history as far as Beth knew-was actually another woman. “…then…”

“Then…” Miranda prompted massaging the bridge of her nose.

“Then the child will grow at an unnatural pace.”

“Meaning…” Miranda spat out as her teeth ground together.

“Meaning…her pregnancy is going to grow, slowly going to grow from say…two months to whatever month afterwards in a span of weeks and then slowly revert back to normal.”

Miranda looked at her mother through her eyelids. “You realize you’re insane, mother.” An accelerated pregnancy! That would decide, on its own like it was a thinking entity, when to revert back to ‘normal’! Ha! Maybe they both needed those straight jackets after all, because for a moment it actually almost made sense to her, almost.

“Not as insane as this whole situation.” That…Mirada had to admit, was true.

“How exactly do we find her?” There was not desperation in Miranda’s voice, she was adamant about that.

Beth slowly withdrew her designer frames from her face and folded them even slower, her eyes finally looking to find her daughter when they were safely tucked into their case. “Well…darling that’s usually the easiest part.” Except this was her youngest daughter, so of course she wouldn’t know who she was in love with!

“Don’t use that tone with me, mother! I’m not a child nor am I incompetent or obtuse!”

“Ha!” Beth barked out as she stood up and moved about her daughter’s private home office, where they had been sitting for the past three hours discussing their family’s unusual blessing.

Miranda wanted to throw her arms up into the air in frustration but she was Miranda Priestly and Miranda Priestly didn’t flail about her arms in frustration. Miranda Priestly slowly stood and lifted her head up high and escaped the confines of her office and then home for some cool pre-spring air. With a great inhale of breath Miranda looked up at the clouding skies and wondered why. Why her, why now, and why with someone she didn’t even realize she was in love with?

How she could live another day and still not know who she was in love with, made her think perhaps she was as incompetent and obtuse as her mother thought her to be. Her mother had better finish telling her all the details about their family’s history and the blessing that came along with it soon, because at the rate they were moving she wasn’t sure her sanity would last till the girls arrived home from school.

Before Miranda could ponder on the subject any longer the shrill sound of her phone ringing pierced the air.

“Is there a reason you are calling me on my day off, Nigel.” The irritation pouring from her voice was, for once, not an exaggeration.

---------Doctor’s Office------------

Andy sat bouncing her foot while her eyes stared at the posters covering the walls. Lily stood in the corner of the room on her phone speaking in a hushed tone so the nurses didn’t come in and threaten to take her cell phone, yet again. Andy had tried to reason with the artisan but hadn’t had much success and wouldn’t push. Especially since Lily had left work early so she could join Andy here at this new OBGYN’s office. The new shipment had just arrived and Lily needed to deal with everything ASAP. So she’d just told Lily to whisper so they wouldn’t get kicked out, especially since this was one of the few remaining OBGYN’s that still accepted her insurance.

Andy had already been to see three other ones in the last few weeks. It seemed none of them agreed with the other’s findings so Andy was then forced to seek another opinion. She prayed that this time she’d found one that could tell her how far along she actually was. Last week it was four months. As of two days ago it had moved closer to five. By the time the month came to a close she was sure they’d be telling her she was seven months along and then she’d know for sure Christian was the father and that all of her doctors were morons!

Morons! How could she be four months pregnant one week and then closer to five the next? It didn’t make sense. How could she only miss two periods and be four months pregnant? Why couldn’t they just tell her what was going on? It wasn’t like this was some kind of anomaly…oh wait! Yes it was-(to her anyway). No wonder!

Andy sighed before going a little green around the gills at one of the pictures hanging on the wall depicting how a woman’s cervix dilated when giving birth. “Oh hell no…” she was having a C-section! Or she was taking drugs, massive amounts of drugs like the main character in that movie…what was it? The one where the woman was having an affair with her obstetrician and baked pies?

Oh…forget it she’d think of it later. She was just happy that she’d already peed in the cup so they could check to make sure all was well and that her blood pressure was acceptable.

The door slowly opened and pulled Andy from the day dreams of her gripping onto-was it Lily’s hand?-as a doctor told her to push, sweat dripping down from every orifice of her body, hair matted and messy and face bright red. She shook her head to get the image out of her minds eye but found it to be slightly more difficult than usual. For some reason the silhouette holding her hand drew all of her attention. She had to shake her head a little harder to get the image from her mind just as the voice spoke to her and sent a real chill down her spine.

“Andrea…” Andy slowly turned her head to greet-hopefully her permanent OBGYN-except…the woman standing at the door wasn’t an OBGYN.

“Hello, Andrea…” Andy’s eyes widened at the sound of her name being pronounced with that…accent as if being addressed by someone of a French origin. When she met blue eyes she nearly fell out of her chair. “We need to talk, Ahndraya.”


“What…how…” Andy looked around the room only to see she was standing on clouds! Clouds! She gasped and jumped, and was shocked when she landed back safely on the same clouds that had caused her involuntary jump. She laughed a little nervously as she looked down at the cumulus cloud beneath her. Then looked up when she could practically hear Miranda’s eye roll.

“You will need to contact me, as these…” Miranda looked around. “Aren’t proper surroundings for our conversation!”

“Conversation…what? What’s going on?”

“It’d be best if you did your homework before you arrived-make the conversation easier on the both of us.”

“What conversation? About what.” Then as if an afterthought “What homework!?”

“Don’t be late Andrea…you know how I hate tardiness.” Miranda turned and walked into the clouds.

“Huh…? Wait! No, Miranda wait!” Andy stepped forward, but as she had earlier expected, the clouds could not hold her up and she fell into a pit of darkness.


What had Miranda wanted? What had she meant by contacting her? Why couldn’t she contact her? If she was willing to barge into her dreams why couldn’t she do the contacting?


Or homework? What type of homework? The last time she’d actually been assigned homework was in twelfth grade. College was all about assignments, not homework. Homework was such a childish…


Andy snapped her head up and realized she must have fallen asleep. Dreams of Miranda were frequent. Dreams like that of Miranda, not so much as frequent or understandable.

“Hey…it’s okay. It was just a dream.” Andy sought out Lily’s face and when she saw her friend smiling at her gently she smiled a little and tried to calm her racing heart. “You all right?” Andy nodded as she sucked in a deep breath, even though she was a great deal far from being all right. “The doctor’s here…”

“Oh…” Andy straightened in her seat a little and ran her hand through her hair when she saw a woman standing at, at least 5’10 standing behind Lily smiling at her gently.

“Andrea Sachs, is it?” Andy nodded and cleared her throat.

“Y-yes…everyone calls me Andy.” Except Miranda…she shook her head a little. Thankfully the doctor and Lily just thought she was trying to wake herself up further.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Sachs. I’m Dr. Peggy Reynolds.” As Andy looked at Dr. Peggy Reynolds and the easy smile and comfortable aura about her she knew she wouldn’t be looking for anyone else. She just knew! Somehow Dr. Reynolds was going to help her find all the answers she needed.

“So, you’ve been to three other OBGYN’s in the last two weeks? Is there a reason for this?” Dr. Reynolds asked as she moved to slip on a few gloves and waved Andy over to the examining chair.

“They weren’t giving me the answers I needed.”

“And what answers were you hoping to gather from them? Besides the basics?” The doctor asked with a comical air.

Andy sighed. She really didn’t know, but she could start with hoping for an accurate timetable of how far along she was, that didn’t contradict with the other’s findings.

“They all seemed to be unable to pinpoint how far along I am, and it’s rather important that I find out. That is exactly how far along I am.” Dr. Reynolds nodded and asked Andy to pull up her shirt so she could examine her abdomen.

“So it’s important to find out how far you are along because you’d like to know who the father is?” Dr. Reynolds guessed, having had several women ask her exactly how far along they were because of that very reason.

“Sort of…” Andy said gently and looked over at Lily. Lily shrugged, she’d been to almost all of Andy’s appointments and still hadn’t the faintest idea how to answer the doctors questions no matter how many times they were asked and Andy did her best to answer them.

“I don’t understand…” The doctor turned to face Andy directly, only sparing her chart another quick glance. “…sort of?”

At Andy’s paling face Lily bucked up and stepped forward.

“You see, doctor Reynolds, there is a possibility that this child was conceived during unconsensual sex. That’s why it’s imperative that sh…we find out. It’d help to have a timeline.” Dr. Reynolds nodded her head slowly and saw as the brunette refused to meet her eyes. She understood, a little and felt for the young woman on her table.

“Well, then…why don’t we find out!” The good doctor rolled away for a moment and checked the chart she was given. “It says here you’ve already had two ultrasounds?” At Andy’s nod she nodded back and went about prepping the machine and called in for a nurse. “So, have the other ultrasounds been inconclusive?”

Andy sighed. “Each one seemed to have a different answer.”

“How so?” Andy cringed as the cool gel was applied to her stomach. She still wasn’t used to how cold the blue gel was.

“Well…last week I was informed I was only four months pregnant.” Dr. Reynolds ah-hmmed in reply as she ran the head of the ultrasound along Andy’s stomach. “Then two days later I found out I was closer to five months pregnant.” And about four pounds heavier, but she’d leave that part out. She’d gained an astonishing amount of weight in the last two weeks! If she weren’t already freaked out about the pregnancy in general the weight gain would have troubled her a little more. But seeing as this whole situation was rather unexplainable and impossible to begin with, it didn’t really bother her much, or as much as it really should.

“Sometimes that can happen…miscalculations can happen especially when information such as last period are incorrect. So really we’d have to rely on the images we gather from the ultrasound and weight gained. Especially if you have trouble finding the fundus, which isn’t that hard to find.” She smiled at Andy for a moment before turning back to the monitor.

“The what?” Lily asked as she stepped around to stand behind Andy so she could see the monitor and give Andy a hand to hold when she needs it, as she has every time they’ve come.

“The fundus is the top part of the uterus between the fallopian tubes. It stretches upwards towards any expectant mother’s chest as their uterus expands. It helps us approximate how far along the pregnancy is.” Dr. Reynolds explained softly as she moved her hand deftly across Andy’s rounded stomach, her eyes locked on the screen in front of her. “How much weight have you gained?”

Andy blushed and tried to calculate it. “Eight pounds…” Dr. Reynolds looked over at Andy after she mentioned it before grabbing her chart for a moment and looking it over.

“Well…it says here that the doctors said you were closer to five months. I’d have to say that they’re right. Four months and three weeks along. It says here that you only missed two periods?” Andy nodded. “That’s uncommon…but possible…” She said as she closed the folder and turned to Andy, her other hand still holding the camera of the ultrasound against Andy’s stomach.

“It is?” Andy asked, surprised. She hadn’t been told that yet.

Dr. Reynolds smiled, “It is. It really depended on where the egg attached to the wall of your uterus. How were your periods before the first one you missed? Light?”

Andy had to think about it for a second. “They were! Light I mean, lighter than usual and lasted only two days…” Dr. Reynolds nodded and explained how that blood could have been from a number of things even though she was already pregnant. There were times where women who were pregnant had spottings of blood and after the second trimester it was important to tell your doctor if that continued. Andy informed her she hadn’t and she nodded and Andy smiled. At least she was getting concrete answers.

“Would you like to know the sex of the baby?” Andy brightened up at the news. The last two times she hadn’t been able to find out the sex because her baby was camera shy, and had turned away or the umbilical cord had been in the way. Andy turned to Lily. A smile Lily had never seen before gracing her best friend’s face. She smiled back and took hold of Andy’s hand and winked at her.

“Yes! Yes we would!” The joy seen only by the brunette’s smile and eyes was enough to make the veteran OBGYN smile at the girl’s enthusiasm. Even with the circumstances dealt to the young woman she was still as willing and excited as many of the other mothers that passed through these halls in the past twenty years she’d been practicing.


Andy couldn’t help the smile that seemed to be a permanent fixture. Even the doctors insinuation that she and Lily were a couple hadn’t bothered her and she just thanked the good doctor while Lily tried to explain that they weren’t together only to be pushed out of the room by a smiling Andrea Sachs.

They laughed a little about it on their way back. Lily went back to the art gallery and she headed straight home. Once inside her apartment she hadn’t been able to stop staring at the picture of the ultrasound she’d gotten from Dr. Reynolds. Her smile brightened as she looked at her picture. She’d get a frame for it later. Right now she just wanted to sit and stare at it some more. She sighed happily as she snuggled into the warmth of her blankets and held the sonogram up with one hand while the other rested on her stomach.

“A daughter…” The journalist whispered softly to the black and white picture in her hand. “My daughter…” She laughed happily. “I’m having a girl!” Andy suppressed a girlish squeal but her smile remained, even as she tucked the sonogram safely onto her nightstand and fell asleep.


Just so everyone knows now, the next chapter will not be up next weekend but during that following week. I apologize for the longer gap in updates but this coming week is already shaping up to be very busy and it hasn't even started yet. So...10 to 12 days till the next update.

pairing: andy/miranda, title: cupid, all: fiction, user: inlove_n_inhate

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