Fic: Borders

Jan 31, 2011 13:03

Title: Borders
Author: avenavs
Pairing: Miranda- Andrea
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual. These characters belong to Lauren Weisberger and 20th Century Fox. Any other characters are from the author. 
Summary: Do you value your decisions? Or the people you involve in making them?
A/N: This is a one-shot from my little 'verse of Playing House. The second part is...a bit complicated. I mean I found out something in my plot and I have to straighten that out first. I'm kinda sad about that. But I don't start stuff that I don't finish. That applies to all the fics here. I'm just a bit swamped with school work right now. So yeah, read Playing House first so you'd get an idea on the why's on this story.
A/N2: Unbeta-ad simply because this is stuck on my head and won't let me sleep and writing it out is the only way. I mean I wasn't supposed to be writing fics because I have a term paper but this won't let me focus! You'll be in My Heart, Playing House and my one-shots are still in the works and the first quarter won't end without them stories ending first.
A/N3: feedback would be lovely of course. :)

“You’re not going there.”

“Miranda…” Andy’s voice was pleading but also was bordering on frustrated.

“But this kind of opportunity doesn’t come in a journalist’s way twice!”

“You’re not going there and that is final. I do not want any discussion on this matter anymore Andrea.” Miranda’s glare on the other hand, was bordering between the Arctic stare and the Ice Age. Andrea did not flinch.

“So, I’ve spent the whole half hour explaining to you my career options so you could just shoot it down? I’ve wasted 30 minutes for this??”

“Not to mention the intellectual capacity I’ve wasted in trying to understand your illogical reasons.” Miranda spat as she turned another page on The Book that she brought home herself that evening. Abominations left and right on her ‘best September’ issue to date. Preposterous.
With this comment, Andy literally saw red.

“You’re not seeing the bigger picture Miranda! This is MY one chance! And this is MY career! I’ve only told this to you because I want you to know how important this is to me and you’re shooting this down?! You’re shooting me down for taking this only opportunity that comes my way-“

“Enough. I will not be yelled in my own house.” Miranda’s glare was so palpable it could spontaneously combust Andy right then and there. And Andy knew this because even if she was buried under a landfall of anger, she felt that gaze too. The journalist felt a little guilty for yelling at Miranda because the editrix was trying to be as calm as possible all throughout her ramblings for the past half hour. Andy swallowed and in a calmer voice she whispered,

“And I will not be talked down like a three year-old.”

Miranda sniffed on this, stood up from her office chair and walked out of their conversation after a few moments of silence from the both of them. Andy saw Miranda shaking, not because she was angry, but it was something else. Miranda was already in the foyer going towards the kitchen when Andy realized that her employer of nine months and friend of three years had walked out on her on one of the most important decisions in her life.

In a fit of rage, she ran out of the office to find Miranda busying herself by placing the dinner Andy cooked that night in the oven to warm up. She was also looking frantically everywhere that she almost dropped the baking dish. She breathed deeply before she slid the dish and sat down on one of the stools. Andy was about to start another lash out when Miranda’s voice- calm but her lips were trembling- sounded in the kitchen.

“Tell Christiana to write your resignation letter for Greg. I’m going to give you another recommendation letter-“

Andy’s mouth sagged for a few moments before she scoffed and raised her eyes heavenward. Tell me this is not seriously happening.

“Miranda!” Andrea interrupted. Miranda’s head snapped up and she looked into Andy’s eyes. The brunette saw the reason why Miranda was trembling when she stood to walk out on her. There in the glazed blue eyes Andy had always admired was fear. Pure, unadulterated fear.

Miranda licked her lips and opened her mouth to say something, only she squeaked and she pressed her fingers on her lips. She controlled her features and slid on her Ice Queen mask.

“Don’t make me repeat myself Andrea.” She whispered. The fear dissipated and was replaced by a hanging threat. A challenge to Andy’s will. And unfortunately, the young journalist didn’t win.

“You’re not serious. You’re not my employer Miranda!”

“I...Christiana will write that later-“

“No! Miranda I’m not your assistant and you’re not going to do my stuff and…you know what? Forget about this.” it was Andy’s turn to start walking towards the door. Miranda’s instinct told her to follow the frustrated brunette.

She was walking down the foyer as Andy grabbed her coat from the closet and was putting it on when Miranda got to her.

“This is foolish Andrea.”


The editrix did as she was told. A first for both of them. A deafening silence filled them before Andy took a breath and said,

“Tell the twins…whatever. Enjoy your dinner.”

And with that, Andy went out of the townhouse with a loud thud. Miranda was frozen in her place for a good five minutes before she walked back to the kitchen to wait for the twins.


…who arrived 10 minutes after Andy got out of the townhouse. It was Caroline who first barreled in the foyer, her Chuck Taylors squeaking loudly on the floor. Dressed in long- sleeved Esprit dark blue sweater and a fitted True Religion Jeans, she found her mother sitting on the stool staring on the countertop.

“Oh god is that Hungarian Goulash?! Cassidy will flip if she finds out Andy cooked her favorite dinner-“

Miranda looked up into her daughter’s exhausted but excited eyes. Caroline, 14 years old and exuberant, seemed to remind Miranda of her wild days as a young teen. Miranda smiled sadly and stood up to get dinner from their dinner.

“Mom?” Caroline’s mile-a-minute commentary ceased as she looked into her mother’s eyes before she turned to get the baking dish from the oven.

“Yes Caroline?” Miranda answered without turning back to her daughter. She opened the cupboards for plates and glasses.

“Where’s Andy?” Caroline went to the sink to wash her hands, and to see her mother’s face. She and Cassidy knew that when Miranda doesn’t show her face to them during dinner preparations, their mother was upset, or sad.

Miranda turned to her daughter and was about to reply when the door opened and a faint tapping of Cassidy’s kitten heels resounded in the foyer. All the faint taps turned to loud clacking as the 14 year-old brisk-walked-almost-ran to the kitchen when the smell of dinner wafted through her nose.

“Tell me that’s Andy’s Hungarian Goulash.” Flush- cheeked Cassidy asked her mother and sister who was in a baby pink sweetheart- neckline blouse with her own pair of no-brand jeans. Both her twin and her mother turned to her and gave her identical sad smiles.

“Okay, tell me that you and Andy had a fight instead.”

“You got that right.” Caroline nodded as she placed the bowls of the dish into the table. Miranda remained silent. They started eating.

“You know what mom? I think I like it better that you and Andy are fighting. I mean, when dad is yelling at you and walking away when you’ve cut him so thoroughly he just shrinks. Andy here, fights you and argues with you. At least you’re not holding everything inside of you until you just blow up.” Cassidy babbled. She rarely blabbers but when it comes to Andy, she could talk all day long. They’ve grown close to the young journalist just like their mother did.

“Wanna know what I think?” Caroline piped in. she bit a piece of bread and followed a spoon of their dinner.

“You’re going to tell us anyway Caro so spill it.” Cassidy bickered. Miranda was still silently eating her dinner.

“I think mom’s in love with Andy.”

Both Cassidy and Miranda almost sprayed the goulash through their noses.

“What?” Miranda’s voice was actually wobbly, her heart pounding against her ribcage.

“I mean c’mon mom, why are you upset? What did Andy do that you are so sad about?”

“She wants to go to Iraq. For that news rag she’s working for. Because she tells me that’s her only shot to being a great journalist.” Miranda whispered. She knew making Andy’s decision to go there was hard and she shooting her down was even more disheartening for the young journalist. But she can’t bear to carry the knowledge that Andy could die there and she let her go and pursue her bomb-detonating dreams.

“And you clearly said no.” Caroline said knowingly.

“Yes of course I said no. Will you let her go there if she asks your opinion?” Miranda exclaimed. All of them were shocked because of the higher tone of voice Miranda had.

“We’ll say no. Like you did. Because we love Andy.” Cassidy said after a few moments. She was still wide-eyed because of the unexpected raise in tone but she was also shocked because the logic in her sister’s words.

“No, I’m worried about her girls, I don’t…”

“You don’t what mom?” Caroline smiled mischievously. Miranda blushed from her chest up to the tips of her ears.

On the hallway leading to the kitchen, Andy stood there, accidentally hearing the conversation. She can’t leave the silver- haired editor in a sad state. She knew Miranda was worried about her decision and deep inside Andy was scared too. But it was after all, her career.

She walked out. not eating dinner because she wanted to cool her top first. She can’t think straight when she's angry, no one ever does. When she had her fresh air and walked off the frustration, she walked back to the townhouse exhausted and hungry. She wanted to apologize to Miranda but now that she can’t hear Miranda’s reaction from the more outspoken twin, she blushed herself too.

“I rest my case.” Caroline declared and she went back to the baking dish and ladled more of the goulash into her bowl. Cassidy was grinning like a mad scientist. Miranda was still blushing.

Andy entered the kitchen, clearing her throat to announce her arrival.

“Andy!” the twins chorused.

“Is there goulash left for me?” She shyly asked. They had no idea that she heard their conversation. They didn’t really mind.

“Yeah! We thought you’re still upset.” Cassidy said. Caroline hid a smirk as Andy took a seat beside her mom, who turned red from Andy’s gesture.

“Sorry, no more seats.” Caroline said.


“Yes?” Miranda whispered, staring holes into the goulash bowl.

“I’m sorry. And…you’re right. It’s a foolish decision.”

A big lump of lead was lifted off from Miranda’s stomach. She lifted her head and almost kissed Andrea because Andy was stooped and she was looking at Miranda. The twins had evacuated the area, Caroline tugging Cassidy out of the kitchen because she kinda knew that that was going to happen, but neither of them noticed.

Instead of kissing Miranda, Andrea laid her head on Miranda’s shoulder and breathed in the editor’s scent. She was fine. There’ll be more chances and safer ones, at least she’s still open to dangerous stories but not now. Not now when she could stay inside the townhouse and lay her head on Miranda’s shoulder.

Miranda sighed. A happy sigh. All is well in her world again.

pairing: andy/miranda, rating: pg-13, all: fiction, user: avenavs, length: one-shot

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