Secret Santa 2010. Final Chapter. Second Part.

Jan 25, 2011 23:41

 The Second Part :p


As Miranda spoke with Andrea's mother, who was grilling her with a few more questions, she couldn't help but watch Andrea as she moved about the kitchen, getting bowls and putting a good amount of ice cream in each.

Soon her lover was at the table, and she smiled up at her when her sorbet was placed in front of her. "Thank you, darling." she said softly.
"No worries." Andy replied, smiling back.

Beth watched the scene play out in front of her, and knew instantly that her daughter was falling for New York's fashion queen, and sighed softly, knowing she would need to talk some more with Miranda later.

Before either could speak again, Miranda stood abruptly from her seat.

"Oh my god." Miranda said, quite loudly, stepping away from the table.

Andy whipped her head up, and looked down at what Miranda had been staring at, and her eye's widened. "Shit Josh! Put your dick back in your shorts!"

"Joshua, I tell you this everytime that you keep that for your bedroom, that it's private." Mrs Sachs said to a laughing Josh. "Don't laugh, it's not a thing to do around people, you've been a bad boy."

"Go into the bathroom and wash your hands." Andy said, "Do you want me to take a sticker away?" she asked, walking over to the fridge when his sticker chart was where they'd put one up if he'd been good. She took one off it, holding up in the air from Josh who was trying to grab it from her. "Get into the bathroom and wash your hands or else you aren't getting it back." she said, nudging him towards the bathroom.

He soon did as he was told and Andy watched as he went down the hall way, turning and missing him not go into the bathroom, but his bedroom. "I thought he learned enough to know that he wasn't allowed to wank off in front of anyone?" she asked her mother.

"You know he doesn't understand what we mean." Beth replied, standing from the table with the help of one of her crutches.

Andy sighed. "I know." she walked over to Miranda. "I'm so sorry about that." she said, not at all sure what the older woman was going to say.
"Oh Andrea, no it's okay." Miranda said, touching Andrea's arm, "It was just very unexpected."

"Yeah, totally not something you want to see at the dinner table." Andy said with a slight laugh. "Ah, have you finished with that then?" she asked, pointing to Miranda's near empty bowl of sorbet.

Miranda nodded. "Yes, I don't think I could eat anymore." she replied, "I actually can't think of the last time I ate so much." she said, and both of them chuckled.

"That roast is actually the first home cooked meal I've made in a while, so I'm glad it was edible." Andy replied, beginning to pick up their plates, but she was stopped by Miranda's hand on her shoulder. "What it is?" she asked, looking into Miranda's eye's.

"You.. cooked that?" Miranda asked.

Andy nodded. "Yeah, don't look so shocked! I do know how to cook." she said, laughing.

"No, no, it's not that. It's just.. you're full of surprises, Andrea." Miranda replied.

Andy laughed again. "Well, good surprises I hope." she said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Very good." Miranda said softly, stepping closer into Andrea's personal space, and running her own fingers through Andrea's hair. "You're very beautiful."

Andy smiled at those words. "I think you are too." she breathed.

Before they could say anymore, they heard Beth's voice as she walked slowly towards them.

"Don't forget that you have the dishes to do." Mrs. Sach's said, when she came into view, and Miranda had been about to take a step away from Andrea but the brunette stopped her, by putting an arm around the older woman's waist.

"Yeah, I'm about to do that right now." Andy replied.

"It doesn't look like it from where I'm standing." Beth said.

"Well, I did say I'm about to do them." Andy replied.

"Mhm. Just make sure you don't get distracted this time because they need to be done." Beth replied, before looking over at Joshua who was sitting in front of the tv that had Spongebob playing. "Come on Joshua, bath time."

"You should be resting that foot." Andy said.

Beth waved away her daughter's concerns. "I'm going to be sitting on the edge of the bath, not standing on it." flicking on the bathroom light down the small hall way and Joshua ran inside. "I will make sure I don't stand on it." she said, looking back at Andy.

"She won't." Andy said, walking into the kitchen with Miranda behind her.

"How did she injure herself?" Miranda asked curiously, as she watched her lover fill up the sink with hot soapy water.

"Oh, she was walking down the steps of the school Josh goes to, and fell, twisted and fractured it, and even so she won't stay off it." Andy replied. "I get that she needs to look after Josh, but I wish she'd ask for more help."

"I can only imagine how hard it must be." Miranda replied.

"Mm. You have no idea." Andy replied as she washed a plate. "It's not always fun, but their my family, and I need to be there for them, no matter what."

"You're the most amazing, kind, thoughtful woman I have ever met." Miranda said.

"You're sweet," Andy replied, looking over her shoulder at Miranda with a smile, "But you've only seen this side of me, there's a whole other side you've yet to see."

"I haven't seen that side of you, Andrea, I do know that I'll still think you're amazing. I'll still want to be with you as much as I do now." Miranda said.

"But, the thing is, I don't think you realise just what you're setting yourself in for with getting involved with me." Andy said, putting down the washing brush and turning fully to look at Miranda. Miranda nodded. "I've tried killing myself 5 times, and nearly succeeded twice. I've been on suicide watch six times. On top of all that, I'm an ex-morphine addict. I could relapse anyday, and trust me, I've thought about doing just that many times." Andy said, and had been about to continue when Miranda took her hand.

"Andrea, darling, I don't care about any of that, well I do because I hate that you went through it all, but I still want to be with you. We can work through everything else together." Miranda replied.

"You make it all sound so easy, Miranda, but it really isnt." Andy said.

Miranda opened her mouth, but Andy stopped her.

"No, let me finish." Andy said. "If you knew half of what went through my mind on a daily basis, I'd no doubt be chained up in a white padded room. I'm messed up, Miranda. You deserve someone better, someone sane."

"Can I say something now?" Miranda asked, stepping next to the young woman again who had worked herself up. She rested a gentle hand on Andrea's cheek when the brunette nodded. "I don't want anyone else. I want you. The fun, happy woman, and the sad woman, I want all of you, the good and the bad. If you were to relapse, or felt the need to, I want to be there for you and guide you back onto the right track. I want to be there so you won't feel the need to do any of it again, and lastly, I don't want you to feel the need to hide anything from me." Miranda replied.

"In that case, I cut myself last week." Andy said, watching Miranda's face closely for her reaction, there was none. "You'd think that I'm nearly 30 I'd have gotten over it, the cutting and all that, but I haven't." she said, shrugging.

"You lost a twin, darling, it's understandable." Miranda replied, tugging the young woman into her arm's.

"You lost a twin too, how did you feel when you found out?" Andy asked.

"Eleanor and I didn't live together. I was raised by my mother, her my father, which meant we hardly saw one another, I didn't know her, so I honestly didn't feel much when I heard about it. Yes, it may sound cold hearted," she said, seeing the slight shock in Andrea's brown eye's, "But I have my reasons."

"What are the reasons?" Andy asked. "I opened up to you, so fairs fair."

"You're right." Miranda replied, before continuing. "When I went to visit my father and sister, I found out that their relationship wasn't your usual father-daughter relationship." she saw recognition flash in Andrea's eye's. "Mm. I was quite disgusted, and left. Years later, I tried reconciling with Eleanor, I was there when she had her son and we had a decent enough relationship, but soon I realised that her relatonship with her son, Raymond, was headed down the same track as what she had with our father, so when I found out, I wanted nothing to do with her. Then I found out about the shooting, and I had been shocked, but I wasn't really that upset over it."

"What about now? How do you feel about it?" Andy asked curiously, holding Miranda closer.

"I do wish things could have been different between us, but that's not how it was, so I've basically moved on from it all." Miranda replied. "My family life was much more different from yours Andrea, and you will fully accept what has happened soon, but you're still young and it's going to take time, and if you'll let me, I'll be there for you."

Andy frowned. "I have accepted it, mostly."

"Mm yes, but there is a part of you that is still mourning, I can see it in your eye's. Miranda said softly, now fully understanding what the sadness she had always seen in her lover's eyes meant.

The brunette closed her eye's, and nodded. "I wonder if it'll ever get better, if this feeling will ever go away." she said, opening her eye's again to stare into Miranda's. "I mean, there's this emptyness inside of me. I'm just.. sad. All the time. I may not show it often, but I constantly feel it." she said, resting her forehead on Miranda's shoulder. "I just want it to go away."

"I know, my darling." Miranda said, running her fingers through Andrea's hair, comforting her.

"I'm sorry." Andy said when she stepped away from Miranda wiping the tears from her face.

Miranda shook her head. "I'm here for you Andrea, you can cry in front of me."

Andy smiled at the older woman. "Thank you, not just for listening to me but for telling me about your past family life, and for simply being here."

Miranda smiled back. "It has mostly been a pleasant trip."

"Mostly? Hmm, I think we need to fix that and make it be a fantastic trip without the mostly." Andy replied, smirking, as she took Miranda's face with both hands and crushed her mouth hard against Miranda's.

"Mm, oh Andrea, that sounds like a lovely idea, but I really need to use the restroom." Miranda replied, gasping for breath, as they pulled back and rested their foreheads against one another.

"The toilet is the First door on the right down the hall. I'll finish off these dishes while you're in there." Andy replied.

Miranda nodded, gave Andrea one last kiss before making her way down the hall.


Miranda flushed the toilet, and pulled up her pants, zipping them up smiling as she listened to Beth Sachs in the next room with Joshua who was laughing. She stepped out of the restroom and saw Andrea leaning against the door of the bathroom wall, a smile on her face, as she watched the scene in front of her.

Miranda took the couple of steps to be standing behind Andrea and she wrapped her arms around her lover's waist, resting her chin on Andrea's shoulder, and watched as Beth soaped up Joshua's hair.

"You're a dirty little bugger. You're a dirty little bugger." Mrs Sachs said to a still laughing Joshua as he moved back and forth in the bathtub while Beth soaped up his hair. "I know what you are, you are a devil!" she said, shaping his soapy hair into two devil ears, and all three women smiled fondly.

"What about Mr. Porkipine?" Mrs Sachs asked, spiking his hair up, laughing as she looked up at Andy and Miranda.

Andy felt Miranda's arms tighten around her and smiled, leaning back into the older woman's strong body. "Hey." she said, catching Miranda's eye's.

"Hey." Miranda replied, with a small smile, her smile widening when her young lover turned around in her arms, and they both tuned out Beth's words and Joshua's laughing as they got lost in each others eye's.

"So, I finished those dishes." Andy said with a seductive look on her face. "You interestedin heading back over to mine?" she asked, waggling her eyebrows causing Miranda to chuckle softly.

"Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea." Miranda replied.

"Can I tell you something?" Andy asked.

Miranda nodded. "Of course, anything."

"You smell like sex." Andy whispered into the older woman's ear, before nipping her ear lobe. "And I love it!"

A faint blush tinted Miranda's cheeks, and Andy spotted it, grinning widely.

"Mum, were gonna leave you guys to it." Andy said, winding an arm around Miranda's body as she turned to look back into the bathroom.

"Did you finish the dishes?" Beth asked.

Andy nodded. "I did just then." she said before stepping into the room. "Night." she said, kissing her mother on the cheek before ruffling Joshua's hair. "Good night Mr. Porkipine."

This caused Josh to grin and laugh, and they continued to hear him laughing until they stepped into the chilly night air.

Andy saw Miranda shiver our of the corner of her eye, and she wrapped an arm around the older woman's shoulders. "I'll have you warmed up in no time." she breathed.

Miranda sighed, knowing that the night was going to get so much better.


Half An Hour Later..

"Oh Andrea, what are you doing to me?" Miranda gasped, her hands finding Andrea's head and she ran her hands through the brown strands. "You're only kissing me and I already feel like I'm about to come."

Andy grinned. "Do you want to come now?" she asked, slowly sliding her hand between their bodies to rest between Miranda's bare leg's.
Miranda whimpered as Andrea ran her fingers through her folds. "Yes." she breathed.

Instantly Andy entered Miranda with three fingers and began pumping them quickly, knowing by the shaking of Miranda's legs and the ragged breathing that she was very close, and soon she felt Miranda's walls clenching around her fingers, and she had reached her climax. "Do you like me touching you, Miranda?" she whispered.

Miranda could only nod, because when she opened her mouth nothing came out, and she swallowed, her mouth dry.

"Good. Because I like touching you. I like to make you feel this way." Andy replied, kissing Miranda's neck.

Miranda moaned, and arched up into Andrea who continued speaking.

"I want to do so many things to you." Andy breathed.

Miranda swallowed again. "You can do whatever you like."

Andy ran her free hand over Miranda's torso, as she began pumping her fingers again.

The pleasure hit Miranda, it was heart stopping pleasure, something Miranda had never felt before with either of her husbands and she thought she would surely die. She soon felt her release again, and Andrea pulled out of her, rubbing her release over her centre.

She felt the bed dip and then Andrea was off, and she heard a rustling sound, like she was looking for something. "What are you doing?" Miranda asked, peeling open her eye's, seeing Andrea's dark figure stand and come back over to the bed. She didn't get a reply, and before she knew it she felt something press against her sex. She lifted her head slightly and saw what Andrea had placed over her sex. "Is that a.."

"A dental dam? Yeah, ever since my recovery from morphine, and my luck of not contracting anything through the several syringes I used, I began having safer sex, not wanting to jeaopodize that luck. I still however like to use my bare fingers to finger fuck my woman into oblivion, I just love the feel of it, so I guess in a way it's not exactly full on safer sex." Andy replied, grinning, before pressing her tongue onto the dental dam.

"Oh." Was all Miranda could say, before the heat of Andrea's tongue surged through her body, causing her to moan loudly. As Andrea began lapping at her more hungrily, she began thrusting herself into Andrea's mouth, left hand tangling in the brunette's hair pushing her closer, and her right hand clung to the sheets, as Andrea bought her closer and closer to another climax.

Soon Miranda's back was arched fully off the bed, and Andrea looked up, watching as the older woman climaxed as the emotions crossed over her face.

Miranda collapsed back onto the bed, and tried to her her breath.

Andy shifted up to lay down next to Miranda, and looked into glazed over blue eye's, feeling quite smug with herself.

Miranda looked at the younger woman. "That was..." words failed her and she just smiled.

Andy smirked down at her. "That's just the tip of the iceberg." she whispered.

"Oh, is that so?" Miranda asked with her own smirk.

"Mhm. You think you'll be able to keep up?" Andy qustioned, a cheeky smirk on her face, as she cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh you little.." Miranda said, using all her strength to flip them over so she was hovering above her lover. She smiled as she gazed fondly down at Andrea who had laughed loudly at being flipped over. "You don't even know what the tip of the iceberg means." she whispered.

Andy giggled. "Well, I guess we'll soon see, won't we?"


After a fantastic love making, Andy and Miranda lay silent as they held one another. They'd been sharing small things about one another, laughing at a few of the things that were spoken, and holding each other closer if they were slightly sad, but they had now fallen silent.

Andy stared up at the ceiling, as she traced lazy patterns on Miranda's chest.

"For so long I used to wish that Josh was normal." Andy said, breaking the silent.

Miranda opened her eyes, and looked up at Andrea, wanting to listen to whatever her lover was about to say.

"I hated him. I remember on my 18th birthday, he did something and all the attention was on him, and I just cracked. I took his gameboy and threw it across the room, it broke to pieces and he came charging at me. We fell back onto the floor, and all I remember is wrestling him until I was on top of him, and I just.. I began punching him again and again, yelling how much I hated him, Mum's boyfriend finally pulled me off, and the look on all their faces are something I'll never forget." she sniffed as tears began trailing down her face. "I still to this day can't believe I did that. I may have been under the influence of alcohol and cocaine, but I had no right to do it."

As Miranda stared at the young, upset, woman, she felt her heart clench. She hated how much pain Andrea had gone through, and the things she'd had to endure. She wanted like nothing more than to be the cause of Andrea's happiness, to cherish and love her like she deserved.

"I told you I'm messed up." Andy whispered.

"I don't care." Miranda replied. "All I care about is that I want you, and I'm going to do everything in my power for this to work between us."

Andy smiled. "You're amazing." she began kissing the older woman, before she pulled back with a long sigh. "My god, your lips are like morhpine." she breathed, eyes closed. "And your breasts," Andy sighed, taking one of them into her mouth. "They're devine." she looked up into Miranda's eye's at the unreadable look on her face. She closed her eyes, and sighed. "I'm sorry."

Miranda's eye's widened. "Sorry for what?"

"I clearly freaked you out by saying your lips were like morphine." Andy said, sighing at her idiociy. She began to sit up, but Miranda stopped her.

"Andrea, It wasn't that." Miranda said, pulling Andrea closer to her, hoping her lover would believe her. "I was just taken aback by how much you like me. No one has ever told me my lips are like morphine or-" Miranda stopped at Andy's soft laughter.

"Well, you've never been with a former morphine addict." Andy said, still laughing.

"Well no," Miranda smirked. "But I hadn't been expecting it, it was a very nice surprise. And the bit about my breasts." she cosed her eye's. "That was the unexpected part. Stephen would always say to me that I was becoming a saggy old woman, and I wasn't desirable to him anymore."

"What a bastard." Andy said, hand balling into a fist. "I don't know what planet he was on, because you Miranda Priestly, are the most desirable woman I've ever laid my eyes on. Please don't believe his words anymore, because you're far from what he said you were."
Miranda smiled. "Thank you, darling." she said, tracing a finger over Andrea's flawless cheek.

"You don't need to thank me, it's just the truth." Andy replied. They were silent for a couple of minutes before Andy spoke again. "So, I guess I should give you the heads up that I occasionally talk about morphine, it doesn't happen often unlike when I used to constantly talk about, but I think of it often and even dream of using it. I even had this urge the other day for it." Andy admitted. "I've started going to group therapy again. It really helps me."

"You know, for so long now I've wondered why on earth I'm still alive, but as I lay here with you tonight I now fully understand the reason why." Andy said, staring into Miranda's eye's. She didn't want to freak Miranda out with her next words, but she needed to say them. "You're the reason I'm still here. I was meant to meet you, we were meant to get together. You're my reason to live."

Miranda's heart pounded in her chest as she went over Andrea's words. This wasn't just some casual fling for the brunette, this was much, much more than that. She knew in this moment that both of them had already fallen head over heels for one another, and that's how it was meant to be. "My love will be your drug from now on." she whispered in reply.

Andy smiled, and Miranda thought it was absolutely radiant. "Yes." Andy said. "Yes, if you'll let me love you."

"Of course. I want nothing more." Miranda replied, tracing her fingers over Andrea's beautiful face, knowing it probably was a little soon to be declaring their love to one another, but she didn't care.

"I know it's quite soon to be saying all that, but baby, I'm already falling for you." Andy said, placing her hand against Miranda's pounding chest. "I know you're feeling the same too."

Miranda nodded, and swallowed, before she opened her mouth. "Yes, I am." she replied, voice a little hoarse, "I think we should wait just a little longer until we actually say the words." she said, "But only because I don't want to rush this precious thing we have."

Andy nodded. "Yeah, I agree, slow is good." she replied, kissing Miranda on the forehead, before laying her head onto Miranda's chest, and listened as Miranda's heart slowed down, and before both women knew it they were falling asleep.


When Miranda woke the next morning, she frowned when she felt the spot next to her was empty. It was cold too, meaning Andrea had been up for quite some time. She lifted her head, registering the sun light that peeked through the curtain, and she heard Joshua outside, tapping his wooden spoon on the ground and muttering to himself.

She looked over at Andrea's pillow and smiled when she saw a piece of paper on it.

"Hey lurver, I'm In the house making you breakfast, come in when you're ready. -A"

Her smile widened at the thought of Andrea making her breakfast, and she wondered what she was going to be eating. She sat up, stretched, before she flung her legs over the edge of the small double bed, and stood. She found her clothes, and put them on, knowing she would need to head out to her car to get her overnight bag to shower.

Once she checked herself over in the mirror, she stepped outside, sheilding her eye's from the early morning sun, and stepped down the two steps from the caravan, and walked towards the house.

"Good morning, Joshua." She said, stopping in front of him.

Josh looked up at her. "Da!" he said, waving his wooden spoon about, the smile similiar to Andrea's widening his face, before he looked back down to the ground.

Miranda smiled, before she continued towards the house. She opened up the back door and stepped inside. She saw Beth Sach's in the kitchen drying dishes.

"Andrea won't be happy knowing you're doing that." she said in a way of greeting the other woman.

Beth looked up at her and chuckled. "Oh well, I'm sure she'll get over it."

Miranda laughed. "Where is Andrea anyway?" she asked, looking around the small space of the house, but not seeing her lover.

"Bathroom. She figured she would shower before you woke up." Beth replied. "Your breakfast is in the oven if you'd like it now?" Beth questioned.

Miranda shook her head. "No, thank you. I'll wait to eat it with Andrea if she hasn't had hers."

"She hasn't." Beth replied.

Miranda nodded, and started to walk past Beth but was stopped when the other woman's crutch was held out in front of her, stopping her from going any further.

"Was there something else?" Miranda asked, turning back to the other woman.

Beth nodded. "We need to have a chat. I want to know what your intentions are towards my daughter?"

"And before you say anything, I need to know if she's told you everything about her past?" Beth asked.

"As far as I'm aware she's told me everything." Miranda replied, hoping that she was correct and that Andrea wasn't hiding anything else from her.

"That she's a former drug addict, could relapse any day?" Beth questioned.

Miranda nodded. "I'm aware of that."

"And you're prepared to be there for her if a relapse is to happen?" Beth asked.


"It's not an easy task." Beth said.

"I imagine it wouldn't be, but I would be there for her." Miranda replied.

Beth nodded. "Good. Glad we got that bit sorted, but now for your intentions? Is this some midlife crisis on your part, just a casual fuck here and there, or do you want more? Because my daughter is falling for you hard, I can see it in her eyes, and she does not need any more hurt in her life."

"It's early days still, but I've already started falling for Andrea, and I don't plan on hurting her. If anything, she'll be the one to hurt me, realising she wants someone her own age." Miranda replied, hating the thought of that, but knowing it could happen.

Beth shook her head. "If I know my Andy correctly, that won't be happening."

Miranda felt a little better at hearing those words. "Very well. Was there anything else?"

"Yes, if you hurt my daughter you will be sorry." Beth replied, clearing the path for Miranda, putting her crutch back under her arm. "You can go see her now. First door on the right."

"Oh, and Miranda." Beth called out.

"Yes?" Miranda asked, turning back.

"Look after her. I worry for her being back in New York, even though I knew it didn't to happen." Beth said.

Miranda nodded, a small smile on her face. "I will."

"Thank you." Beth replied, and with that Miranda continued down the hall. She knocked on the bathroom door, and waited until the door was opened a crack.

"Oh, Miranda!" Andy said, smiling when she saw the older woman on the other side of the door. She stepped back and opened up the door. "Come in."

Miranda stepped inside the room that was still steamy from her lovers shower, and she sat on the edge of the bath, watching as her lover continued to comb her hair.

"I didn't expect you to be up for a little while longer." Andy said. "I was going to hurry up with this so I could wake you with breakfast in bed."
"Never mind. You can wake me that way another time." Miranda replied.

"Definitely." Andy replied, smiling at Miranda through the mirror.

"Did you sleep well?" Andy asked a couple seconds later.

"Very well." Miranda replied, smiling as she thought back to the feeling of Andrea pressed up against her, her strong arms secure around her, making her feel safe, something she hadn't really felt before. She watched as Andrea finished combing her hair, running the comb easily through her hair, before her eyes wandered down the brunette's body, looking at the tantilizing skin of her thighs that peaked out underneath the dark blue towel that she was wrapped in, down her long legs to her feet and then back up again. She rose from where she sat, and walked over, taking the comb from her lovers hand and turning her around, placing her hands on either side of Andrea's face and kissed her ever so softly.

"Mm. I could get used to that every morning." Andy breathed when they pulled apart for air.

"I want to see you." Miranda murmered.

Andy took a deep breath, before she undid the towel around herself, letting it drop to the floor.

Miranda took in her lover's exquisite breasts, her perfectly toned stomach, her thighs that had scars all over them. She stepped forward and began kissing Andrea again, while running her hands over the scars.

"You're the first person I've slept with that hasn't cringed at my scars." Andy said when Miranda began kissing at her neck.

"I could never cringe at someone so beautiful." Miranda said softly. "You're a goddess."

Andy's heart fluttered in her chest. "Oh, wow." she breathed, never having heard such words come from anyone like that before.

Miranda smiled, watching the many emotions cross Andrea's face. She had been about to speak, but her stomach growled.

Andy chuckled, and Miranda blushed.

"As much as I would love for you to continue what you're doing, I think it would be best if we were to eat first. We need to keep our stamina up if we want to go at it like rabbits again like last night." Andy replied, smirking.

"I think that sounds like a smart idea." Miranda replied.

Andy grinned. "Great." she said, grabbing her clothes and starting to put them on, loving the feel of Miranda's eyes on her the entire time.
"Let's go eat then!" she said once she was dressed, taking Miranda's hand in her own.

"Andrea." Miranda said, just as they were about to step out of the bathroom.

"Yeah?" Andy asked, turning around to look at her lover.

"Would you like to have dinner with my girls and myself at my townhouse on Christmas Night?" Miranda asked.

Andy smiled. "I'd love nothing more than to spend Christmas with you and your daughters."

Yesterday when she arrived at Andrea's childhood house, Miranda wasn't sure what the outcome would be, and now, being together with Andrea it seemed like they had a promising future and she was thrilled to know that the young woman wanted to be with her.



pairing: andy/miranda, user: pure_ecstasy6, rating: nc-17, all: fiction, challenge: secret santa 2010

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