Running Back To You. Chapter 22.

Nov 22, 2010 03:31

Title: Running Back To You.
Author: pure_ecstasy6
Pairing: Andy/Miranda.
Rating: 17+
Summary: Andy has a secret that she is hiding from Miranda. What will Miranda say when she finds out what Andy has done that has her on the run?
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. This is written for fun.
Beta: Thanks to my friend worst_liar_ever for going over this chapter.
Feedback: Comments are brilliant so please tell me what you think.


"I caught another one!" Caroline yelled in excitement as she looked over at Miranda and Andy with the fishing dangling on the hook in front of her.

"That's great!" Andy said.

Miranda nodded. "Very good sweetheart."

Andy laughed softly when the girls began getting the fish off the hook, Cassidy sqealing whenever she touched it.

"It's gone now, swam away with it's friends!" Cassidy said.

Andy smiled over at the girls before she felt eyes on her. She turned back to Miranda and saw the older woman watching her closely. She leaned forward and pecked her lover on the lips.

"You're so good with them." Miranda murmured as she ran her hand through Andy's thick hair.

"They're good kids, Miranda." Andy said. If Andy was honest she already saw the girls like they were her own daughters. She wasn't sure whether to voice these thoughts because she wasn't sure what Miranda would make of it.

"They've really taken to you." Miranda said. She entwined her fingers with Andrea's and squeezed the hand. "Just like I've taken to you."

Andy smiled at Miranda. "I'm glad, cause I don't plan on going anywhere." she said softly.

They leaned forward and their lips met in a soft kiss before both women sighed in delight of having the other in her arms before they watched the girls again.


"Can we swim in the river?" Caroline asked as she took a couple of sips from her water bottle.

They were sitting with Andy and Miranda now as they snacked on someone fruit that Miranda had bought for them for when they got hungry.
but not wanting them to get too full for dinner.

Miranda nodded. "Just be careful. There are some sharp rocks around."

The twins nodded before they set their drinks down and stood. "We will be." Cassidy said, before she followed her sister over to the water again.

"They're going to sleep well tonight." Andy said as they watched the girls beginning to splash around in the shallow end of the river away from most of the fish.

"Yes, but it means they're going to be up bright and early." Miranda replied.

Andy grinned. "It also means I get you to myself tonight." she said with a wink. She leaned forward and began kissing Miranda's neck before nipping at an earlobe. "I want to kiss you and make you go weak in the knee's, then I'll lower you down onto the bed and devour your naked body with my tongue." she whispered in Miranda's ear. "It's been so long since I've tasted you, I'm already wet at the thought of tasting you tonight. I'm going to make you lose come and lose control like you never have before."

Miranda closed her eyes and listened as Andrea continued to speak, telling her everything she wants to do with her when she has her alone. Her cunt clenched in anticipation. She couldn't wait until later that night.

Two Hours Later.

After an excited Cassidy showed Miranda grasshoppers along the river they had all started to make their way back up to the log cabin.

Miranda and Cassidy walked up ahead of them while Andy and Caroline were walking a little more slowly.

"Did you have fun today?" Andy asked.

"I did, but I didn't like that leech though!" Caroline replied.

Andy chuckled. Caroline had a leech on her arm and it had freaked her out. Andy luckily always carried a lighter on her and was able to get it off quickly. They had stayed out of the water after that and opted to exploring their surroundings and finding different insects.

"Yeah, they're gross." Andy replied.

"Very!" Caroline said. "My legs hurt." she said with a frown.

"You've had a long day." Andy replied. "Here, get up on my back. I'll carry you to the cabin, we don't have far to go." Andy said, she could make out the cabin ahead of them. She kneeled down and waited for Caroline to grab her shoulders. When she didn't she turned around and looked at Caroline who was staring at her. "What is it?" she asked.

"I'm not 5, I can walk myself." Caroline replied.

"I know you can, but you're also exhausted, so i'll carry you back." Andy said.

Caroline sighed and walked over to Andy, grabbed her shoulders and held on tight as Andy stood before she wrapped her legs around Andy's waist. She wasn't surprised that Andy was able to carry her because she had witnessed the brunette picking up her mother on their first day together a couple months ago.

"You good?" Andy asked as she started walking again. She felt Caroline nod. "So, you excited for tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yeah, I think it's going to be fun to spend it with you." Caroline said. "Have you got us anything?" she then asked.

Andy chuckled. "If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" she asked.

Caroline sighed. "I guess not."

This caused Andy to chuckle some more. "Don't worry, I assure you that you'll have something." she said.

Caroline grinned. "Really?" she asked, excited and wanted the morning to hurry up to see what Andy had gotten her.

"Really." Andy replied.

Caroline tightened her hold on the brunette woman and smiled into Andy's neck. "You're so much cooler then Stephen." she said.

Andy smiled. "Well, I'm glad you think so."

"Don't tell Mummy, but Cassidy and I never liked him." Caroline whispered.

This made Andy chuckle. "I never liked him either." she replied. The times Andy had met him throughout her tenure at Runway, Andy had always wondered what Miranda had seen in the man.

"Me and Cass like you and Mum together. She's so much happier now." Caroline said. "Are you two going to get married?"

The brunette was glad that the girls were fine with her relationship with their mother, but she hadn't been expecting Caroline bring up marriage.

"I'm.. um.. I'm not sure." Andy replied.

"You want too though?" Caroline continued.

Now that Andy thought of it, she really wanted Miranda as her wife. It was a nice thought. "Yes, I would really like too." Andy replied, but she knew that it might not ever happen because of her situation. How could they get married though when she was a fugitive? It would be the worst marriage to put Miranda in. Because unless Miranda was to retire early they would have to carry on with having a long distance relationship and spending a few days a month together.

Andy sighed. She was surprised that Miranda wanted to be with her still after these couple of months. At first Andy hadn't been sure if Miranda was going to stick around, but she knew she should've had more faith in the relatonship that she would, but it still surprises her.

Even though she knew it would be just as hard if they were to ever get married, Andy knew she would do everything in her power to make a good, solid marriage work between them. She was pulled out of her thoughts at the sound of Cassidy's voice.

"C'mon slow pokes, hurry up!" Cassidy said, as she turned around to see where Andy and Caroline were.

Miranda turned around as well and smiled when she saw her Andrea piggy backing Caroline up the hill towards them. Her heart fluttered at her strong feelings she had for the younger woman, she was very much in love. Now that she had Andrea in her life again she couldn't bare the thought of the woman leaving her.

Andy caught Miranda's eyes and smiled at her.

"I can walk the rest of the way now." Caroline said.

"Okey dokey." Andy said and let Caroline back down.

Caroline and Cassidy ran off ahead of them as Andy wrapped an arm around Miranda's waist and pulled the older woman into her. She kissed her lover on the forehead and sighed. "Thank you." she whispered.

"What for?" Miranda asked, turning and gazing into Andrea's eyes.

"For this fantastic afternoon and by simply being here." Andy replied.

Miranda smiled and they continued walking towards the cabin.


Dinner was a quiet affair, the girls' chatter throughout the day had worn them out so they ate mostly in silence.

Andy and Miranda shared glances with one another and occasionally Miranda would rub her stocking clad foot against Andrea's bare leg causing Andy's heart rate to rapidly increase.

Once they finished their rissotto they moved into the lounge room were they all sat together and watched a family movie.

Throughout the movie Andy had drawn Miranda's attention away from the tv and to the soft kisses she gave Miranda remindeding her of their time they would be spending together later.

Once the movie was finished Miranda had never been more excited to see the credits roll down the tv screen. She stood up rather eagerly and looked down at the girls who looked up at her sleepily. "it's time for bed." she murmured.

Cassidy nodded her head and covered her mouth on a yawn.

Miranda was thankful that her daughters didn't argue with her about going to bed, glad that they exhausted themselves out earlier that day.
"You coming to tuck us in, Andy?" Caroline asked.

"Yup!" Andy said and stood from the couch. She picked up the young sleepy girl and walked up the stairs to their rooms, all the while her eyes were devouring Miranda's body as the older woman walked in front of her. She had to suppress a low groan at the extra sway Miranda was putting into her hips.

"Good night Munchkin." Andy said as she tucked in Caroline.

"Night Andy." Caroline said sleepily.

Andy smiled down at her before she straightened and watched as Miranda bent over her daughter and kissed her good night. Andy couldn't help but let her eyes travel along Miranda's gorgeous body before come to a stop on her perfectly shaped arse. She pulled her eyes away when Miranda straightened up and turned around.

They walked over to the door way and Miranda closed the door half way before they made their way to Cassidy's room where they repeated the action they had done with Caroline.

"I think it's time you and I had some private time, don't you?" Andy asked softly as she pulled Miranda into her in the hall way and began kissing her lovers neck.

Miranda moaned softly as Andy's mouth attacked her neck. "Yes, thats the second best thing I've heard all day." she breathed.

Andy grinned and pulled away before they began their way down towards the staircase. "I can't wait to get my hands on you." she whispered.
"I can't wait to feel you inside of me." Miranda whispered back.

Andy chuckled softly. "Let's go then." she said and playfully patted Miranda on the arse before they walked down the staircase and headed towards the master bedroom.


pairing: andy/miranda, user: pure_ecstasy6, rating: nc-17, all: fiction

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