Running Back To You. Chapter 21.

Nov 16, 2010 16:51

Title: Running Back To You.
Author: pure_ecstasy6 
Pairing: Andy/Miranda.
Rating: 17+
Summary: Andy has a secret that she is hiding from Miranda. What will Miranda say when she finds out what Andy has done that has her on the run?
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. This is written for fun.
Beta: Thanks to my friend worst_liar_ever for going over this chapter.
Authors Note: To those who have been reading, I know it's been a while since I last updated, but I've been working on finishing this fic and it's nearly all done, so I'm not going to post anymore until it''s completely done and beta'd. 
Feedback: Comments are brilliant so please tell me what you think.
Previous Chapter:


"So you girls ditched your friends to come all the way out here to be with boring old me?" Andy asked when she and Miranda found the girls in the living room setting up the Wii.

"Your not boring Andy!" Cassidy said as she jumped up from the floor.

"Or old!" Caroline added.

Andy laughed and ruffled Cassidy's hair. She turned to look at Miranda who was smiling at her lovingly.

"I'll play with you first." Caroline announced drawing Andy and Miranda's attention away from one another.

Andy looked at Caroline and was handed a Wii remoted. "What are we playing?" she asked.

"Bowling." Caroline replied just as the game loaded.

An hour later Andy fell down onto the couch next to Miranda.

"Aren't you going to play anymore?" Cassidy asked, looking at Andy over her shoulder.

"I think I've had enough for now, but we can play again a bit later." Andy replied.

"You and Mum haven't even played together yet!" Caroline said with a pout.

"Yeah, it was great watching you both play last time." Cassidy said.

"And it was funny watching Andy flog you Mum." Caroline said and both twins giggled.

Miranda just smiled, not taking offense to what they said about her losing, she turned to the bruntte and her smile widened. "I think, girls, that Andrea needs to have something for brunch seeing as we woke her up and I bet she's worked up an appetite playing the game." she said.

Andy nodded. "I have actually." she said and laid a hand over her stomach.

Miranda nodded. "Thats what I thought." she stood from the couch and made her way towards the kitchen. "Are you coming?" she asked, looking at Andy over her shoulder.

Andy looked up at her and grinned. "Course." she said and stood to follow MIranda into the kitchen.

When she entered the kitchen Andy was pulled into Miranda's arms. She sighed into the embrace before their lips met in a soft kiss. "You have no idea how much I have missed you." the brunette breathed against Miranda's lips.

"Mm, it's been just as hard for me to not come out here and be with you." Miranda replied before kissing her love again. "I wanted to so many times."

Andy pulled away and gazed into Miranda's eyes. "I'm sorry for dragging you into all of this, not being able to be there with you and the girls, instead being stuck out here in secret."

"Don't be silly." Miranda said firmly. "I wouldn't have it any other way," Miranda paused, "well I would, with you being with us instead of here, but I want to be with you so if it means having a long distance relationship with you then it's worth it because I've fallen for you Andrea."
Andy smiled at Miranda's sincere words. "I've fallen for you too, Miranda, so much."

"Good, now stop talking and more kissing." Miranda murmured before she captured Andy's mouth with her own again and moaned softly into the kiss. She really had missed this.

When they finally managed to get their hands off one another, Miranda set about making brunch for her love.

"Are you sure theres nothing I can do?" Andy asked from where she was perched on a bar stool. "I feel bad just sitting here with you doing all the work."

Miranda looked up at her. "I'm sure. Every other time were together you've done most of the cooking, I want to do this for you so let me."

Andy smiled. "Alright then." she said.

All four soon sat at the table and ate scrambled eggs with a bit of bacon, tomato and toast.

"This is definitely what I needed." Andy said after swallowing her last mouthfull of eggs. She looked over at the girls who were smiling at her. "So, what else did you want to do today?"

"Do you know how to fish?" Caroline asked.

"I do." Andy replied.

"Can you teach us?" Cassidy asked.

"Sure, but I don't think we'd catch anything down at the lake." Andy replied.

"Theres a river with fish, isn't there Mummy?" Cassidy said, looking at her.

Andy looked up at Miranda who nodded. "It's a half hour walk to get there."

An Hour Later.

They reached the river and Andy was speechless at how beautiful it was.

"Miranda." she said, stopping the older woman by putting a hand on her lovers shoulder. "You didn't tell me it was this amazing." she said in awe as she looked around the area. There were tree's and flowers everywhere and she could hear the sounds of a nearby waterfall.

Miranda took Andy's hand in her own and kissed it. "It's even more amazing in Winter, you'll see." she murmured before she found a nice patch of grass where she laid down a picnic rug but before she could sit down she was dragged by a eager Caroline closer to the river where Cassidy and Andrea already were as Cassidy pointed towards several fish she could make out.

"We don't want to eat them, just learn how to catch them." Cassidy explained.

Andy nodded. "Alright then." she turned and grabbed one of the two fishing rods. "If you want to get out the bait Caroline and then you and Cassidy come come help with hooking it onto the rods." Andy said.

Andy showed the girls how to hook the bait onto their fishing rods, Caroline had chosen to use some salmon and Cassidy chose bacon, and because the river wasn't flowing that rapidly Andy showed them how to use a bobber which they had found fascinating.

Caroline had trouble at first casting her line into the water but in the end she got it right and they were left to wait for a bite.

After ten minutes of waiting Miranda had gone back to the picnic rug where she had settled with a book.

It was five minutes later when Cassidy shouted out in excitement because she felt a tug on her rod. "Andy! Andy! I think I have one." she said, turning to look at the other woman with a wide smile.

Andy moved over to her and put one hand over Cassidy's to guide her movements. "We want to give the fishing rod a jerk backwards." she said, they jerked the rod backwards, "And then up." she added. "We aren't sure if the fish is going to fight back so you have to keep a steady hand on the rod." she said.

Cassidy nodded and took in everything Andy was telling her, very eager to learn.

With another pull and jerk upwards Cassidy reeled it in and had a fresh water goldfish dangling on the rod in front of them.

"We did it!" Cassidy said excitededly.

Andy laughed. "You did it, I hardly did anything." she said before she showed Cassidy how to unhook the fish.

Cassidy sqealed when she touched the fish. "It's so slimy!" she said.

Andy nodded. "The slime is from cells in the outside layer of their skin and the cells produce  what is called glyco-protein, which is then mixed with the water making the slimy mucus. It's very important for their survival." she said.

"Wow, I didn't know that. Thanks Andy!" Cassidy said.

Andy laughed. "No problems, kiddo." she said before they watched the fish swim back through the water. "Another interesting fact about fish slime is that it also acts as a band-aid for them, covering wounds or scrapes."

"Caroline!" Cassidy said excitededly. "Andy's telling me all about fish slime!" she said to her sister.

Andy looked over at Caroline who was staring at the water silently. She frowned when Caroline didn't reply back to her sister. She moved over to her and nudged her softly in the arms. "Whats up?" she asked softly. It was unlike Caroline to be so quiet.

"I haven't caught a fish yet." Caroline said.

"You will." Andy replied.

"How do you know?" Caroline asked, looking up at Andy with a raised eyebrow that made her look so Miranda-like.

Andy smiled. "I just know that you will." she said. "How about we cast the rod in a different spot? That might help get a quicker bite." Andy said.

Caroline nodded and once the rod was out of the water they moved to another spot and Caroline cast the fishing rod towards a school of fish. She felt a tug and she gasped. Andy was correct, she was going to catch something! She smiled widely. Andy showed Caroline exactly how she showed Cassidy to bring in the fish.

Once they had reeled it in all they saw was the peice of bait hanging on the fishing rod. Caroline frowned and could feel tears welling up in her eyes. The brunette noticed. "Hey, what are the tears for?" she asked. "Don't cry, you're gonna catch a bite!" she said with a small smile.
Miranda looked up and watched as Andy continued talking to her daughter. She didn't feel the need to get up to go over and see what's wrong like she would if it she and the girls had of been with Stephen, but she trusted Andrea with her whole heart and knew that the brunette had the situation under control.

"Sometimes it's difficult to tell if you have a bite or if it's just the current of the water thats tugging on the fishing rod or it could be a fish bumping into the bait." Andy said softly. "Only practise can help you get a feel for it."

A couple of minutes later Caroline felt another tug on her rod and this time after reeling it in there was a fish on the end of it. She beamed and jumped up and down in excitement. "See, you did it." Andy said, smiling as she watched the young girl bounce with joy.

They checked the line for damage before Andy watched Caroline re-bait it. When Caroline had thrown the line out into the water again Andy stood. "Keep reeling 'em in!" She said before she made her way over to Miranda.

"Good book?" Andy murmured, sitting down next to the older woman.

"Mmm, it's quite enjoyable to relax with something other than a mock-up of Runway." Miranda replied. She put her book mark into the page before she closed the book and directed her attention to the lovely brunette.

Andy smiled, her eyes twinkling with nothing but love.

Miranda traced a finger over Andrea's face, over the smile lines under her eyes, down her gorgeous pale cheeks, before she ran her thumb over her lovers bottom lip.

Andy closed her eyes at the sensations Miranda was evoking. She took Miranda's hand and kissed her palm softly before she clasped it with her own and laid her head on Miranda's shoulder. She sighed in contentment, glad to be back in the older womans presence again.


pairing: andy/miranda, user: pure_ecstasy6, rating: nc-17, all: fiction

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