Tangled Ribbons 8/?

Nov 06, 2010 18:38

Title: Tangled Ribbons
Rating: R
Pairing: Miranda/Andy
Summary: A bad day, a tempermental fairy, and Miranda Priestly mean big changes for Andy
A/N: I love RL right now. Party, sleep, castle hunt, party some more. I am sorry for the delay though. I was going to post it for halloween but never finished due to the fact that I partied the weekend straight through, never even changed out of my costume but for a quick shower. haha. I love life.

“Andrea!” Miranda near shrieked as she shoved at the form hovering above her.

Andrea made a desperate grab for the sheet as she tumbled across the bed. Successfully snagging it, she wrapped it around her body as she sat up to confront her irate ex-boss.

“What the hell are you doing in my house? In my bedroom?!” Miranda hissed at her, climbing from the bed and wrapping her robe around her in sharp, angry movements.

“Look Miranda I can explain.”

“Yes, you can explain it all to the police,” the older woman reached for her cell phone lying on the nightstand.

“No!” Andrea shouted, diving for the phone, forgetting about the sheet in the process.

Miranda’s jaw dropped when she saw the state of undress her former employee was in. “Naked? What the hell is going on here? What sort of sick game is this!”

Andrea pulled the sheet back up, clutching it and the recovered cell phone tight to her chest. “Five minutes, Miranda. Give me five minutes to explain. Then you can call the cops.”

Miranda crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at the intruder. “Five minutes. Go.”

Andrea ran a nervous hand through her mussed hair, “You aren’t going to believe me.”

“That’s for me to decide. Now talk.”

“Okay. So you know that kitten that turned up on your doorstep three weeks ago? Um yeah, that was me.” Catching Miranda’s look of disbelief, Andrea hurried on to explain the whole story about waking up a kitten, being told off by the old cat lady who was apparently a fairy, and discovering only when she was in the presence of Miranda did she turn back to her normal self again.

Her rush of words petered off into agonizing stillness, and Andrea, afraid to look Miranda in the eye, held out the cell phone. Rather than taking it, Miranda began pacing the room.

“I don’t believe this,” she stated, marching up and down in front of the bed while Andy sat quietly, picking at the duvet.

“Well in a few hours I’ll change back and you’ll see it yourself.”

“I can’t believe I’m about to cater to these delusions,” Miranda muttered as she settled herself in the chair in the corner of the room, tucking her bare feet beneath her, and glared across the room at her unwanted guest. She spoke as though issuing an ultimatum, “I’ll believe it when I see it. And if I don’t see it, I’m calling the police and letting them arrest you for breaking and entering and stalking and anything else I can think of.”

Andrea shrugged and not knowing what else to do, settled herself more comfortably in the bed, leaning back against the head board and securing the sheets around her. Then she finally looked up to meet Miranda’s lethal glare. For a long time the two women stared one another as if moving, or even blinking were a fatal move. Until Andrea’s natural caring instincts prompted her forward.

“I’m sorry you know. I never planned to end up back in your life,” she laughed hollowly, “Especially this way.” Andy wanted to confess how living with Miranda the past few weeks had shown the woman in a new light and that Andy had gained nothing but more respect and awe for her. But she didn’t think that would go over well considering the night’s earlier confessions.

Miranda didn’t know what to think. The girl’s story seemed so implausible, but a part deep inside Miranda wanted to believe her. If Andrea had been sleeping in her bed for the past several weeks, it would certainly explain the dreams she had been having.

“When you see that this is for real, please don’t kick me out,” Andy rambled on, suddenly desperate to make Miranda see how much she needed her. “I really need your help. I don’t want to be stuck as a cat forever and that crazy lady must’ve left me on your front porch for a reason. She said something about three weeks and it’s already been two and you seem to be the only person I can change around.”

Miranda sat unanswering, afraid if she did talk all the wrong words would come out. Already she was distracted by creamy shoulders and enticingly long neck, revealed above the ivory sheets. And the way the bed mussed hair perfectly framed big brown eyes and full, kissable lips. She gave herself a mental shake but her thoughts kept returning to the nubile young woman in her bed as Andy’s words petered out and her eyelids began to drupe.

Finally the girl was asleep, half slumped down the headboard, curled in the lush pillows and as the sky was just beginning to lighten to a dull grey, her form shivered and shrank into the familiar form of a chocolaty brown kitten.

Miranda’s blue eyes widened in disbelief at the transformation and she quickly moved closer. Stretching out one trembling hand, she gently ran a finger from the pink button nose to the end of the white tipped tail, as though testing to see if she was real. Although almost nonexistent, the touch woke the kitten who blinked sleepily and looked up at the editor as if to say “I told you so.”

It was Miranda who, having the ability, voiced the prevailing question on their minds, “What do we do now?”

Miranda pursed her lips, deep in thought until the sharp prick of tiny claws brought her back to herself. Glaring at the offender she said, “If you want my help you better behave. I’m not the one stuck in this mess.” But as soon as the words left her lips, she realized she was just embroiled in the affair as she former assistant was. And on top of that she had begun to enjoy the oft humorous companionship of her little kitten and a small, small part of her was loath to give her up.


That day at work Miranda treated her kitten like glass, gently placing her down on the desk and demanding Emily fetch a saucer of milk before she demanded her own scalding coffee. She then caught herself staring at the small cat - Andrea - as if she was going to turn into a full bodied naked woman then and there.

At the same time Andy was unusually docile. Curbing her curious nature, she was relieved Miranda now knew and accepted the truth and was on her side. At least she hoped she was, the older woman hadn’t yet promised her help or even to keep Andy around during her feline trial.

Remembering Andrea’s story, Miranda called her second assistant in with a softly spoken “Emily” and instructed the girl to find out everything she could about the old woman Andrea had described.

Although Natalie no doubt thought her boss’s interest in a bag lady strange, she let nothing show on her face as she scribbled down everything the woman said.

Andrea perked up, happily nuzzling the woman who was trying to help her. Miranda allowed herself a small smile and indulgently petted back, scratching behind the ears in a way that made Andy vibrate so strong were her purrs.

As the day wore on, Miranda began talking to the little cat in the privacy of her office. Now knowing the intelligent mind that lurked behind those big brown eyes, she felt more comfortable ranting about incompetent employees and sharing her thoughts about the coming spring fashions (despite that fact it was only mid November) without looking like a crazy person talking to thin air. By late afternoon she found she enjoyed talking to the kitten perched on the windowsill, holding herself impeccably still, all her attention focused on the editor.

“How come the cat is privy to more information than your right hand man?” Nigel stood just inside the doorway as if coming any closer would send his nose running. Again.

Irritated at being caught talking to her cat, Miranda spun in her chair around to face the intruder. “Because the cat doesn’t answer back,” she grumbled tersely, holding out a hand for the folder he was clutching, forcing him away from his safe position.

Nigel edged closer and handed over his delivery with some shifty eyed glances at the kitten delicately licking a paw thrown in for good measure.

“That’s all.”


That night Andrea wasn’t surprised to see Miranda awake, nose in the Book when she retook human form.

“Thank you,” she said, more anxious to show her gratitude than to cover herself in front of the critical Fashion Queen.

Without a word Miranda handed over the robe she had been wearing earlier that evening.

After a few minutes of terse silence, she finally answered. “Then sooner you are cured, the sooner you can be out of my life,” her words punctuated by hard stokes of her pen through an unsatisfactory ad.

Hurt, Andy protested, “I already apologized, what more do you want from me. I never asked for this and certainly not for you to be involved. Although I have to say, I’m glad it’s you more than anyone else.”

Touched by the sincerity in the younger woman’s voice and struggling not to show it, Miranda replied, “Yes fine, what do we do now though?”

“Well we could do what we did the other night.”

“Which was what, exactly?”

“Makeout,” Andrea answered cheekily, then wondered if she was about to die as Miranda’s face drained of all color and expression.

pairing: andy/miranda, genre: au, all: fiction, rating: r, user: chiaroscuroxvii

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