Remembering Six Days. Chapter 2.

Oct 24, 2010 01:02

Title: Remembering Six Days.
Author: Pure_Ecstasy6
Pairing: Andy/Miranda.
Rating: 17+
Summary: Miranda remembers six days.
Beta: A huge thanks to mirandameryl
Feedback: Is welcome!
Previous Chapter:


Miranda felt soft lips brushing against her mouth. "Good morning, gorgeous." she heard Andrea whisper to her. A smile instantly curved the older woman’s lips upwards.

"Morning." Miranda murmured, still half asleep.

Andy smiled down at Miranda, she looked adorable in the morning. "I have to get going for work but I'll see you later, I'm sure."

"Mhm. Okay." Miranda replied, before falling asleep again.

Andy chuckled, cupped Miranda's cheek and placed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth, before she slid off the bed. With a sigh she made her way towards the hotel door and exited the room.

The next time Miranda woke, she jolted awake, sitting up quickly in bed, as thoughts from the previous night flooded back to her. Her heart pounded from the way she remembered Andrea touching her, how she moaned in delight from her touch. She shivered at the thought.

Her eyes moved down to the spot next to her that was empty. She frowned before she remembered Andrea telling her she was leaving earlier that morning. She growled before she lay back down with a thump. She couldn't believe that she hadn't woken up to ask if she would be seeing the brunette again.  "I'll be seeing you later." Miranda heard the final words Andrea had spoken to her before she had fallen back asleep. "I'll be seeing her later?" Miranda thought. "When and where?" she asked aloud to the empty room. She didn't get an answer, of course. "Did I give her my number or do I have hers?" She wondered to herself. She caught sight of her cell on the bedside table and she leaned over, grabbed it, and looked through her contacts. She came across "Andrea" and she smiled widely. Yes, she would definitely be seeing Andrea again soon, though she wasn't sure if that was a great idea. Sure they had a fantastic night together, but Miranda was married, she knew it wouldn't be right for her to continue on with an affair.

Sighing, Miranda swung her legs over the edge of the bed and padded towards the bathroom. She stepped into the shower and began soaping her body, she closed her eyes  and couldn't help but imagine her hands were Andrea's instead. She knew these thoughts of the lovely brunette stranger were going to slowly drive her insane!


Runway Australia Offices.

Miranda stepped out of the elevator, pulling her sun glasses from her face, as she began down the hall. She ignored the awe-struck eyes that were drawn to her. She glanced around the offices, taking in the building around her with a keen eye. She approved of what she saw, it was just a shame she didn't approve of the actual magazine. She wasn't sure how long it would take her here, but she hoped it wouldn't be too long because she had plans to call Andrea up and see if she was free for dinner.

The Editor pushed open double doors and arrived into a reception area.

"Hi, how can I hel-" The woman behind the desk said but stopped instantly, her eyes widening, when she saw who was standing in front of her. "Oh wow," she breathed.

Miranda rolled her eyes at the awe-struck girl. "I'm here to speak with the Editor in Chief." she demanded.

The receptionist nodded, "Yes, of course." she stood from her office chair. "Follow me, please." she said.

Miranda followed after the girl down a hall way before they reached double doors that were opened. They walked into the office and Miranda looked around the stylish room. Another room she approved of.

"Andy, Miranda Priestly is here and would like to speak to you." The receptionist informed the brunette who was sitting at her desk, her chair facing the windows.

Miranda's eyes widened when she spotted the brunette.

Andy turned and greeted Miranda with a smirk. "Hello Miranda." she said, she stood from her chair and sauntered towards her. "A pleasure seeing you again." she said before turning to the receptionist. "You may go now." the other woman nodded and left the room. Andy turned back to Miranda who was staring at her in shock.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Miranda asked.

"I'm the Editor of Runway Australia." Andy replied.

"You said you were a freelance writer." Miranda said.

"I do write from time to time, but currently I'm putting all my time into the magazine." Andy replied.

"You lied to me!" Miranda said. She couldn't believe this.

"I didn't, I said I was a writer and I am. I just left out the fact that I'm an Editor also." Andy replied. "Look, I knew if I told you I ran Runway Australia that I might not have gotten the chance to get to know you." she said before quickly adding, "Just so you know, I never thought that I would end up spending the night with you."

Miranda took a moment to process Andrea's words. "Why did you think because you work here that I wouldn't allow you to get to know me?" she asked, a little hurt.

"C'mon Miranda, you're the Queen of Fashion, you rule the fashion world! I'm just an ordinary girl from Phillip Island and by luck managed to become an Editor. You and I both know I'll never be as good as you are." Andy replied.

The older woman sighed, she supposed Andrea was right. Before she could speak her lover was continuing.

"I assume that's the reason why you're in the country."

"I do admit that I wasn't quite impressed with the first two issues of the magazine but that doesn't mean you aren't going to make a great Editor." Miranda said.

Andy smiled widely at Miranda's words. "That means a lot hearing that. Thank you."

Miranda nodded. "I have faith that Runway Australia will be a great magazine. You just need to be shown a few ways of how to make it bigger and better so it'll be the best fashion magazine this country has ever produced. I'd be more than happy to help with that." Miranda replied.

"So, you're here to show me the ropes to how a magazine should be run?" Andy asked.

"I am. We should get started because we have a lot to discuss." Miranda replied, making her way past Andrea, towards the young woman’s desk.

Half An Hour Later.

They were looking through the second issue of Runway Australia with Miranda pointing out errors to Andy, the brunette listened to everything Miranda was saying. She wanted to make the woman proud of the magazine, of what she will do for it.

She turned her eyes to the older woman and smiled. She took in the gorgeous iconic hair, prominent cheek bones, beautiful lips, "You're so beautiful." she breathed before she could think better of it.

Miranda's heart fluttered at the softly spoken words. She looked up to find the younger woman staring at her, their eyes connected. "Thank you." she murmured.

Andy smiled at her in reply, before lifting a hand to cup Miranda's cheek but was stopped in the process by Miranda taking a hold of her hand. She saw what Miranda was looking at and sighed.

"You're married?" Miranda asked, looking at the wedding band on Andy's ring finger.

Andy nodded, "I am."

"I can't believe this." Miranda said. She stood and walked away from the desk.

"We haven't been together for a couple of months now." Andy quickly said. "Besides, how can you react like this when you yourself are married!"

Miranda remained silent.

"We're both in the wrong here." Andy continued and stepped closer to Miranda. "But I can't deny these feelings I have for you. I hardly know you, but I have such a deep attraction for you."

Miranda's eyes fluttered closed. "I feel exactly the same way." she thought but didn't say.

"And I think you feel exactly the same way." Andy voiced Miranda's thoughts. "Open your eyes." Andy said. She placed her hands on Miranda's hips. "Please." she whispered when Miranda's eyes still remained closed.

Blue eyes opened and were met with beautiful brown ones. Miranda sighed. She definitely couldn't deny her feelings for the brunette.

"Have dinner with me, tonight?" Andy asked softly. Her hands began moving up Miranda's body and Miranda shivered at the sensation it caused inside her.

Miranda couldn't say no and nodded her head. "Tell me when and where and I'll be there." she replied. She wanted nothing more than to spend time with the younger woman getting to know herself and the other woman’s body a lot better that night.

Andy smiled, glad Miranda had agreed. "I'll pick you up at 7:00." she said, not giving Miranda any idea of where they would be going to eat.

"I look forward to it." Miranda heard herself saying which only caused Andy's grin to widen.


That Night. Miranda's Hotel Room.

Miranda was just securing a bracelet to her wrist when there was a knock on her hotel door. A smile curved her lips upwards as she made her way to open the door. She revealed Andrea who looked absolutely gorgeous in a dark blue dress that clung to her body showing off her brilliant curves.

"Hey." Andy softly said, she stepped closer to Miranda and gave the older woman a quick peck on the lips. "You look amazing." she whispered, before taking Miranda's hand again.

Miranda's heart rate quickened. The words spoken and the way the brunette acted around her made Miranda feel something she had never felt before. Feelings she wanted to feel all the time. "Thank you," she murmuered. "You look exquisite."

Andy smiled widely. The older woman had no idea the words meant so much to her coming from the fashionista. "Are you ready to go?"

Miranda nodded, took her hand bag where it sat on the hall table, before stepping out of the room. "Lead the way." she murmured.

They entered the elevator and all Andy wanted to do was hold Miranda in her arms and kiss her passionately.

When the elevator finally reached the ground floor, they walked out and once on the street, and Andy led Miranda to a black Toyota Supra. She opened the passenger door for Miranda before walking around to the right side, getting in and started the engine.

They made their way to a nice little restaurant on Flinders Lane named the Bluestone. Miranda looked around the restaurant, it was a very relaxed and welcoming place.

They were seated at a small table at the back of the room which gave them some privacy away from the other people who were dining there as well. Miranda wondered how Andrea managed to get such a good table. She voiced her thoughts.

Andy fidgeted in her seat. "I'm married to Jennifer Hawkins, Australia's most recognizable model. I get VIP treatment pretty much anywhere I go." she explained.

Miranda had been a little taken aback when she found out the woman she had slept with the previous night was married to a gorgeous super model. It then begged the question what the brunette saw in her when she was nothing like her wife.

Andy sighed. "Look, I wanted tonight to just be about us, not talking or thinking about anything or anyone else in our own lives. I understand if you don't want to be here, but like I said earlier, me and Jen are over, and I don't see us ever getting back together." she stared Miranda deeply in the eyes. "I think you're an intriguing and kind, humorous and absolutely gorgeous woman and I'd love nothing more if you would stay."

Miranda had known that she was going to stay with Andrea that night, but the words just spoken from the brunette had sealed the deal that she wouldn't leave. The brunette pulled her in, made her want to know more about her. She nodded and picked up the menu. "What shall I eat?" she asked, raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow as she scanned her eyes over the menu.

Andy released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding before she smiled and told Miranda a couple of her favourite meals, one which Miranda chose to order. They ordered a bottle of red as well.

A little over an hour later, Andy and Miranda left the restaurant fully content after a great dinner with conversations of getting to know one another. Miranda found that she didn't want to part ways with the brunette just yet, but she didn't know how to bring it up because she wasn't sure how Andrea might react.

"Did you want to get a nightcap?" Andy asked, tilting her head to gaze at Miranda.

Miranda turned and smiled at her. "I'd very much like that."

Andy smiled back. They arrived at a little cafe in a lane way near Flinders Street called Centre Place. "I come here whenever I can." Andy said before they placed an order at the counter and then finding a private spot to sit.

"Have you always wanted to be an Editor?" Miranda asked, wanting to know more about the brunette.

Andy shook her head. "Not always. I have always had a love for writing and grew up wanting to be a Journalist. But I have also always had a love for fashion and a couple years ago I was deciding what career I'd like to do in the fashion world and I realized that I wanted to be an Editor for a magazine. It took me a while, but that dream finally happened and I managed to get a job at Australian BAZAAR magazine as co-Editor. The actual Editor said I had a talent and when the job for Australian Runway came out, I of course jumped at it and received a brilliant recommendation from my boss that basically got me the job." she smiled. "I feel extremely lucky to be Australian Runway's first Editor. I hope to make it Australia's greatest magazine. It would also be great to make you proud of the magazine." she said and glanced at Miranda who was gazing at her with a look of something she couldn't place in her eyes.

"Thank you for telling me all of that." Miranda replied, glad to know more of the brunette.

"No worries." Andy grinned. "It's your turn now."

Miranda gave a small chuckle before she began explaining to Andrea when she knew she wanted to be an Editor and how she managed to get Runway off it's feet when it was at it's worst to become the worlds most popular magazine.

Two Hours Later.

Both women were so caught up in talking they had been surprised when they saw the time. It was nearing 12:30.

"Time flies." Andy said.

Miranda nodded and made a noise of agreement.

The brunette finished off her coffee before they stood from their little booth and made their way out of the cafe. Because it was so late and not many people were around, Andy took Miranda's hand in her own and squeezed it softly causing the older woman to smile brilliantly at her.

Andy walked Miranda back to her hotel to make sure she arrived safe. They stood in the lobby just staring at one another silently. Andy looked around and seeing that no one was watching or looking their way, leaned forward and kissed Miranda's cheek. "I had such a great time tonight." Andy said.

"So did I." Miranda replied with a smile. "Thank you for a lovely night."

"Would you maybe like to do it again?" Andy asked.

Miranda smiled. "I would. I'll give you a call in the morning."

Andy nodded. "Alright. Until then." she squeezed Miranda's hand, gave the older woman a wink, before left without saying another word.

Miranda made it up to her hotel room with a smile and feeling like she was on cloud nine. The younger woman was amazing and she found herself anticipating spending more time with her.

With a happy sigh, she headed towards the bathroom to get ready for bed with the promise of another great time with the lovely brunette.



pairing: andy/miranda, user: pure_ecstasy6, rating: nc-17, all: fiction

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