Ever After, chapter 2

Oct 08, 2010 21:28

Title: Ever After
Rating: PG-13 (this chapter)
Pairing: Andy/Miranda
Length: 3500 words (this chapter)
Summary: AU, sort of a crossover with a certain 1970s girl-power Cinderella version.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Cinderella or the Devil Wears Prada, I only (ab)use them for fangirl moments!

A/N: Okay, I’m getting more and more drawn into this adventure. Sadly there’s no Miranda in this chapter D: but I tried to make up for it by taking a photo of my original sketch/doodle for Miranda’s hunting outfit. I’m not a great artist or anything but it’s something to hold you over until chapter three, and lots of white-haired goodness ^^

And not beta-read, proceed at own risk... :P

Chapter 1

Miranda's outfit

Chapter two:

“Douglas!” Andy swiftly slid off Jura’s back. “Dougie!!” Her friend’s head popped out through the cottage window. “Andy! Good day! Why are you yelling as if the countess herself was chasing you with a pitchfork?” Andy grinned. “Just get over here, I need to tell you something very strange that happened on my hunt today!”

Douglas stepped out of his home wearing a tailoring apron and he reached to stroke Jura’s mane as he came to stand next to Andy. She waved her hand in front of him until his eyebrows nearly rose up to his hairline. “Dear Lord, Andy! What is that rock on your finger! Who did you murder to get that?” He squeaked at her with hands wildly flying in the air. His eyes were sparkling in a mixture of terror and appreciative greed.

Andy reached into her saddle bag and pulled out the hawk. “Just this pretty boy.” Douglas jerked backward, “Ah! Don’t wave that in front of my face! You know dead things make me squeamish!” Andy laughed and quickly placed the bird back inside her bags. “Sorry, Dougie.” She petted her friend on the shoulder, who in turn gave a little shake and an eye roll.

“So you shot a bird and.... what, found that huge rock on him?” Andy looked down and traced the stone of the ring with her other index finger and gave a shy smile. “No, actually I won a hunting competition.... with the strangest folk I’ve ever seen... and the prize, apparently was this ring.” Douglas just gawked at her. “Seriously, Dougie.”

And so Andy recounted every detail of her encounter with the hunting troupe and she put extra effort into her description of their clothes, which earned her several squeals from her friend. “Ladies. In tunics. With stockings!! So bold!” He rambled delightedly. Andy nodded. “Yes. I know you dress me in a very unconventional way. Clarissa constantly complains about the length of my gowns. But those two were wearing men’s tunics. Although still tailored to fit them perfectly. They looked... I’m not sure how to describe it... it was... inspiring.” Andy stared into nothingness for moment and that shy smile graced her lips once more.

Douglas regarded his friend for a moment. “You know Andy, I could tailor that for you as well, if you like. I have plenty of tunics I could re-fit for you.” Andy jerked her head back to look at her friend. “Are you crazy, the countess,” she said the title in a high-pitched, posh voice and underlined it with a hand dramatically thrown to her forehead, “would faint on me!” They giggled in unison. “Nah, it’s okay. I like the dresses you make for me. Thank you, Douglas.” She gave him a quick hug.

“So,” Douglas clasped his hands behind his back and cocked his head at Andy, “who do you think those folks were anyways? They sound like townspeople to me. Maybe even from the court.” Andy shrugged. “I really have no idea.”
She thought back to the white-haired woman, Miranda, and her eyes. “I kind of wish I did,” she added quietly.


Dinner that evening was anything but quiet. Shortly before a messenger from the king’s court had hand-delivered a parchment containing an advertisement. King Maximillian was giving a ball in honor of his son’s 25th birthday. All available ladies in the kingdom were asked to present themselves to the Royal Hall of the castle the following Saturday, for what was described as “festivities of grandest proportions”.

Andy, being the most literate person at the estate, as her father was absent for yet another trading journey, had been ordered to read the message to Clarissa and Danielle while they were eating the well-prepared hawk meat. The hysterical screams that ensued made Andy cringe and nearly drop the parchment onto her plate.

“AHHH!” Danielle jumped up from her seat and clasped large hands to her puffy cheeks. “Mother! Prince Christian! A ball! Whatever should I wear?” The countess stood excitedly and grabbed her daughter’s shoulders. “Muffin, we’ll get the best fabrics from the town and have the local tailor and his idiot apprentice sew the best dresses anyone has ever seen!” Andy barely bit back the growl at her step-mother’s derogatory mention of Douglas. “But mother, the ball is in only four days, how will we get everything done so fast?” Clarissa sat back down and pierced a piece of hawk on her fork. “Richard will return tonight. I will send him into town, first thing in the morning!” At that Danielle gave a large, toothy grin and sat back down to her own meal.

At the mention of her father Andy felt tendrils of giddiness in her heart. She felt the urge to tell him about the hunt and the competition. Maybe he’d be impressed, or proud of her. After all she’d learned it all from him. But would he even care? Would he stop and listen? Andy sighed audibly into her food.

“Andy, stop making so much noise! We are gracious enough to allow you to dine with us, so do it silently!” she snarled. ”And there is no need to worry your dirty little head about this ball, you will not be attending. Is that clear? You will only embarrass us.” Andy looked up at her step-mother with a frown and a half scowl. “Ball? Oh heavens, no! I would never dream of going to something as ridiculous as a ball! It will be full of horrible, arrogant, inflated persons such as yourselves!” With that Andy got up, grabbed her plate and turned to leave the dining table and added with a bit of venom, “And with charming company like yours, I’d rather eat with the horses.” Danielle just stared at Andy, chewing on her potatoes as Clarissa, quickly turning red like a beet, exploded. “Yes, that’s right! You belong with the animals, YOU BEAST!”

Fuming, Andy stormed through the door and down the few steps into the kitchen where Nate and Lilly were looking up from their own dinner, slightly alarmed. “Andy, are you okay?” Lilly asked with concern. Andy walked around the small, crooked table to sit down next to her and just shrugged her shoulders. “Yes. It’s just the usual. Insulting me, my friends and plotting to abuse father for yet another fabric trip to town. What else is new?” She gave a long sigh and glanced at Nate. “Thank you for dinner, by the way. It’s pretty okay for such a scrawny bird. I know it’s no plumb pheasant.” He gave her a small shrug and a smile. “It’s nothing, Andy. You just need to cook it well enough.”

Andy looked at her friends, who, by Clarissa’s orders, were only allowed to eat bread and the occasional vegetable stew. “You two can share mine, I’m not really hungry anymore.” Nate grinned and reached for her plate but Lilly protested. “Andy, you must eat! It’s not like you get big portions around here either. And you tire yourself out with your long rides.” Andy looked over at her friend. “It’s okay, Lilly. Only for today. I’ve completely lost my appetite and it would be a waste otherwise.” With a soft pat to the other girl’s shoulder Andy moved to get up. “You guys enjoy. I will go outside and wait for my father.”


Richard arrived at the estate when it was already close to midnight and harsh winds and thick snowflakes had completely worn him out on his journey home. When he approached the courtyard he felt a tiny pang of joy in the pit of his stomach as he saw his daughter waiting for him with an oil lamp in front of the stable doors.

He tiredly slid off his horse and gave a small nod. “Andy.” She immediately took the reigns from his hands and led the horse inside. Richard followed her slowly, stretching his back and yawning as he watched his daughter remove the saddle and begin to wipe down the horse. “How was your trip, father?” He glanced up at her face and for a moment he was reminded at how much Andy looked like Elizabeth. He felt pain in his heart and quickly looked away. “It went alright, I reckon.” He reached inside his coat and pulled out a heavy looking leather pouch. It jingled as he let it drop onto the straw floor. “Ten pieces of silver.” Andy looked up from brushing the stallion. “That’s a lot, father. Trades must go well?” she prodded. He rubbed his temples. “Well, I’m not sure Clarissa will think it is enough.”

Andy regarded the leather pouch for a moment and then turned back to groom the horse. She wasn’t sure she had the liberty to comment on Clarissa in front of her father. They remained silent and after a while Richard bent down to pick up the silver and turned to leave. “I’m glad you’re back.” Andy whispered without facing him. She felt a cold, tired hand squeeze her shoulder softly and then her father left to get into the warmth of the house.

Andy finished grooming the horse and draped a blanket over its back with a tentative smile on her lips.


The next morning was grey and cold and Andy decided that the new-found excitement of the looming ball would keep Clarissa and Danielle busy enough to not bother her. She had thought most of the night about writing down the events of the previous day and it was not the kind of weather to ride out in, so she wouldn’t lose a nice hunt. She spent most of the morning hunched over her journal in the tiny attic room. Although having accounted to most of the strange events to her satisfaction, one thing gave her trouble. Andy could not find the right words to describe Miranda. Every time she began to write down her thoughts on the white-haired woman, she was at a loss. Absentmindedly stroking her quill across a cheek, Andy stared out the window into the dreary day. The more she thought about that woman the more she knew she wanted to know more about her. “Inspiring indeed!” Andy grinned goofily at the dancing snow flakes outside.

The weather, of course, did not stop Clarissa from sending Richard to ride into town. The night’s storm had left a fresh, thick blanket of snow and it took Andy’s father seven hours to return with the demanded materials and the two requested tailors.

Andy was glad to see Douglas but feeling Clarissa’s eyes boring through the back of her head she only greeted him with a shrug and a dramatic roll of her eyes as the three men piled into the entertainment room. He was here on business after all.

Quickly fabrics and accessories were piled onto the large oak table and James, the head tailor, started looking through them. Clarissa raised her nose at Andy’s presence. “If you insist on remaining here you could at least stand back so you don’t get anything dirty! And remain quiet. Not a word from you!” She then approached the table. “James, I want you to make something big and eye-catching for both me and Danielle! We will be attending the royal ball in 3 days!” James’ eyes seemed to sparkle. “Oh, I know just the thing! How about ruffled sleeves and a large bow just under the decollete? That will certainly draw attention to your best assets!”

Andy rolled her eyes. Bows! What was that man thinking?! Douglas just glanced at her with a blank stare. He was the one who would actually have to do all the sewing. Andy tried to give her friend what she hoped would pass as an encouraging smile and decided she’d better find and stay with Lilly or she would most definitely not remain quiet.


James and Douglas had left late that night and Andy had not gotten the chance to catch her friend alone. However she desperately wanted to talk to him about the monstrosities her stepmother and stepsister would be wearing to the ball, so she rose early and rode Jura to the village.

Douglas was already awake when she knocked on his cottage door. Had he even gotten any sleep? Andy smiled as she took in the exhausted features of her friend. “Dougie, sewing by candle light is going to do your eyes in! Those two are not worth it!” Douglas gave her a tired smile and a hug and invited her inside. “I know. I just wanted to get it out of the way. We need to do a fitting as well and the ball is in only two days.”

They walked through to his work room and Andy couldn’t help but laugh at the near-finished dresses displayed on their wooden stands. “Those bows are humongous!” Her friend growled. “I know! Hideous! Atrocities! I originally had them smaller and James made me change it! I cannot believe at an event like a royal ball my only contribution will be those... those...” he waved his hands at the two garments in question. “... carriage drapes that look like they’ve been sick on themselves?” Andy finished for him. He sucker-punched her in the shoulder but then nodded in agreement.

Andy looked around the room and fondly regarded Douglas’ other work and the many parchments with sketches. His own creations were so different. He really had an eye for beauty. She loved the clothes he had made for her. “I’m sorry, Dougie.” She squeezed his shoulder. “You deserve to show off your real stuff.” He looked to the floor solemnly. “Yes, especially if I ever want to get a chance at an apprenticeship with the royal master tailor. James has been kind enough to take me in but he really doesn’t seem to know what works,” he motioned toward the two offending garments, “and what doesn’t.” Andy nodded.

They were quiet for a while, each lost in their own thoughts, until suddenly Douglas jerked up his head and pinned his friend down with an ominous stare. “Dougie, what’s wrong?” The smile that slowly appeared on his lips started to scared Andy. As realization hit, her brown eyes went big. “No! No, no, no, no!” Douglas only solidified his smile into a wide grin and nodded his head. “I am not going to that ball! I don’t care what kind of beautiful dress you make for me!” She crossed her arms. “No, no, no. You can’t make me!”


On Saturday morning Andy found herself pacing nervously through the kitchen. Nate was preparing breakfast for Clarissa and Danielle, and Lilly was sorting through a laundry pile on the small kitchen table. “Andy, would you stop pacing you’re making me all nervous!” Andy stopped in her tracks and looked up at her friend. “Sorry Lilly. I can’t help it.” She brushed her fingers through her hair in exasperation. “Why did I agree to this?” Lilly chuckled “Oh come on, Andy. You should be excited! Happy! You will get to see the castle and the prince!” At that Nate sniffed noisily as he divided bacon and eggs onto two plates. Lilly ignored him. “Prince Christian is supposed to be wonderfully handsome. Golden locks and a heart-melting smile.” Nate seemed to stomp extra heavily up to the dining room as he went to serve the food.

“Lilly, I’m not interested in Prince Charming.” Andy subconsciously grabbed inside her skirt pocket and fingered the hunting ring she had hidden there. Her friend sighed heavily and continued to fold some of Danielle’s large undershirts. “Sometimes I really don’t understand you, Andy. You’re only a year younger than me and have never even considered the many young men who have tried to court you.” Andy withdrew the hand from her pocket and crossed her arms, glaring at Lilly. “I mean, look at Nate. He’s been completely overwhelmed with springtime feelings for years and you...” Lilly grew silent at the stern yet thoughtful look Andy was giving her. “Lilly, I just don’t like him that way. I don’t know what it is but I know I would never make him happy. He deserves better. I’ve tried to make that clear, many times.” After a moment of silence both girls sighed. “The other young men who come here hoping for a wife...” At this Andy had to actually chuckle. “Really, Lilly, can you just picture me as a wife and mother!” Now Lilly had to chuckle as well.

“Fine, then go to the ball for Douglas.” Lilly tried again. “I have the feeling he is not romantically interested in you, so you don’t have to worry about that.” Andy pondered that. It was true, Douglas and her were like brother and sister to each other. “Also, you might get a chance to see the royal library. I don’t know much about books, or the royal court, but even I have heard of how large it is.” Andy looked up at that. It was true, her mother had told her about the big selection of books in the castle. Maybe Lilly was right. She should just go and try to make the best of it. Douglas had slaved over her surprise ball gown for two consecutive nights after all. She could not disappoint him.


Douglas and James arrived at the estate to put the finishing touches on the two bow dresses. To avoid any confrontations
Andy stayed out of her step-mother’s way and retreated to the attic and threw herself on the bed with a loud huff. She considered her conversation with Lilly. It was true, Andy was 19 years old and had never been interested in any of the men who had courted her. From her childhood on she had read plenty of novels and poetry to know the descriptions of romance. The supposed flutter of the heart, the comparisons with spring breezes or beautiful flowers and the tales of unlimited happiness. She’d read it all and in her heart she yearned for all those things.

However, when she thought of Nate, or any of the other young men who had approached her in the past years, she felt nothing. Granted, there was kindness, and a bit of warmth for Nate. But those were the same feelings she had for Lilly and Douglas. No nervous tension in her stomach. No flushing cheeks. He was just Nate. Andy shrugged to herself. Maybe there was something wrong with her.

The thought of having to marry, to live with one of these men, to be intimate, was preposterous to Andy. She had heard the tales from Lilly, who had been with the young village smith last spring. The thought of having a man do that to her body made Andy shudder and she rolled over on her bed to look outside into the clear winter sky. No, she would rather remain alone forever, go out riding on Jura, go on hunts, sit with her friends and read books and write.

Her hand found its way back into her skirt pocket on its own accord as it had so many times these past days. She traced the large stone on the ring and her mind wandered to the hunting party. Two of them were women, maybe they would be at the ball tonight? The thought of seeing Miranda again triggered a strange sensation in Andy’s chest. She had to put a hand to her heart because for a moment she was afraid it would jump through her ribs. Great, was she becoming ill now as well? Andy gave into the urge to grab her pillow and hold it over her face with both her arms. “Nnnngth!” Screaming into the down feathers somehow made her feel better.


When the carriage with Clarissa and Danielle had finally left the estate dusk was fast approaching and Douglas hurried up to his friend with a package wrapped in simple linen cloth. He beamed as he handed it to her and Andy sat up to unwrap it in anticipation.

The first thing she saw was blue fabric. The same blue as the ring. The same blue as those eyes. Andy’s heart felt like it was jumping out from her chest again and she glanced at her friend who gave a reassuring nod in return. She couldn’t keep her fingers from trembling as she fully unwrapped the dress and stood to hold it out in front of her.

It was made from the softest fabric she had ever felt. The thin cloth was like water under her finger tips. It was delicate, with long sleeves that flared at the ends. The chest line was modest, but a thin silk band, crested with white pearls, pulling the dress together just below, would accentuate her cleavage beautifully. From there on down the dress flared gently in soft, flowing waves to each side with a long slit dividing it down the middle, revealing a thicker fabric in a slightly darker shade underneath.

Andy stared at her friend in disbelief. “Dougie...” His grin became impossibly wide and he gently took the garment from her hands. “Come on, princess. You need to get dressed. There’s a ball to attend!”

Chapter 3

pairing: andy/miranda, genre: au, rating: pg-13, user: writtensword, all: fiction

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