Running Back To You. Chapter 14.

Sep 10, 2010 17:58

Title: Running Back To You.
Author: pure_ecstasy6 
Pairing: Andy/Miranda.
Rating: 17+
Summary: Andy has a dark secret that she's hiding.
How will Miranda react when she finds out what it is?
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. This is written for fun.
Beta: Thanks to my friend worst_liar_ever for going over this chapter.
Feedback: Comments are brilliant so please tell me what you think.
Previous Chapter:



Hearing movement downstairs Miranda rose from her bed and put her robe on before she went down the hall. She looked into the girls' room and saw them sound asleep so she knew that the sounds must be coming from Andrea. She made her way quietly down the stairs where she saw the kitchen dark and no signs of anyone down there. She saw that the porch light was on and she walked to the back door where she saw a chair pulled up to the man hole in the roof and Andrea was standing on the chair counting money that was in her hand.
"I would've kept that safe for you." Miranda said announcing herself as she stepped onto the back porch.

Andy jumped slightly from where she stood on the chair. "Christ Miranda. I nearly fell." Andy replied as she stepped down from the chair. "And I don't need your help in keeping my money safe I am perfectly fine to do that for myself."

Miranda was about to reply but stopped instantly when she saw Andrea's backpack on the table.

Andy followed Miranda's gaze to her backpack and swallowed hard. This was a conversation she had been avoiding. She glanced at Miranda who stood frozen just staring at her.

"You're just going to leave? Without telling me? Without saying goodbye to the girls?" Miranda finally spoke and shook her head. She couldn't believe this. The woman was going to leave without saying goodbye to her or the girls? This was unacceptable!

"I'm sorry Miranda. I just.. I think this would be for the best. Best for you. Rather then getting anymore involved with me." Andy replied. "I wrote you a note." she said as she swung her backpack over her shoulder and held the letter out for Miranda.

Miranda didn't take the letter from Andrea. "For the best?" she asked. "How would you know what would be best for me?"

"Could you really see a relationship working between us?" Andy asked.

Miranda was about to speak but Andy spoke again. "Think about it. I'm a fugitive. Your a high profile fashion editor. And even though I have fallen for you t couldn't work."

Miranda finding her legs again walked over to Andy. She grabbed the younger womans hands and held them tightly with her own. "Stay. Please stay." she whispered.

Andy looked into Miranda's now watery eyes.

"I don't care that you're a fugitive. We can work that out. I can help." Miranda said.

"Miranda, you may be a powerful woman in the fashion industry but theres nothing you could do or say to to get me off easy." Andy replied. "It's a nice thought, that you'd help me if you could but theres nothing you can do. And theres no way we could be together." Andy said as tears began forming in her own eyes.

Miranda could tell how hard it was for Andrea to say these lies as she knew Andrea didn't mean them. She looked into beautiful brown eyes and got lost in them. "There is. You can stay here. Right here. And the girls and I can visit on the weekends and we can, we can work it out. Please say you'll at least give it a try. I know we could be amazing together. Look at how great it has been these past few days. Just imagine us being together like this. Always." Miranda said softly.

Andy stared right back into bluey grey eyes. "I can't expect you to hide me here forever."

"I want to." Miranda quickly replied. "Andrea, I want, no I need, you in my life."

Andy remained quiet as silent tears streamed down her face.

"Please stay." Miranda whispered before wiping away Andy's tears with a thumb.

Andy swallowed and nodded her head, she couldnt bring herself to lie to them both anymore. She loved Miranda too much to leave. She had to stay. "I'll stay. We'll see if we can make it work." she whispered.

"Oh thank god." Miranda said, relieved as she pulled Andy into her and held her close.

They soon pulled away and Miranda crushed her lips onto Andy's and kissed her deeply.

Andy let her backpack drop to the floor and she moaned when Miranda wrapped her arms around her neck as they continued to kiss deeply and passionately. Andy put her own arms around Miranda's waist and began to pull her and she stepped backwards and they headed into the lounge.

They stopped in front of the couch and they pulled back for much needed air and gazed into one anothers eyes for long moments. No words of love needed to be said as it was written clear in both womens eyes.

Andy leaned forward and captured Miranda's mouth with her own again before pulling Miranda down onto the sofa along with her, their kiss not breaking at all.

They continued kissing and touching one another for a few more moments before pulling apart and silently sitting and holding hands.

"I should get to bed. I've no idea what time the girls will decide to get up." Miranda whispered.

Andy nodded. "Of course." she replied but she really didn't want Miranda to leave, even if it was just going upstairs.

"I would invite you upstairs with me if the girls weren't down the hall." Miranda replied.

Andy smiled. "Some other time." she whispered back. Her heart fluttered when a wide smile appeared on Miranda's face.

"Sounds lovely." Miranda replied and cupped Andy's cheek with her hand and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

Andy leaned into Miranda's hand and her eyes fluttered closed and she sighed in happiness. "I am so glad that we are together but Miranda it's going to be so hard to be tog-" she was cut off by Miranda placing a soft finger on her lips.

"Shh. Darling, we can worry about all of this later." Miranda replied with a small smile.

Andy nodded. "I'm sorry." she whispered and she took Miranda's hand in her own and kissed the older womans palm softly. "I've just fallen so hard for you and now that I'm with you I cannot lose you." she whispered.

"You're not going to lose me." Miranda replied. "I will do whatever it takes for us to be together." she added. She used to say that about her Ex-husbands, that she would do whatever it took to salvage the marriage, but at the end of the day she always knew that her words had been lies. But now, when it come to Andrea, she knew it wasn't a lie, that she was going to do everything in her power to make a relationship with the beautiful brunette work.

The brunette smiled a lovely smile at her. "So will I." she replied.

They kissed again before Andy reluctantly let go of Miranda's hand so that the older woman could stand from the couch. They gazed at one another, Andy smiling at Miranda, and Miranda gazing at Andy lovingly, before the older woman stepped backwards towards the door. "Good night, my darling Andrea."

Andy smiled widely. "Good night, Miranda." and with that Miranda turned around and left the room. "Some other time." The words Andrea had spoken when she mentioned she'd take Andrea upstairs with her if she could, were stuck in her head. She knew that when they were to spend their first night together, whenever it may be, that it would be the greatest night she'd ever have.



pairing: andy/miranda, user: pure_ecstasy6, all: fiction

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