(no subject)

Apr 17, 2010 15:07

Devil May Care
Coco // i_heart_cuddy
rating R
pairing Miranda/Andy
disclaimer I don't own the Devil Wears Prada, I don't own Meryl Streep or Anne Hathaway and I make no money off of my exploits herein.
summary Miranda has a secret power. It has nothing to do with her power pumps, nothing to do with her ability to make grown men cry. No, it is an entirely incredible, extraordinary power which she goes to great lengths to disguise.
genre I guess maybe it's a crossover. It's a little bit Ghost Whisperer, a little bit GhostTown and maybe a tiny bit X-Files. None of which I own or make any money off of. ♥

The plane touched down half an hour past schedule but otherwise without incident. There had been just enough time for Miranda to run back to her apartment and grab a few articles of clothing and a black Vera Wang dress and when she returned to Andy's, she had just emerged from the building looking around for Miranda's green Porsche.

They caught a taxi at the airport and arrived at Andy's parents' house in fifteen minutes. Andy used her key to let herself in. "Dad?"

Richard Sachs came in from the kitchen, "Andy? Oh my god, Andy." He hurried over to her and pulled her into his arms. He'd obviously been crying. "It's so good to see you, princess."

"You can thank Miranda for that, dad." Andy motioned to Miranda who was still standing in the entryway next to her suitcase.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were there. I'm not... thinking really clearly, you know?" He held his arms out for Miranda and Andy put her hand on his arm and pushed it down gently. "I'm sorry, I'm just feeling kind of emotional right now."

"I understand." Miranda nodded, trying to avoid looking at Josephine who was sitting on the couch staring up at her in shock.

Josephine arose from the couch, "can I speak to you for a moment?"

Miranda sighed inwardly, "is there some place I should put my suitcase?"

"Oh, of course, I'm sorry." Richard smiled apologetically, "there's a guestroom right back there. I can take that for you, if you'd like."

"I can manage." Miranda picked up the suitcase and headed into the quaint little guestroom. She shut the door quietly behind her. "Alright, what do you want?" She whispered.

"You call this working?" Josephine crossed her arms.

"I had to talk Andy into coming here. She's still holding a grudge against you."

"For what?" Josephine demanded.

"Would you keep your voice down?" Miranda whispered harshly, before biting her lip, "oh yeah... no one can hear you... nevermind, I guess."

"I don't feel right about repeating Andrea, I feel like it's a violation of her trust." Miranda shook her head, "but hey, you have her eulogy to look forward to, right?"

"Very funny." Josephine rolled her eyes, "you should be a comedian."

"No matter how funny I was I could never be funnier than this quilt." Miranda put her hand on the bedspread, "did you decorate in here?"

"I did, thank you very much."

"Thought so." Miranda pulled back the corner of the quilt to see the Home Goods tag. "Fake heirloom chic. Absolutely your style."

"If you want to pick a fight with me, Priestly, pick a fight about what you're mad at me about." Josephine glared pointedly, "I know that you're mad at me because of whatever Andy told you."

"It's none of my business." Miranda held up her hands, "I'm an impartial bystander. I've also been in here far too long."

"Will you help me talk to my family?"

Miranda paused, biting her lip, "we can talk about it later."


Richard, Andy and Miranda went out to dinner that evening where they met up with some friends of Josephine's. A few of them knew who Miranda was because of the articles about her finding the body but the others were unaware and Andy explained, very diplomatically, that Miranda was her former boss. A few of them nodded as though they'd heard stories.

Miranda remained quiet. Josephine hovered around the table listening to the conversation without interjecting very often.

When the waiter put down the juicy, bloody filet mignon in front of Miranda, Josephine gawked, "oh christ, I'm dying for a steak!"

Miranda snorted a chuckle through her nose, effectively ceasing all conversations. Miranda bit inside of her lip, "I just sucked some air down the wrong way."

"You know," one of Josephine's friends, Carol, at the end of the table smiled sadly, "that reminds me of how Josie used to wait until someone took a bite and tried to make them laugh."

Miranda smiled a little and glanced up at Josephine.


Once they were back at the house Miranda went into the guestroom and put on a set of silk pyjamas from Prada. She pulled the quilt off the bed, folded it and set it on a chair. She touched the sheets and frowned at the thread count.

Before Miranda could contemplate going out and getting new sheets a knock came on the door. She opened the door to see Andy smiling at her. "May I come in for a minute?"

Miranda nodded and stepped back for Andy to enter.

"I just wanted to say thank you again. It really means a lot to me that you're here. You're making this whole ordeal really bearable."

Miranda nodded, "people usually bring me to funerals to bring up the mood."

Andy laughed, "that time I knew you were being sarcastic."

"Was I?" Miranda asked coyly.

Andy laughed harder, "dragonlady my ass."

"Well," Miranda shrugged, "even dragons can't breathe fire all the time."

Andy smiled. "Can I... just...?"

Miranda held out her arms for the ensuing hug but to her surprise Andy pushed her back against the wall, pressing her lips to Miranda's. Miranda moaned, pulling Andy's hips tightly against her own. The kiss deepened and intensified. Andy grabbed Miranda by the waistband of her pyjama shorts and swung her toward the bed.

Miranda hopped up onto it and Andy climbed over her, straddling her hips, "oh god, Miranda," Andy's hands moved up Miranda's torso to cup her breasts. Miranda moaned and bucked up against her as Andy's thumbs brushed over her hardening nipples.

Andy leaned back down and captured Miranda's lips hungrily. Miranda buried her hands in Andy's hair.

"Oh, hell no!" Josephine cried from behind Andy.

Miranda gasped and pushed Andy off of her to the side, covering her chest with her arm. Her chest heaved and her eyes were wide, locked with Josephine's.

"Oh my god." Miranda put her hand over heart. "Jesus."

Andy sat on the bed, looking down at the comforter, feeling guilty and embarrassed. "I'm sorry." She whispered, jumping up and heading for the door.

"Andrea," Miranda said weakly, not sure what else to say.

"I'll see you in the morning, Miranda, the funeral's at nine." Josephine stepped out of the way so Andy wouldn't step through her.

"Andrea, wait." Miranda frowned, following. Josephine stepped in front of her, Miranda jumped back, she often forgot that she could move through her and tried to avoid running into her.

"Don't go after her. We need to talk." Josephine snarled.

"I don't have to listen to you. You're dead and you're about to be buried. I refuse to be the second woman who disappoints her." Miranda glowered.

"That's a really nice speech but you know I can make your life hell." The two women glared at each other for a few long moments. "I'm not a bigot, Miranda, I don't care if you fuck young girls left and right, I don't care if Andy wants to date a girl, more power to her. But you are not what she needs right now. You have two kids and a really high profile job, where could she possibly fit into that?"

"Just like Andrea said at her apartment. I taught her that if there's something one wants, one can figure out how to afford it."

"But how long until you get tired of her? You want her now but how many jackets, shoes, purses, cars, employees, husbands have you gone through? Do not do this to her. Do not be the second woman who isn't good to her. Do not be the next person who disappoints her."

Miranda shook her head, "I'm not going to be. It stops here." Miranda pushed through Josephine, shivering violently but escaping into the warmth of the living room. Miranda wished that she'd put something else on and hoped that Richard was already in bed.

She only worried for a moment that she wouldn't be able to find Andy's room because when she arrived at the top of the stairs it was obvious from the foam letters that Andy's was the first one on the left. She knocked on it lightly, "Andrea?"

After a few moments, Andy answered her, "what?"

"May I come in?" Miranda waited but got no response. She was just about to turn and leave when the door opened slowly.

Miranda stepped in. Andy kept her head bowed and wouldn't look at Miranda. "Look, I don't need the gentle let down. I get it. I'm sorry, that was impulsive and stupid of me."

"Andrea, when it comes to words less is more." Miranda leaned in and kissed her. Andy leaned into the kiss, sighing softly.

"You pushed me away," she breathed. "That hurt..."

"I was startled," Miranda admitted honestly. Andy kissed Miranda softly, Miranda kissed her back and stroked her cheek. "But... I have to tell you something. I have to be honest with you... it's about your mother."

"My mother?" Andy furrowed her brow in thought. "You and... is that why she was in your neighborhood?"

"What?" Miranda didn't understand the question at first and then realized the implications, "no. I never met your mother when she was alive."

Andy frowned, "that's such an odd way to put that. Is that a Britishism, or something?"

"No. It isn't. This is really hard to explain and I'm well aware that it's going to sound completely unbelievable, but I implore you to keep an open mind." Miranda started, Andy watched her expectantly. "When I was thirteen, I disappeared for two weeks and I have no idea where I was, there weren't any leads but when I woke up my hair was white and my grandmother was there to comfort me."

"Why is that hard to believe?" Andy was confused.

"Because my grandmother had been dead for five years." Miranda bit the inside of her lip, "since then I've done a pretty good job of pretending I see no one, I'm sure you can attest that that skill extends to the living. I was in the office on Friday and I heard someone calling your name and I... looked up. It was your mother."

Andy furrowed her brow, "okay, Miranda, I'm waiting for the punchline."

"No punchline, no sarcasm. I'm being completely honest and serious." Josephine joined the two women in Andy's room.

"That's funny because you can't be fucking serious because you're saying that you've talked to my dead mother. Since she's been dead." Andy started to pace the small room. "Which means that you're either being an asshole or you're fucking schizophrenic."

"I... understand your feelings completely. I know that I'm asking you to believe a lot."

"I don't know why... but I'll give you a chance. Ask her to say something that only she would know."

Miranda looked over at Josephine. She shook her head, crossing her arms. Miranda sighed deeply and shrugged her shoulders, "she's mad at me, she's not talking to me. First time I've gotten her to shut up in the last few days."

Josephine stuck her tongue out at Miranda.

Andy scoffed. "You're pathetic, Miranda. Look, if you don't want to be with me fine, then say it. But don't expect me to believe this."

Miranda was at a loss, "Andrea, I don't know what to say... on the one hand I wish I'd never met your mother, on the other hand she brought you back to me and I have to be thankful for that. She's really sorry about how she was and she's been harrassing me to make things right with you. Tonight, when you kissed me, your mother interrupted us. Then you ran out and I didn't follow right away because she wanted to talk to me."

"This is bullshit, I don't have to listen to this." Andy crossed her arms across her chest. "Get out of my room."

"She didn't want me to be the next woman who couldn't make time for you or the woman to hurt you. She loves you so much, she's staying here because she wants me to tell you that. She wants everything good for you, she couldn't have asked for a better daughter than you."

"That doesn't sound like my mother." Andy shook her head, her eyes wet with tears.

"You said you wanted a mother who moved heaven and earth for you, maybe she hasn't moved it but she's foresaking heaven to be here. For you."

"Damn you, Miranda," Josephine wiped at her eyes, "appealing to my emotion. Damnit, I can't cry!"

"You don't have a body, how could you produce tears?"

"Good point," Josephine grumbled. She sighed, "look, tell her that her teddy bear's name was Regenald and she lost him when she was six."

"You had a teddy bear named Regenald and you lost him when you were six."

Josephine struggled a little, "and... I'm so sorry, Andy, my girl, I wanted to wash him when you were at school and I spilled bleach on him by accident and I couldn't bring myself to tell you, I wanted to so many times."

"She spilled bleach on him." Miranda said softly. "She was afraid to tell you."

"It all seems so meaningless now. Tell her she used to fall asleep in my lap watching I Love Lucy on Nick-at-Nite. Tell her that I used to sing Mercedes Benz by Janis Joplin to her as a lullaby. Tell her I'm sorry that I wasn't on her side." Josephine stepped up to Andy, "I just loved you so much and I wanted you to have everything and I pushed you because you were so smart and I know that I pushed you too hard."

Josephine reached forward and touched Andy's cheek. Andy put her hand over Josephine's trying to warm her cheek. "Mom?"

"She knows she pushed you too hard, she just wanted so badly for you to succeed. She's so proud of you." Miranda took a step closer to Andy.

Andy put up her hand. "Please," she wiped at her teary eyes, "I need to be alone for a while."

pairing: andy/miranda, all: fiction, user: i_heart_cuddy

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