(no subject)

Apr 05, 2010 16:25

Skin Deep
Author: Coleen / aposse  
Pairing: Miranda / Andy
Rating: Does thumb sucking really have a rating?
Disclaimer: I don't own them - I wish I could. I wouldn't be sharing if I did.
Summary: "Miranda’s whimper of pain turned into a gasp of pleasure as Andrea sucked out the splinter from her thumb."
Author's Note: Thank you to the wonderful otakugamer01  for putting up the series of  micro fics that inspired me! This is a tiny drabble/one-shot. Unbeta'd. Mistakes are obviously mine. I'm enjoying my last day of creative freedom before classes start again.

( “Please.” She whispered, extending the wrist further. Andrea kissed it. )
As you know, your feedback is well appreciated! 

length: drabble, pairing: andy/miranda, all: fiction, rating: g, user: aposse, status: complete, length: one-shot

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