Hardest Word before the Fall || Chapter 21-23 || Miranda/Andrea

Apr 05, 2010 12:31

Pairing Miranda/Andrea
Fandom Devil Wears Prada
Rating R
Warning This is a cancer story but not a death story
Disclaimer In profile
Summary Miranda’s worse fears come true and she only has one person she can rely on, can she swallow her pride and allow Andy to help or continue to struggle alone.
A/N This is going to be tough going and will include detailed disruption of breast cancer treatment I understand anyone that doesn’t want to read this, as pointed out in the warnings this is not a death fiction - Miranda will live I am telling the story of how she gets through her diagnoses and treatment and how her relationship with Andrea evolves

1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15 || 16 || 17 || 18 || 19 || 20

21 || 22 || 23

genre: angst, pairing: andy/miranda, user: gt22, all: fiction, rating: r

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