Jan 09, 2010 23:43


Sequel to Making Dreams Come True

Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Mirada/Andy 
Summary: AU What if at the end of the movie instead of the nod and wave, Andy mouthed ‘thank you’ and Miranda then nodded to her before she got in the car and smiled?

Disclaimer: This is especially important as I'm sure I DO NOT own or have rights to The Devil Wears Prada or any of its characters.

A/N:  The next chapter in the lives of our lovely Ladies. I hope I am still staying as close to the actual characters as I intend. Let me know!
Best to read Making Dreams Come True First. Posted on my journal page.


Thanks for reading!!!


            Paris fashion week was quickly approaching. Miranda had originally thought she would feel remiss about going back only a year after Andréa had walked away from her. However, all she could feel now was grateful. The wonderful changes the year had brought them proved it to have been a blessing.

They were together. Well, kind of. They were working towards the stable permanency they both desired. Neither of Miranda’s two failed marriages had any of the strength her relationship with Andréa was already showing.

Paris fashion week was the most important week of her year. The shows, designers, meetings, photo shoots were all the ingredients she gathered for the recipe she used to keep RUNWAY number one.

That being the case, wouldn’t it make sense, from a business standpoint, of course, to also add the most sought after writer in the business right now? A writer, who could contribute to the experience that was fashion week in Paris. Someone who could take all the magic and beauty that fueled Miranda for the following year and present to her readers. So that they too could enjoy the wonders of discovering all that magic and beauty had to offer.

Irv had been hounding her to get Andréa to write something for them. What better way than to have her go along with them to Paris to gather all of the information firsthand? Plus the added benefit of the publicity. Being seen there as part of the RUNWAY staff would be enough for Irv and the board members of Elias-Clark to wiggle in their seats with excitement.

Oh yes, and there was that added advantage of being in Paris with Andréa not acting as her assistant. But as her what, girlfriend? That’s what they were to each other, right? Where better to have a first date than in the city of love.

Andy was typing away at her new desk, in her new office, in her new home. She was going through her e-mails and reading over job offers, when her phone rang.

“Andy Sachs.”

“Honestly Andréa, is that really how a professional successful writer should answer her phone?” There was no malice in her voice, just teasing.

Andy grinned and leaned back in her chair. “You’re absolutely right dear. How about this? ‘Thank you for calling Andréa Sachs, extremely successful, professional, busy writer. I would love to talk to you, however, my girlfriend has me using this insanely long phone greeting, which, because I am so successful and busy, I do not have the time to talk to you.’ Does that work better for you sweetheart?”

Miranda had tears in her eyes from laughing. “Maybe you should just stick with what you had darling.” Her laughter was dying into chuckles.

Andy was laughing too. “You have the most musical laugh. It’s delightful.”

“Thank you. You do seem to bring it out to me.” Her voice was now soft and sweet.

“I hope that will always be the case.” Andy replied, just us sweetly.

“Hmm, me too”

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your marvelous voice?”

Right, back to business. “I have a proposition for you.”

“Really” she drew out seductively.

Miranda felt her stomach flutter. “A business proposition.”

“I’m really not going to touch that one sweetheart.”

“Andréa!” she was grinning into the phone. Andy knew that if she could see her, the older woman’s cheeks would be flushed pink.

“Okay.” She chuckled. “What is your proposition?”

“I would like you to do a twelve piece series for RUNWAY. Covering the designers and designs we will be viewing in Paris during fashion week. I want it to cover the experience of the week and how that lends itself to the following year and what it contributes to the production and content of the magazine.”

There was silence on the other end of the line. She waited for a moment. “Andréa?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m here.” She was trying to wrap her head around it. “So, you want me, to go to Paris, with you?”

Miranda could hear the trepidation in the younger woman’s voice. ‘Stay calm Miranda, don’t scare her off.’ She thought. “Yes.”

“And then write about it, for a year long series?”

“Yes.” Miranda was beginning to think she may have made a mistake.

“And go to the functions, with you?”

‘Oh my, I’ve blown it. It’s too soon.’ “Yes.”

“As a writer for RUNWAY?”

Time to fess up. “Yes and no” she heard Andréa released a long sigh.

“Have you thought about the potential consequences of that no?”


“And are you sure you are ready to deal with all of the possible consequence?”

Miranda steeled herself, and with all the conviction and love she could put into her voice she replied, “Yes darling.” Andréa was silent again. She waited, realizing she never wanted anything so much in her life as she wanted Andréa to say yes and to go with her to Paris again. “Of course, if you’re not ready, I under…” she was interrupted.


“Yes?” A single tear began to silently fall over Miranda soft cheek.

“Yes, my love, I would very much like to accept your business proposition, and go to Paris with you.”


“Really. I do have one condition, though.”

“Oh?” The editor held her breath.

“I only fetch you coffee, if I want to.” She said it is deadpan as she could with the smile on her lips.

Miranda released her breath and smirked. “I believe I can accommodate that condition.”

Both women were quiet for a minute as they regained their composure and digested what this would mean. Andy spoke first. “We are really going to do this.” It was a statement.

“I think,” Miranda organized her thoughts quickly, wanting to use the right words for this. “I think, no, I know I want to start our next chapter. I’m ready to find out how our story is going to be written.”

“I want that too, very much. Have you discussed this with the girls? It’s going to be much bigger in the press than the divorce and I know you don’t want them hurt anymore.”

“Yes, I thought about that. I’m pretty sure they have some idea that something is going on with me, and I know they only want me to be happy.”

“Miranda, I would like to make something very clear before we go any further. I will never, ever come between you and your girls. I know what they mean to you. I would rather love you from afar and live without you than see you or them hurt because of us.”

Tears rimmed the editor’s eyes again. “Darling, Andréa. That is one of the things that makes you so dear to me. I truly believe you mean that with all your heart. However, I don’t think it will come to that.” She sighed. “It may take them a while to adjust, but they are very resilient.”

“Just like their mother.”

“Yes, I guess so.”

“If you like, if you think it would help, the three of you can come over for dinner and they can meet me again, this time, not as your assistant.”

“I think that would be lovely.”

Andréa smiled. “Good. Just let me know when.”

“I don’t have anything scheduled for Friday night. Does that work for you?”

“Friday it is. Do they have any favorite meals?” Andy grabbed a pen and a piece of paper.

“Caroline loves macaroni and cheese and Cassidy is a big fan of roast beef.”

“And what about you?”

“You don’t know?”

“I know never to assume what you may want. Your needs, those I can manage.”

Miranda was blushing and her stomach fluttered again. “I believe you can, you are very good at anticipating my needs.”

“Hopefully that will only improve over time.”

“Indeed. As for what I like to eat, after the exquisite meal you prepared last week. I have no concerns about eating anything you fix.”

“Alright, how does seven o’clock sound?”

“That sounds wonderful. I’ll have Emily send you the information you’ll need for Paris and the contracts.” Miranda closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “We’ll see you in a couple of days.”

“I’ll be here.”

“Goodnight Andréa.”

“Goodnight my Miranda.”

“Holy Fucking Shit!” so much for her being eloquent with words. Andy covered her face with her hands. She took a deep breath and slid her hands to rest her fingers on her lips and whispered through them, “Oh. My. God. We are really going to do this. In four weeks, the entire world will know I’m in love with Miranda Priestly, and” she smiled. “That she is in love with me.”

Andy picked up her phone and dialed “Dougie. I need you to get over here right now and bring alcohol.”

“Honey, are you okay?”

“Better than okay. Just get here, fast.”

He was already on his way out the door. “Okay, okay. I’ll be there in fifteen”

She hung up and held the phone to her lips. Andy was sure she was about to explode from the excitement.

After the initial frenzy of her announcement to Doug wore off they sat in the living room, drinking wine. Leave it to Doug to bring her back to earth in an utterly realistic way.

“What are you going to do about your parents?”

“I haven’t given it much thought yet. I guess I should just call them.” She looked up at him, “or do you think I should tell them in person?”

“Well, you know my answer for that. I definitely wish I had done it over the phone.” They laughed. They could laugh about it now. Doug’s parents had come to accept him being gay. But in the beginning it was really hard on him, how they made him feel like he has let them down. She was there for him and he would be there for her.

“Yeah, and you just told them you liked guys. Let’s not forget who I have to tell them I’m dating.” She stopped laughing and grinned. Her parents knew only the side of her former boss that tormented and belittled her during her employment at RUNWAY.

“But things are different And. You are different. They know how happy you are. They’ll realize that a big part of that is your relationship with Miranda. You’ll see, it’ll be okay.” He leaned in and squeezed her knee.

“I hope you’re right.” She sighed and took a drink.

“Are you going to tell Lily?”

“Hmm. I don’t know. We really haven’t talked much since Nate. I don’t think she really cares what I do anymore.” She chuckled, “funny how my misery was okay with her, but now that I’m successful and happy, she doesn’t want anything to do with me. So much for being my best friend.”

“Yeah, well that’s Lily. She doesn’t even bother to return my calls. I’m a traitor in her eyes.”

“Thank God! I don’t know what I would have done without you this last year.”

“You would have been fine. But I’m glad I was here. Especially now,” he smiled evilly at her, “just think of all the ‘perks’ you’ll get is Miranda Priestley’s girlfriend.”

“You ass.” She laughed with him. They refilled their wineglasses. “She’s bringing the girls over on Friday night for dinner.” She tapped her finger on her glass she held it to her mouth.

“Wow. That’s, wow.” He looked at her for a moment trying to read her expression. “You’re worried.”

“Sure, wouldn’t you be?”

“I guess so, yeah. I just didn’t stop to think about it. Hmm. What if they won’t accept it or you?”

“I already told her I will not come between her and her girls.” She stared off into space. “Comical, isn’t it. After everything we’ve been through and how far we’ve come, and now our fate rests in the hands of twin demon twelve-year-olds.”

“It could be worse.”

She looked at him with a questioning glare.

“They could’ve been triplets.”

“Very funny smartass.” She finished her glass of wine and filled it again. She wanted to get sloshed and forget about the feared results in the coming days. She felt more terrified about losing Miranda now than she ever would have believed.

She knew losing her now, would destroy something in her that would never be able to be rebuilt or replaced.
            Part of her soul would die.

rating: pg, pairing: andy/miranda, user: mxrolkr, all: fiction

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