Hey all hope you all had a wonderful day with family and friends and of course our favorite couple.
This is My gift to mxrolkr! Yep I was your Secret Santa.
So Whoop whoop! May you and everyone else enjoy it all the way.
oh and Merry Christmas and a happy new year...
Title: Ladies in red.
Fandom: DWP
Whishlist: What I want: SMUT! There I'm not afraid to say it! But love too. Not
much angt, a lttle is okay if it's realistic and serves the over all
story. Miranda/Andy a must. AU is fine, maybe different career paths
or Definately the twins. NO death fic
Pairing: Miranda/Andrea
Summary: red dress, red wine, red blush. It seemed the only way to release these matters, Miranda thought, was to make Andrea come...continuously.
Rating: M
A/N:Oh and listen to ‘Lady in red’ while reading this. It will be amusing I promise…
Disclaimer: These ladies are not min. Wish they were.
Author: via_proxy
So on to my fic…
Ladies in red:
http://viaproxy.livejournal.com/7591.html Part 1 :
http://viaproxy.livejournal.com/7168.html Part 2:
http://viaproxy.livejournal.com/7089.html Part 3:
http://viaproxy.livejournal.com/6807.html Part 4:
http://viaproxy.livejournal.com/6645.html Part 5:
http://viaproxy.livejournal.com/6274.html Part 6:
http://viaproxy.livejournal.com/6076.html Epilogue:
http://viaproxy.livejournal.com/5777.html take care