Tis the day before Mother's Day

May 11, 2018 16:01

Title: Tis the day before Mother's Day

Characters: Miranda/Andy

Word Count: 2123

Rating:R after Labor Day, I think

Summary: Things happen around the holidays, basically Miranda and Andy slow burn over a year.

Author's Note: So all mistakes are mine and I do not own any of these characters, nor do I profit from them. Also you may hate this. Like really hate this but this is a series. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Labor Day (American one, not the real one). I plan on one chapter before each holiday.

I've added in May, I'm working though ideas for June. I'm not sure what to write in June. July will most likely be the Fourth of July. August is up in the air. If there's a holiday or situation I can think of or is suggested to me I might use it. Conclusion of the series is on the 2nd of September.

Constructive criticism is deeply appreciated. Also thank you for all the comments. If you have ideas you'd like to see incorporated, shout them out and if I use them I'll give you credit.
If anyone is following me, please be patient. I'm currently studying for 6 exams and working 100%. Writing is slow.

Tis the day before Mother's Day

length: 1000, genre: romance, user: stacks_of_books, all: fiction

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