July Fic-A-Day Almost On Track

Jun 23, 2015 21:19

I love this community!  You have proven me wrong once again--we now only need 13 more sign-ups instead of the other way around!  You guys have totally put this fic thing back on track.

I'm hoping that there are 13 more peeps that can put some words together or maybe do some napkin art and would be willing to sign up for a day.  (Why does no one ever do the napkin art?  Why?)  (Oh, now I want a fic where someone is leaving napkin art of Miranda Priestly in bars or just fashion events in general and Miranda has to find out and then she needs to find out who the artist is...  Totes AU maybe and Andy is the caterer's daughter caught in daydreams...) (Anyone?)

Dates still open:  July 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, and 27.

Link to sign up:  http://punky-96.livejournal.com/197271.html

I would love for this year to retain the title of July Fic A Day, but for that to happen we need a few more people to sign up.  It doesn't have to be a long fic, we love drabbles here on the com.  It doesn't have to be a new fic.  I would love it if some folks just posted 1 itty bitty new chapter of a WIP :)

If we still have open dates, then I am going to run a Reader Fic Bingo.  Winners will get some kind of fantastic prize, I mean, they will receive a drabble from me based on a three word prompt.  :)

user: punky_96

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